[aspect] 2012-09-12: I stumbled across the Python version of this utility by accident, and immediately thought that a Tcl implementation would be much neater. It reads [stdin] continuously, refreshing the display every 250ms with a summary of the most frequent ("top") lines seen on the input. Usage might be something like `tail -f /var/log/syslog | awk '{print $4" "$6}' | anytop.tcl` to keep track of which hosts are generating the most log messages. This could well be extended with ideas from [A grep-like utility] or awk-like behaviour as in [owh - a fileless tclsh]. It would benefit from better terminal awareness ([curses]), or could trivially have a GUI attached. One interesting alteration would be a character-based histogram. ====== #!/usr/bin/tclsh # # inspired by https://bitbucket.org/larsyencken/anytop/ # does not include windowing function (limit to last N lines) # a bit more terminal-awareness would be nice package require term::ansi::send fconfigure stdin -blocking 0 fileevent stdin readable consume set ::status "Reading ..." set ::start [clock seconds] set ::lines 0 set ::counts {} set ::eof 0 proc consume {} { if {[gets stdin data]<1} { if {[eof stdin]} { close stdin set ::eof 1 set ::status "EOF" } } else { incr ::lines dict incr ::counts $data } } proc topN {n counts} { lrange [lsort -integer -decreasing -stride 2 [lreverse $counts]] 0 [expr {$n*2}] } proc elapsed {} { clock format [expr {[clock seconds]-$::start}] -format "%M:%S" } proc refresh {} { ::term::ansi::send::clear puts "[format "%6s" [elapsed]] elapsed, $::lines lines, [dict size $::counts] distinct values" puts "" foreach {count value} [topN 20 $::counts] { puts "[format %6s $count] $value" } if {$::eof} { puts "\nReached EOF: Press ^C to exit .." } else { after 250 refresh } } refresh vwait forever ======