Version 17 of cgi.tcl

Updated 2012-02-18 04:10:03 by SEH

Don Libes cgi.tcl package is great for rapid development of dynamic web sites.

See also the cgi.tcl extension page, which has more information on this very useful tool.

An Upload Example

WJR Here's an example script that could be used to upload files. If anything it demonstrates how easy cgi.tcl makes such as interface. There are no security mechanisms in this script, so make sure to control for unauthorized uploads! This particular example is from a Windows/Apache setup but I'm sure only minimal changes would be required for other platforms.


 package require cgi

 # Upload dir
 set updir [file join {d:\Apache2\htdocs\my-app\uploads\in}]

 cgi_eval {

     # Read all CGI input and decode it

     # Name of file on server, "the_file" represents the form field
     # used to upload the file
     set server [cgi_import_file -server the_file]

     # If file size is 0, delete the CGI temp file and redirect
     # client to the upload error page
     if {[file size $server] == 0} {
         file delete $server
         cgi_redirect /my-app/upload-error.html

     # Filename sent by the client (tail only, IE sends the entire
     # path of the client file)
     set client [file tail [cgi_import_file -client the_file]]

     # Make sure the uploaded file has an acceptable filename
     regsub -all {([^\w.-])} $client - safe_file
     regsub {^[-.]+} $safe_file "" safe_file

     # Move (and rename) the file to the uploads/in directory
     # Existing files will be overwritten
     file rename -force $server $updir/$safe_file
     #warning: ensure your Tcl version is not subject to bug 2015723, or the rename may intermittently & silently fail to do anything.

     # Redirect client
     cgi_redirect /my-app/upload.html

Don Libes' cgi.tcl run in a Slave Interpreter with TclHttpd