[JM] Jan-31-2017 Combining code from [base conversion] and [color values available for syntactic use in Tcl scripts], one could add some visual indication of files with likely same content. console show package require cksum pack [frame .c -relief ridge -bd 2] -fill both -expand 1 set canvas [canvas .c.canvas -yscrollcommand ".c.sy set" \ -width 300 -height 400 -relief raised -bd 2] scrollbar .c.sy -orient vert -command "$canvas yview" -bd 1 pack .c.sy -side right -fill y pack $canvas -fill both -expand 1 proc hex {num} { set res {} set hex_list {0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F} while {$num / 16 != 0} { set rest [expr {$num%16}] set res [lindex $hex_list $rest]$res set num [expr {$num/16}] } set res [lindex $hex_list $num]$res } set mark 0 foreach file [glob *] { if {[file type $file] == "file"} { set checksum [hex [crc::cksum -file $file]] puts "$file [file type $file] $checksum" set i [string range $checksum 0 5] scan $i "%2x%2x%2x" r g b if {($r+$g+$b)<350} { set col white } else { set col black } set i \#$i $canvas create rect 0 $mark 400 [incr mark 30] \ -fill $i -outline {} -tags $i $canvas create text 220 [expr $mark-15] -text "$file ($checksum)" -fill $col -tags $i -anchor ne } } <>Enter Category Here