'''[http://www.tcl.tk/man/tcl/TclCmd/binary.htm%|%binary]''', a [Tcl Commands%|%built-in] Tcl command, inserts and extracts fields from binary strings. ** Synopsis ** : '''[binary format]''' ''formatString'' ?''arg arg ...''? : '''[binary scan]''' ''string formatString'' ?''varName varName ...''? : '''[binary encode]''' ''format'' ?''-option value ...''? ''data'' : '''[binary decode]''' ''format'' ?''-option value ...''? ''data'' ** Documentation ** [http://www.tcl.tk/man/tcl/TclCmd/binary.htm%|%official reference]: ** Description ** `binary` facilitates the direct manipulation of bytes in a string, and can interpret those bytes in various ways. `[binary scan]` is used to extract data, and `[binary format]` is used to generate data. ** Examples ** In a conversation in the Tcl'ers Chat about how to display the bits in a number [DKF] came up with this: ====== binary scan [binary format I $value] B32 x; set x ====== [GPS]: I use the following string to/from hex conversion procedures to store files that may contain special characters that interfere with the OS filesystem in my [Grindweb] program: ====== proc convert.string.to.hex str { binary scan $str H* hex return $hex } proc convert.hex.to.string hex { foreach c [split $hex {}] { if {![string is xdigit $c]} { return "#invalid $hex" } } binary format H* $hex } ====== Displaying the [ASCII] equivalent of characters in a string: ====== set chrs abc binary scan [encoding convertto ascii $chrs] c* x puts $x 97 98 99 ====== results in the translation of the characters to hex being assigned to `$x`. If the characters are some encoding other than ASCII, just change the '''ascii''' to the appropriate encoding name. [DKF]: Also consider using `[scan] $str %c` for single characters where you want the [UNICODE] character number (which is the same as the ASCII one for ASCII characters, and the same as the ISO8859-1 codepoint too, since UNICODE is a superset of ISO8859-1 and that in turn is a superset of ASCII). ---- [AMG]: Here's a way to reverse the bit order of each ''eight-bit'' character in a string: ====== proc bit_reverse {str} { binary scan $str B* bits binary format b* $bits } ====== ** Bitwise Exclusive Or ** [PYK] 2015-11-07: `::binary::^` might be the right name for a command that does [^%|%exclusive or] operations on arbitrary strings. Here is an implementation of such a command: ====== proc ::tcl::binary::^ {t1 t2} { if {$t2 < $t1} { set t1 $t2[set t2 $t1; list] } set res {} for {set i 0} {$i < [string length $t1]} {incr i} { ::scan [string index $t1 $i] %c c1 ::scan [string index $t2 $i] %c c2 append res [::format %c [::tcl::mathop::^ $c1 $c2]] } return $res } namespace ensemble configure ::binary -map [dict merge [ namespace ensemble configure ::binary -map] [ dict create ^ ::tcl::binary::^]] ====== ** See Also ** [encoding]: [format]: [scan]: [base64], [uuencode] and [zlib]: For ''transfer'' encodings: [Working with binary data]: [http://www.tcl.tk/man/tcl/TclLib/ByteArrObj.htm%|%ByteArrayObj]: The Tcl [C] API for binary data operations. [Binary representation of numbers]: converting to and from the textual binary representation of numbers [bitstrings]: another facility for working with binary data [TIP] [http://www.tcl.tk/cgi-bin/tct/tip/418.html%|%418], Add `binary` Subcommands for In-Place Modification: <> Tcl syntax | Command | Binary Data