**Inlining Loops** ''by [slebetman]'' Very often, when constructing data structures (especially lists) in a loop, I've had to write something like this: set result {} foreach x $input { lappend result [process $x] } that is, declare a variable before the loop and manually appending results to that variable inside the loop. I thought, there must be a better way to do this. Well, there is '''map''' and '''filter''' from functional programming. They'll handle the common cases. But sometimes I really need the extra power of [foreach]. Wouldn't it be nice if [foreach] behave like '''map''' and '''filter'''? So I started thinking about writing a custom control structure. But rather than just another looping construct like '''foreach''' or '''map''' I wanted a control structure that can be applied to any and all loops. This is what I ended up with: set result [accumulate { foreach x $input { collect [process $x] } }] I'm calling this [accumulate and collect]. The '''accumulate''' function simply evals the string passed to it constructing a list from values collected by the '''collect''' function. Basically, this is an encapsulation of the set..lappend idiom above. The '''accumulate''' function is nestable such that: accumulate foreach x {1 2 3} { collect [accumulate foreach y {a b c} { collect "$x$y" }] } would return: {1a 1b 1c} {2a 2b 2c} {3a 3b 3c} This is great. It allows me to treat loops like functions that return lists. And I don't have to declare pesky temporary variables! Then I realized something: **A Fancy List Generator** This is another problem I keep facing. I've long wished that tcl had a list generator where I don't need to backslash escape all the time. I hate having to do: set foo [list \ a 1 \ b 2 \ c 3 \ ] Apart form all the '\' looking ugly, it is also error prone. I often forget to add a '\' and tcl complains about 'c' being an invalid command name. Of course I could use {} to generate lists: set foo { a 1 b 2 c 3 } but this doesn't work if I need to perform variable substitution. And doing it with "" is not only hard to read but much more error prone than [list]! While playing with accumulate..collect I realized that it is just a fancy list generator. Is this the list generator that I've been wanting for so long? Lets try it out: set foo [accumulate { collect a; collect 1; collect b; collect 2; collect $argv; # Yes, variable substitutions work. collect [glob *]; # It works! And look, comments! }] Wow, like so many things in tcl this came as a complete surprise. I've been waiting for something like this for so long! But the syntax looks a bit cumbersome. Let's see if we can remedy that: interp alias {} List {} accumulate interp alias {} : {} collect set foo [List { : a : b : c : $argv : [glob *] : [List { #nested! : 1 : 2 : 3 # and even plays well with [list]: : [list x y z] }] }] I love it! **Implementation** So, without further ado, here's the implementation of '''accumulate and collect''': ====== set accumulator {} proc accumulate {args} { if {[llength $args] == 1} { set args [lindex $args 0] } lappend ::accumulator {} set code [catch {uplevel 1 $args} result] switch -- $code { 0 {} 3 break 4 continue default { set ::accumulator [lrange $::accumulator 0 end-1] return -code $code $result } } set ret [lindex $::accumulator end] set ::accumulator [lrange $::accumulator 0 end-1] return $ret } proc collect {value} { set acc [lindex $::accumulator end] lappend acc $value lset ::accumulator end $acc } ====== ---- [AMG]: Here's a version implemented using [coroutine]s. ====== proc accumulate {args} { if {[llength $args] == 1} { set args [lindex $args 0] } set coro [info coroutine]-accum set accumulator [list [coroutine $coro eval $args]] while {[llength [info commands $coro]]} { lappend accumulator [$coro] } lrange $accumulator 0 end-1 } proc collect {value} { yield $value } ====== I don't like the names "accumulate" and "collect" since they're virtually the same word. It's not clear that one is providing data to the other, that one is gathering data produced by the other. I can't decide if the method I used to generate unique coroutine names is genius or madness. I guess it can be both! A fixed name won't cut it for nested use of accumulate/collect, such as in the "{1a 1b 1c} {2a 2b 2c} {3a 3b 3c}" example. The script body is executed in the global stack frame, not in the caller's stack frame. I don't think this is possible to fix. I frequently need the functionality provided by your code, and I have implemented it in various ways. Examples follow: One example is [[[wibble]::applytemplate]], which builds and executes a script by combining a command with a template. [[[wibble]::template]] calls applytemplate using "[dict] append response content" as the command and the on-disk file as the template. The result is that the [subst]'ed template is appended in chunks to the content value in the response dict, which is eventually pushed to the client's Web browser. Custom code can pass different commands to applytemplate to make it do other things with the subst'ed template, for example [puts]'ing to stdout. [[[apply]]] is very useful in this context. Another example is [[splitscript]] on the [coroutine] page, which executes a script in a [safe] [interp] that has almost no commands nor variables (only [[lappend*]], [[unknown*]], and ${script*}). Since almost nothing is defined, every line invokes [[unknown*]], which uses [[lappend*]] to add its $args to ${script*}. After execution completes, [[splitscript]] fetches the value of ${script*}, deletes the interpreter, and returns ${script*}'s value. This converts a Tcl-like script into a [list] of commands, chewing through backslash substitution, comments, whitespace, semicolons, and so on. For extra fun, [[splitscript]] can be modified to expose some commands like [[[foreach]]], [[[proc]], and [[[set]]] for the input script to exploit. If the input script does something in a loop, that something will be emitted repeatedly, perhaps with variations due to embedded variable substitutions. See [Config file using slave interp] for more. A third, non-[Tcl] example is writing to stdout inside [sh] subshells. The following pretty-prints a directory listing, grouping directories before non-directories. Both echo and printf contribute to [sed]'s input stream. ====== ( for x in *; do if [ -d "$x" ]; then echo " $x/" fi done for x in *; do if [ ! -d "$x" ]; then printf "%8d %s\n" `stat -c "%s %n" "$x"` fi done ) | sed = | sed 'N; s/^/ /; s/ *\(.\{3,\}\)\n/\1. /' ====== [slebetman]: Funny you should mention templates because that is what I use it for. I use plain old [subst] for all my templating needs thereby allowing me to leverage the full power of tcl in my templates. For syntax sugaring, I've developed a suite of procs to make life easier. In fact, I am currently in the middle of writing up a page for the wiki (not on here yet) detailing idioms I use when using subst for templating. Here's what my templates tend to look like: ====== [void {flipflop reset}] [build foreach {x y} $data {collect { }}]
$x $y
====== note: in the code above [[build]] is a shortcut for [[join [[accumulate]]]] [AMG]: I assume you define [[void]] and [[give]] thusly: ====== proc void {script} {uplevel 1 $script; list} proc give {value} {set value} ====== If this is the case, then your templatized HTML can be written as follows, using the [Wibble] template system (credit [JCW]). In my opinion it's simpler for this example, but there could be times when [[accumulate]] works better. ====== % flipflop reset % foreach {x y} $data { % }
$x $y
====== <>Control Structure