Version 7 of Writing DXF

Updated 2021-06-25 23:11:52 by LWS

JBR - March 2009

Here is a very simple namespace of commands to write ASCII CAD DXF files. When building a structured output file I like the technique of nesting code in the same way as the output file sections. I used the same method in Using Perl to get Excel, but the code there is woefully out of date. Here is another snippet to write c39 barcode in dxf.

This example is pared down from my actual application:

 dxf::write stdout {
    dxf::code 999 "Mask to DXF"
    dxf::section HEADER {
        dxf::code 9   \$ACADVER 1 AC1006
        dxf::code 9   \$INSBASE 10    0.0       20    0.0       30 0.0
        dxf::code 9   \$EXTMIN  10  $XMIN       20  $YMAX
        dxf::code 9   \$EXTMAX  10  $XMAX       20  $YMAX
        dxf::code 9   \$LIMMIN  10  $XMIN       20  $YMAX
        dxf::code 9   \$LIMMAX  10  $XMAX       20  $YMAX
    dxf::section TABLES {
        dxf::table LTYPE        2 {
            dxf::ltype 0
        dxf::table LAYER        5 {
            dxf::layer 0
            dxf::layer label   0 green
            dxf::layer holes   0 cyan
            dxf::layer outline 0 blue
            dxf::layer slits   0 red
    dxf::section ENTITIES {
        dxf::set-ltype 0

        dxf::set-layer slits

                dxf::rect  1 2 3 4


DXF library Code:

 namespace eval dxf {

        variable colors
        variable ltype 0
        variable layer 0
        variable file

    array set colors {
            red             1
            yellow          2
            green           3
            cyan            4
            blue            5
            magenta         6
            black           7
            gray            8
            lt-gray         9

    proc code { args } {
        variable file
        foreach { code value } $args { puts $file "[format %3d $code]\n$value" }

    proc write { f body } {
            variable file $f

        uplevel $body
        code 0 EOF

    proc section { name body } {
        code 0 SECTION 2 $name
        uplevel $body
        code 0 ENDSEC

    proc table { type max body } {
        code 0 TABLE 2 $type 70 $max
        uplevel $body
        code 0 ENDTAB
    proc ltype { name { flags 0 } } {
        code  0 LTYPE 2 $name
        code 70 $flags 3 $name 72 65 73 0 40 0.0000

    proc layer { { name 0 } { flags 0 } { color 7 } { ltype 0 } } {
        catch { set color [set ::dxf::colors($color)] }

        code  0 LAYER 2 $name
        code 70 $flags 6 $ltype 62 $color

    proc set-layer { l } { variable layer; set layer $l }
    proc set-ltype { l } { variable ltype; set ltype $l }

    proc item { item args } {
        variable layer
        variable ltype

        code 0 $item 8 $layer 6 $ltype {*}$args

    proc line { x1 y1 x2 y2             } { item LINE   10 $x1 20 $y1 11 $x2 21 $y2 }
    proc text { x y text { height .5 }  } { item TEXT   10 $x  20 $y  40 $height 1 $text }
    proc circ { x y r                   } { item CIRCLE 10 $x  20 $y  40 $r }

    proc solid { x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 x4 y4 } {
        item SOLID 10 $x1 20 $y1 11 $x2 21 $y2
        code 12 $x4 22 $y4
        code 13 $x3 23 $y3

    proc solidbox  { x1 y1 x2 y2 { color 256 } } {
        solid $x1 $y1 $x1 $y2 $x2 $y2 $x2 $y1
    proc polyline { args } {
        set x0 [lindex $args 0]
        set y0 [lindex $args 1]

        foreach { x y } [lrange $args 2 end] {
            line $x0 $y0 $x $y
            set x0 $x
            set y0 $y

    proc polygon { args } {
        polyline {*}$args [lindex $args 0] [lindex $args 1]

    proc box  { x1 y1 x2 y2 } {
        polygon $x1 $y1 $x1 $y2 $x2 $y2 $x2 $y1

    proc rect { x y w h { t 0 } { o 0 } } {
            set sin_t [expr sin($t * (3.14159265358979323846 * 2 / 360))]
            set cos_t [expr cos($t * (3.14159265358979323846 * 2 / 360))]

        set wdx [expr $w / 2.0 * $cos_t]
        set wdy [expr $w / 2.0 * $sin_t]
        set hdx [expr $h / 2.0 * $sin_t]
        set hdy [expr $h / 2.0 * $cos_t]
        set odx [expr $o     * $sin_t]
        set ody [expr $o     * $cos_t]

        set x1 [expr $x - $wdx - $hdx - $odx]
        set y1 [expr $y - $wdy + $hdy - $ody]
        set x2 [expr $x - $wdx + $hdx + $odx]
        set y2 [expr $y - $wdy - $hdy + $ody]

        set x3 [expr $x + $wdx + $hdx + $odx]
        set y3 [expr $y + $wdy - $hdy + $ody]
        set x4 [expr $x + $wdx - $hdx - $odx]
        set y4 [expr $y + $wdy + $hdy - $ody]

        polygon $x1 $y1 $x2 $y2 $x3 $y3 $x4 $y4

LWS - 2021-06-25 23:10:59

This piece of code has really helped me out: thanks! I used documentation at this link to fill in a few of my knowledge gaps.