** Laltila ** [Dodekalogue%|%If] a hash character ("'''`[#]`'''") appears at a point where Tcl is expecting the first character of the first word of a command, then the hash character and the characters that follow it, up through the next newline, are treated as a comment and ignored. The comment character only has significance when it appears at the beginning of a command. Abdul Akkas Miah ** Abdul Akkas Miah See Also ** [re_syntax]: expanded regular expression syntax includes syntax for comments [Easy Ctext Commenting]: [SeS] 2013-07-01: 7-1-2013: how to enable easy and fast commenting inside a [Ctext] widget [Why can I not place unmatched braces in Tcl comments]: ** Abdul Akkas Miah See Also ** [re_syntax]: expanded regular expression syntax includes syntax for comments [Easy Ctext Commenting]: [SeS] 2013-07-01: 7-1-2013: how to enable easy and fast commenting inside a [Ctext] widget [Why can I not place unmatched braces in Tcl comments]: ** ** Inline Comments ** Use `;#` for inline comments: ====== set stuff [some kind of nonsense] ; # That semi-colon terminates the previous # command, allowing a comment to be added ====== ** Block Comments ** The common idiom for block comments is to use [[`[if]`] with a critera of `0`: ====== if 0 { Any Tcl code to be commented out (with matching braces, of course!) or any other kind of text, will be ignored - and even [exit] won't fire because it's in braces, so left unevaluated! } ====== Tcl is optimized for this idiom, making it a good choice. One caveat is that [Dodekalogue%|%the rules] for braces still apply, so unmatched braces in the comment would be an error. ** A Comment Proc ** At the scripting level, A comment behaves almost like a null-operation command. It's trivial to code a procedure that did something similar, albeit more slowly, since the procedure would actually run instead of just being stripped out prior to script evaluation, but notice that there is a significant difference: ====== proc # args {} {#} This is a call to the new proc that does nothing, like a comment {#} but this here still does an [exit]!! So it's not like {#} {[exit] [exit] [exit] is ok} # a regular [exit] comment like this will not exit, but... {#} [exit] [exit] [exit] ... will indeed exit ====== The typical usage, then, is: ====== {#} { This is a comment in braces } ====== [SDW] [PYK]: If you are concerned about the comment being evaluated, enclose it in curly brackets: ====== {#} { And now I can put in comments to my heart's content. Without fear of the whitespace getting munched. Nor even that the my "quotes" will leak out of the brackets. and now even [exit] will not be evaluated. } ====== The name of the command is pretty self-documenting: "comment in braces"... Much more intuitive than e.g. [Ruby]'s "=begin ... =end", and available with almost zero implementation! ([RS]) In the [Tcl chatroom], [MS] pointed out: "the bytecode compiler recognizes `proc whatever args {}` and compiles no invocation for that; the cost is (almost) nothing. For other empty procs, an invocation will be compiled, so that you have a call/return overhead", and that `if 0 {...}` may raise errors on some contents (up to tcl8.3). ** Dummy Variables as Comments ** [SDW] 2007-03-14: In the [Tcl chatroom] I also shared one of my styles, which is to write comments in dummy variables. While they do take up memory, and are not cleaned up by the compiler like the `if 0 {...}` comments are, well you don't have to worry about future changes in the compiler barfing up syntax errors. I'm paranoid, largely because I have code that's been kicking around since (gasp) Tcl 8.0beta. ====== set comment { And now I can put in comments to my heart's content. Without fear of the whitespace getting munched. Nor even that the my "quotes" will leak out of the brackets. } ====== ** A List with Comments ** [RS] 2006-07-13: In the [Tcl chatroom] someone asked how to have comments in [list]s. First answer is, lists are data, and comments apply only where commands are parsed; but the second answer is: of course! Lists in a source file come as strings (often in curly braces), and that Tcl is good at doing things with strings is well-known :^) One [regsub] is enough to strip substrings between # and the next newline: ====== set data { # This is an example of comments in data test { 4711 # an integer all # a word } date today # one more test } % regsub -all {#.*?\n} $data \n test { 4711 all } date today ====== [RLH]: Wouldn't it be nifty: ====== #- Everything in here is a comment or something similiar. #- ====== [FM] With tcl above 8.5, the [{*}] idiom can be use in a list command : ====== set A [list \ element1 \ {*}[# comment # comment \ comment ]\ element2] ====== The subscript containing comments vanishes since it returns an empty string. ** Historical ** The following information is maintained for historical purposes, but isn't particularly useful reading for modern Tcl ---- Any word corresponding to a bcc'ed command at the start of a line is risky ...: ====== % if 0 {set a b c} % if 0 {if you want to write this, you can't} % if 0 {while you read this, tcl errs out} ====== Therefore, ====== {#} {set any number of words; if you so wish} ====== is more robust than "if 0 {...}", as long as you DO NOT forget the braces, and before 8.4. But ====== {#} do not [[exit]] ====== *will* exit ... <> Control Structure | Tcl syntax | Arts and crafts of Tcl-Tk programming