[http://www.zoro2.org/grafika/photo_rotate_small.gif] EMail: mailto:wojciech@kocjan.org Homepages: * Personal (in Polish): http://www.zoro2.org/ * Business (in Polish and English): http://www.dq-e.com/ * Polish Tcl website: http://www.tcl.pl/ Projects: * AOLserver emulation layer for Tclhttpd - http://www.sf.net/projects/nstclhttpd/ * TclDB - uniform database API Some AOLserver projects on http://www.nsstuff.zoro.tcl.pl (English). Some of my texts: * [Tcl_Obj Deep Copy] I'm planning to put up some of my free available code on the Web. This will be the place to find links to it... ---- [[ [Category Home Page] | [Category Person] ]]