[coroutine]s can be used to turn blocking-style socket code into non-blocking. Here's a simple example. First, a blocking-style echo server: ====== namespace eval echo { proc echo {sock host port} { while {![eof $sock]} { puts $sock [gets $sock] } } proc accept {sock host port} { chan configure $sock -blocking 1 -buffering line echo $sock $host $port close $sock } } socket -server echo::accept 1234 ====== Because echo uses blocking reads, this server can only service one client at a time. A concurrent version has to use non-blocking sockets, with significant impact on how echo is written: ====== namespace eval echo { proc echo {sock host port} { if {[eof $sock]} { close $sock return } puts $sock [gets $sock] } proc accept {sock host port} { chan configure $sock -blocking 0 -buffering line chan event $sock readable [list [namespace current]::echo $sock $host $port] } } socket -server echo::accept 1234 ====== The transformation to echo is quite simple, but if it were a more complex protocol it would effectively need to be turned into a state machine, making the code harder to write. Wouldn't it be nice if we could keep the blocking-style implementation of the connection handler, and yet safely handle multiple clients at once? Coroutines to the rescue! ====== namespace eval echo { proc gets {args} { if {[info coroutine] == ""} { return [::gets {*}$args] } else { set sock [lindex $args end] while {[set data [::gets $sock]] == ""} { if {[eof $sock]} { puts "EOF on $sock" return -code return {} } yield } return $data } } proc echo {sock host port} { while {![eof $sock]} { puts $sock [gets $sock] } } proc handle {sock host port} { puts "connect on $sock (from $host:$port)" yield echo $sock $host $port close $sock } namespace eval clients {} proc accept {sock host port} { coroutine clients::$host:$port handle $sock $host $port chan configure $sock -blocking 0 -buffering line chan event $sock readable [list [namespace current]::$host:$port] } } socket -server echo::accept 1234 ====== I've cheated a little here by putting echo in its own namespace so that a local version of [gets] can be provided (taken from [co_gets] at [coroutine-enabled event handling]), but notice that the implementation of echo is ''exactly the same'' as the original blocking version! Trying to explain what's going on here in simple terms: when we receive a new connection, we spawn a coroutine for it, naming it clients::$host:$port. The [coroutine] call in accept invokes [handle] which immediately [yield]s back to the main coroutine. At this point, clients::$host:$port is a command which will resume the coroutine at whatever point it last [yield]ed. The next command [chan event] ensures the coroutine will be invoked whenever data becomes available. The other important detail is the implementation of [gets]: since the socket is actually in non-blocking mode, [::gets] will return an empty string if no data is available. When this is the case we want to put the current coroutine back to sleep and resume on the next [chan event] .. which is just a call to [yield]! Note that if we hit eof on the socket during a call to echo::gets, the current implementation will raise an error back to echo::echo. Returning {} would be more consistent with [gets] in blocking mode, but (I thought) raising an error gives more opportunity for echo::handle to robustly recover from failures. The following diagram of control flow helped me to understand: ---- main coro ---- ---- [socket] [event loop] [accept] [handle] [yield] [event loop] [chan event] [echo] [gets] [yield] [event loop] [chan event] [gets] [puts] [gets] [yield] [event loop] ---- The limitation here is of course that [gets] needs to be replaced .. it would be neater with [reflected channels] but I couldn't figure out how to make that work. <>Networking | Coroutines