Version 24 of chan pipe

Updated 2015-04-24 15:14:42 by pooryorick


package require Tcl 8.6
lassign [chan pipe] readChanId writeChanId
close $readChanId; close $writeChanId


Creates a standalone anonymous operating system pipe and returns a pair of channel handles for its read and write ends, in this order.

The most useful way to use such pipes is to redirect standard channel(s) of a process to be run using [exec ... &] in which case it becomes possible to close the stdin of the spawned process forcing it to detect EOF and exit while collecting what it writes on its stdout/stderr. For instance, the tclgpg extension makes heavy use of this technique to control the gpg binary being executed.

This subcommand was introduced by TIP #304 [L1 ] and is mostly a rip of the pipe command implementation from Tclx.


The implementation is available in Tcl ≥ 8.6.

kostix has created a TEA-based extension out of this implementation called tclpipe. It can be used with (supposedly) any version of Tcl (tested on 8.4 and 8.5).

Should This Work?

PYK 2015-04-18: The following code hangs at read $pr1. Is it coded wrong, is it a bug, or is it a "don't do that" scenario?

#! /bin/env tclsh
package require Thread

lassign [chan pipe] pr1 pw1
lassign [chan pipe] pr2 pw2

set tid [thread::create]

thread::transfer $tid $pw1
thread::transfer $tid $pw2
thread::send $tid [
    list exec [info nameofexecutable] << {
        for {set i 0} {$i < 10000} {incr i} {
            puts hello
            puts stderr goodbye
    } >@$pw1 2>@$pw2 &
thread::send $tid [list close $pw1]
thread::send $tid [list close $pw2]
puts [list reading $pr1]
set out [read $pr1]
puts done
puts [string length $out]
close $pr1

set errout [read $pr2]
puts [string length $errout]
close $pr2

DKF: The problem is that the puts stderr is in the loop, which fills up that pipe and stops things from working. It's important to use asynchronous processing (which Tcl is good at!) when working with multiple pipes so that neither blocks.

Try this version instead:

package require Thread

lassign [chan pipe] pr1 pw1
lassign [chan pipe] pr2 pw2

set tid [thread::create]

thread::transfer $tid $pw1
thread::transfer $tid $pw2
thread::send $tid {
    proc doStuff {out err} {
        exec [info nameofexecutable] << {
            for {set i 0} {$i < 10000} {incr i} {
                puts hello
                puts stderr goodbye
        } >@ $out 2>@ $err &
        close $out
        close $err
thread::send $tid [list doStuff $pw1 $pw2]
fileevent $pr1 readable "readpipe $pr1 $pr2"
fconfigure $pr1 -blocking 0
fileevent $pr2 readable "readpipe $pr2 $pr1"
fconfigure $pr2 -blocking 0
proc readpipe {p1 p2} {
    append ::out($p1) [read $p1]
    if {[eof $p1]} {
        close $p1
        if {$p2 ni [chan names]} {
            set ::done ok
puts [list reading $pr1]
vwait done
puts [string length $out($pr1)]
set errout $out($pr2)
puts [string length $errout]

Capture stderr of and open command pipeline

AMG: [chan pipe] can be used to access the stderr of an [open |] pipeline.

lassign [chan pipe] rderr wrerr
set stdio [open |[concat $command [list 2>@ $wrerr]] a+]
# write to $stdio -> pipeline's stdin
# read from $stdio <- pipeline's stdout
# read from $rderr <- pipeline's stderr

PYK 2015-04-13: I think it's also necessary to close $wrerr, so that eof can get generated on $rderr when the executed command finishes:

lassign [chan pipe] rderr wrerr
set stdio [open |[concat $command [list 2>@ $wrerr]] a+]
close $wrerr
# write to $stdio -> pipeline's stdin
# read from $stdio <- pipeline's stdout
# read from $rderr <- pipeline's stderr
close $rderr

aspect: Sounds similar in application to String channels, which works on 8.4/5 at least.

kostix comments: aspect, I doubt this: pipes [chan pipe] creates are operating system objects which have real handles hidden behind Tcl channels. So when you, for instance, redirect the stdin of a spawned process to the pipe, on the OS level the handle of the process stdin will be the read handle of the OS pipe. And this is the OS who transports the data over such a pipe between Tcl channels.

aspect: Right you are .. string channels are a much more simple-minded facility, and not nearly as useful.