''[MGS]'' [[2003/04/06]] - In order to draw rectangles on a canvas with a raised/sunken relief, you need to know how to compute the colors of the 3d beveled edges - the light and dark shadows. I converted tk8.4.0/unix/tkUnix3d.c to pure tcl code: ====== # ====================================================================== namespace eval color { variable MAX_INTENSITY 65535 } # ====================================================================== # shadow:dark -- # Compute the dark shadow color for a 3d border. # Cut 40% from each of the color components. If the background is # already very dark, make the dark color a little lighter than the # background by increasing each color component 1/4th of the way to # MAX_INTENSITY. # This adapted from tk8.4.0/unix/tkUnix3d.c proc color::shadow:dark {R G B} { # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- variable MAX_INTENSITY # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- if { [expr {($R*0.5*$R) + ($G*1.0*$G) + ($B*0.28*$B)}] < [expr {$MAX_INTENSITY*0.05*$MAX_INTENSITY}] } { set r [expr {($MAX_INTENSITY + 3*$R)/4}] set g [expr {($MAX_INTENSITY + 3*$G)/4}] set b [expr {($MAX_INTENSITY + 3*$B)/4}] } else { set r [expr {(60 * $R)/100}] set g [expr {(60 * $G)/100}] set b [expr {(60 * $B)/100}] } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- return [format #%04X%04X%04X $r $g $b] } # ====================================================================== # shadow:light -- # Compute the light shadow color for a 3d border. # Boost each component by 40% or half-way to white, whichever is greater # (the first approach works better for unsaturated colors, the second # for saturated ones). If the background is already very bright, instead # choose a slightly darker color for the light shadow by reducing each # color component by 10%. # This adapted from tk8.4.0/unix/tkUnix3d.c proc color::shadow:light {R G B} { # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- variable MAX_INTENSITY # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- if { $G > [expr {$MAX_INTENSITY*0.95}] } { set r [expr {(90 * $R)/100}] set g [expr {(90 * $G)/100}] set b [expr {(90 * $B)/100}] } else { set tmp1 [expr {(14 * $R)/10}] if { $tmp1 > $MAX_INTENSITY } { set tmp1 $MAX_INTENSITY } set tmp2 [expr {($MAX_INTENSITY + $R)/2}] set r [expr {($tmp1 > $tmp2) ? $tmp1 : $tmp2}] set tmp1 [expr {(14 * $G)/10}] if { $tmp1 > $MAX_INTENSITY } { set tmp1 $MAX_INTENSITY } set tmp2 [expr {($MAX_INTENSITY + $G)/2}] set g [expr {($tmp1 > $tmp2) ? $tmp1 : $tmp2}] set tmp1 [expr {(14 * $B)/10}] if { $tmp1 > $MAX_INTENSITY } { set tmp1 $MAX_INTENSITY } set tmp2 [expr {($MAX_INTENSITY + $B)/2}] set b [expr {($tmp1 > $tmp2) ? $tmp1 : $tmp2}] } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- return [format #%04X%04X%04X $r $g $b] } # ====================================================================== # demo code proc rect {c x1 y1 x2 y2 bd color} { set dark [eval color::shadow:dark [winfo rgb $c $color]] set light [eval color::shadow:light [winfo rgb $c $color]] puts "dark $color = \[$dark\]" puts "light $color = \[$light\]" $c create polygon \ $x1 $y1 \ $x2 $y1 \ [expr $x2 - $bd] [expr $y1 + $bd] \ [expr $x1 + $bd] [expr $y1 + $bd] \ [expr $x1 + $bd] [expr $y2 - $bd] \ $x1 $y2 \ -fill $light \ -outline $light $c create polygon \ $x2 $y1 \ $x2 $y2 \ $x1 $y2 \ [expr $x1 + $bd] [expr $y2 - $bd] \ [expr $x2 - $bd] [expr $y2 - $bd] \ [expr $x2 - $bd] [expr $y1 + $bd] \ -fill $dark \ -outline $dark $c create rectangle \ [expr $x1 + $bd] [expr $y1 + $bd] \ [expr $x2 - $bd] [expr $y2 - $bd] \ -fill $color \ -outline $color return } button .b -text "Hello World" -bg red -fg white -bd 10 canvas .c pack .b pack .c -expand 1 -fill both update idletasks rect .c 10 10 \ [expr [winfo reqwidth .b] + 10] \ [expr [winfo reqheight .b] + 10] \ 10 red # ====================================================================== ====== ---- Note that RGB values are specified as 16-bit values, as returned from [[winfo rgb]]. ---- Note that at least on [Microsoft Windows], I changed the '''winfo width/height''' to '''winfo reqwidth/reqheight'''. Otherwise you get an incorrect width/height. (I would have thought the '''update''' would have taken care of this??) ''[Brett Schwarz]'' Try binding to and use %w and %h (more robust). ''[MGS]'' [[2003/04/08]] - Yeah, the emphasis here was not on the correctness of the demo code :-) It was really just for a comparison of the hilight/shadow colors. I think I meant to use reqwidth/reqheight, but I was in a rush to get it posted, so now I've changed it. ---- [uniquename] 2014jan27 for those who do not have the facilities or time to implement the code above, here is an image of the two beveled rectangles drawn on a Tk 'canvas' widget --- one rectangle (with text) using a Tk 'button' widget and one rectangle (without text) by drawing polygons on the canvas with a 'rect' proc. [rectanglesDrawnOnCanvas_with3DbevelColors_wiki8722_288x141.jpg] ---- !!!!!! [Mark G. Saye] %|[Category GUI]|% !!!!!!