[EKB] 2005-07-08: I have now [Snit]ified this package. The code samples have been replaced with the new Snit versions.'' I've been working towards making a package that will automatically take care of some tricks for using [Tk] under [Windows] that I learned once and don't want to have to learn again. For example: * Binding the "x" button to the exit procedure * Linking to an .ico file * Creating a resizer/gripper in the bottom-right corner (using code from the [sizer control] page on this Wiki) * Creating [balloon help%|%tooltips] (also known as [balloon help]) using the code from the [Snit Tooltips] page * Creating a toolbar and finding button images for it (I embedded some inline images, but you might want to use [ICONS] instead!) * Adding a status bar, and connecting it to the toolbar buttons * Saving preferences in the user's directory * ... and so on ... I've put some of these things together into a simple application framework. It uses some of my own code, as well as code from other pages on the Tcler's Wiki and the web. (These are documented in the code.) Here's an example of an application created using the Application Framework code (This is actually the program I used to create the base64-encoded button strings that appear in the Framework, so it is hopefully useful by itself.) [http://www.kb-creative.net/screenshots/AppFrameExample.gif] To use the "Transparent Color" feature in the program, first fill any areas in the image that you want to make transparent with some color, for example, pure green (R = 0, G = 255, B = 0). Then type those numbers into the R, G, B entry widgets. When the image is loaded, any pixels that are set to (0,255,0) will be made transparent. The screenshot above shows this image loaded in the program: [http://www.kb-creative.net/images/find.gif]. And here's the code to make the example, using the Application Framework (which is farther down on the page) A couple of things to notice in the code: * Any values assigned to the "globalPrefs" array or set using the "''myapp'' setpref" method are automatically saved on exit and retrieved when the program is restarted * Balloon help is available for all widgets, including toolbar buttons ** Example ** ====== package require base64 ## -- Do this before making the GUI source "AppFrame.tcl" WinApp::appframe myapp -title "Translate Gif" -statusrelief groove ## -- Set any preferences myapp setpref folder $WinApp::appdir ## -- Init will load preferences and set the focus myapp init ## -- Create the GUI [myapp menu] add cascade -label "File" -menu [myapp menu].file menu [myapp menu].file -tearoff false [myapp menu].file add command -label "Open" -command FindFile [myapp menu].file add command -label "Exit" -command {myapp exitproc} \ -underline 1 -accelerator "Ctrl+Q" set openBtn [myapp addButton -imagedata open -descr "Browse for a GIF file" \ -shortdescr "Find file" -command FindFile] set copyBtn [myapp addButton -imagedata copy -descr "Copy base64-encoded string" \ -shortdescr "Copy encoded image" -command CopyAll] # Interface text [myapp main].t -height 1 pack [myapp main].t -side top -expand yes -fill both frame [myapp main].f pack [myapp main].f -fill x -side top label [myapp main].f.l -text "File: " pack [myapp main].f.l -side left entry [myapp main].f.e -textvariable filename pack [myapp main].f.e -side left -expand yes -fill x button [myapp main].f.b -text "Browse..." -command FindFile pack [myapp main].f.b # A button to put the image preview in image create photo sampleImg frame [myapp main].fi pack [myapp main].fi -fill x -padx 2 -pady 4 label [myapp main].fi.trans -text "Transparent color: " pack [myapp main].fi.trans -side left label [myapp main].fi.rl -text " R" pack [myapp main].fi.rl -side left entry [myapp main].fi.r -width 4 -textvariable WinApp::globalPrefs(red) pack [myapp main].fi.r -side left label [myapp main].fi.gl -text " G" pack [myapp main].fi.gl -side left entry [myapp main].fi.g -width 4 -textvariable WinApp::globalPrefs(green) pack [myapp main].fi.g -side left label [myapp main].fi.bl -text " B" pack [myapp main].fi.bl -side left entry [myapp main].fi.b -width 4 -textvariable WinApp::globalPrefs(blue) pack [myapp main].fi.b -side left button [myapp main].fi.i -image sampleImg -activebackground red -width 22 -height 22 pack [myapp main].fi.i -side right -anchor e WinApp::tooltip register [myapp main].fi.i "Press to check transparency" label [myapp main].fi.preview -text "Preview: " pack [myapp main].fi.preview -side right -anchor e ## -- Commands proc CopyAll {} { [myapp main].t tag remove sel 1.0 end [myapp main].t tag add sel 1.0 end tk_textCopy [myapp main].t } proc FindFile {} { global filename set filename [tk_getOpenFile -initialdir [myapp getpref folder] \ -filetypes {{{GIF files} {.gif} } {{All files} * }}] if {$filename == ""} {return} myapp setpref folder [file dirname $filename] # Open the file sampleImg config -file $filename # Add transparency, if need be set maxX [image width sampleImg] set maxY [image height sampleImg] for {set x 0} {$x < $maxX} {incr x} { for {set y 0} {$y < $maxY} {incr y} { set curcolor [sampleImg get $x $y] set istcolor true if {[lindex $curcolor 0] != [[myapp main].fi.r get]} { set istcolor false } elseif {[lindex $curcolor 1] != [[myapp main].fi.g get]} { set istcolor false } elseif {[lindex $curcolor 2] != [[myapp main].fi.b get]} { set istcolor false } if $istcolor {sampleImg transparency set $x $y true} } } sampleImg write "_temp.gif" -format GIF set fileID [open "_temp.gif" RDONLY] fconfigure $fileID -translation binary set rawData [read $fileID] close $fileID set encodedData [base64::encode $rawData] sampleImg config -data $encodedData [myapp main].t delete 1.0 end [myapp main].t insert end $encodedData } ====== If this application and/or the framework seem useful, please add to them, modify them and improve them! ** Framework ** Here's the framework as it currently stands (last modified 8 July 2005). It includes a lot of embedded image data with standard button images (open, save, etc.) -- use [[WinApp::buttonlist]] to see the pre-defined images. ====== package require snit namespace eval WinApp { ## -- Utility proc to easily insert a stub proc stub {msg} { tk_messageBox -message $msg -title "STUB" } # An array of buttons, defined for convenience (see below) variable btn # An array of prefs that apply to all appframes variable globalPrefs # Save the directory from which the program is called & info about user dirs variable appdir [file dirname $argv0] snit::type appframe { ## ## Options ## option -title "AppFrame Application" option -exitproc "" option -statusrelief flat option -icon "" option -toplevel "." ## ## Variables ## typevariable USERDIR typevariable USERPREFS # Array with various window components -- main, menu, statusbar, toolbar variable component # Array with prefs to save and restore variable prefs ## Keep track of numbers of separators and buttons on the toolbar variable tbSepNum 0 variable tbBtnNum 0 # This is accessed via the selfns variable status constructor {args} { $self configurelist $args # Generic prefs set prefs(geometry) 300x200 set prefs(isMaximized) false ## ## Create the menu ## # Take care of case where toplevel is just "." -- don't have multiple "."'s if {$options(-toplevel) == "."} { set tlvl "" } else { set tlvl "$options(-toplevel)" } $options(-toplevel) configure -menu $tlvl.appframeMenu set component(menu) [menu $tlvl.appframeMenu] if {$options(-icon) != ""} { wm iconbitmap $options(-toplevel) -default $options(-icon) } wm title $options(-toplevel) $options(-title) # Put the exit procedure action in 2 places -- "x" button and keyboard shortcut wm protocol . WM_DELETE_WINDOW [mymethod exitproc] bind . [mymethod exitproc] ## Toolbar set component(toolbar) [frame $tlvl.appFrameToolbar] grid $tlvl.appFrameToolbar -row 0 -sticky ew -columnspan 2 ## Status bar & resizer set component(statusbar) [frame $tlvl.appFrameStatus -height 10] grid $tlvl.appFrameStatus -row 2 -sticky ew label $tlvl.appFrameStatus.announce -textvariable [myvar status] -anchor w \ -relief $options(-statusrelief) pack $tlvl.appFrameStatus.announce -side left -fill x -expand yes # Make this the same size as the resizer to give it room frame $tlvl.appFrameStatus.resizer -width 16 -height 16 pack $tlvl.appFrameStatus.resizer -side right WinApp::sizer::sizer $options(-toplevel) ## Main app space set component(main) [frame $tlvl.appFrameMain] grid $tlvl.appFrameMain -row 1 -sticky nsew ## Application grid grid rowconfig $options(-toplevel) 1 -weight 1 grid columnconfig $options(-toplevel) 0 -weight 1 } ## ## Methods ## method init {} { $self LoadPrefs $options(-title) "prefs.tcl" # Have to do this, at least in Windows, to ensure app has focus when started focus -force . } method getpref {id} { return $prefs($id) } method getprefids {} { return [array names prefs] } method setpref {id val} { set prefs($id) $val } method component {item} { if {![info exists component($item)]} { error "\"$item\" is not a recognized AppFrame component" } return $component($item) } # Shortcut for "$self component main" method main {} { return $component(main) } # Shortcut for "$self component menu" method menu {} { return $component(menu) } ## -- An exit procedure that saves preferences and exits method exitproc {} { # handler is the user's exit handler if {$options(-exitproc) != ""} { eval $options(-exitproc) } $self SavePrefs exit } method setStatus {msg} { set status $msg } method clearStatus {} { set status "" } ## -- Proc to add variables to the toolbar # # Switches: # -image User-defined image # -imagedata ID for a pre-defined inline button image # -descr Text that appears in the status bar when over button # -shortdescr Text that appears in balloon help when over button # -command The command for the button # # NOTE: An image is required for toolbar buttons # method addButton {args} { set button afBtn$tbBtnNum incr tbBtnNum set retval [button $component(toolbar).$button -relief flat -borderwidth 1] pack $component(toolbar).$button -side left set descr "" set shortdescr "" set command "WinApp::stub $button" set image "" foreach {opt val} $args { switch -exact -- $opt { -imagedata {set image [image create photo -data $WinApp::btn($val)]} -image {set image $val} -descr {set descr $val} -shortdescr {set shortdescr $val} -command {set command $val} } } if {$image == ""} { error "No image for button \"$button\"" return } $component(toolbar).$button config -image $image $component(toolbar).$button config -command $command bind $component(toolbar).$button "set [myvar status] \"$descr\"; if {\[%W cget -state\] == \"normal\"} {%W configure -relief raised}" bind $component(toolbar).$button "set [myvar status] \"\"; %W configure -relief flat" if {$shortdescr != ""} { WinApp::tooltip register $component(toolbar).$button "$shortdescr" } return $retval } ## -- Proc to add a separator to the toolbar method addSep {} { frame $component(toolbar).sep$tbSepNum -width 5 -borderwidth 0 pack $component(toolbar).sep$tbSepNum -side left -fill y -padx 4 incr tbSepNum } ## ## Manage Prefs ## method LoadPrefs {progname prefsfile} { # Get current user's home directory: If environment vars not available, # default to subfolder of the installation folder set USERDIR $WinApp::appdir if {$::tcl_platform(os) == "Windows NT"} { if {[info exists ::env(USERPROFILE)]} { set USERDIR $::env(USERPROFILE) } } if {$::tcl_platform(os) == "Windows 95"} { if {[info exists ::env(windir)] && [info exists ::env(USERNAME)]} { set USERDIR [file join $::env(windir) Profiles $::env(USERNAME)] } } set USERDIR [file join $USERDIR "Application Data" $progname] set USERPREFS [file join $USERDIR $prefsfile] if {[file exists $USERPREFS]} { source $USERPREFS } wm geometry . $prefs(geometry) if {$prefs(isMaximized)} { wm state . zoomed } } method SavePrefs {} { if {![file exists $USERDIR]} { file mkdir $USERDIR } # Find out if the window is zoomed if {[wm state .] == "zoomed"} { set prefs(isMaximized) true } else { set prefs(isMaximized) false # Store the current window geometry set prefs(geometry) [wm geometry .] } # Don't bother about errors. If can't open, then can't save prefs. That's OK. if {![catch {open $USERPREFS w} fileID]} { foreach item [array names prefs] { puts $fileID "set prefs($item) \"$prefs($item)\"" } foreach item [array names WinApp::globalPrefs] { puts $fileID "set WinApp::globalPrefs($item) \"$WinApp::globalPrefs($item)\"" } close $fileID } } } namespace eval sizer { ###################################################################### # # From mail@kai-morich.de (Tcler's Wiki) # Modified by EKB to give the glyph more "breathing room" # ###################################################################### namespace export sizer } proc sizer::sizer {win} { variable config variable f if {$win=="."} { set config($win-widget) .sizer } else { set config($win-widget) $win.sizer } canvas $config($win-widget) -width 16 -height 16 -cursor "size_nw_se" -bg SystemButtonFace foreach i {0 4 8} { # -width 2 means 2point on win98 and 2pixel on w2k $config($win-widget) create line [expr $i+3] 13 14 [expr $i+2] -width 1 -fill SystemButtonShadow $config($win-widget) create line [expr $i+2] 13 14 [expr $i+1] -width 1 -fill SystemButtonShadow $config($win-widget) create line [expr $i+1] 13 14 $i -width 1 -fill SystemButtonHighlight } set config($win-zoomed) 2 ;# not 0/1 bind $config($win-widget) [namespace code [list sizer_start $win %X %Y]] bind $config($win-widget) [namespace code [list sizer_move $win %X %Y]] bind $win [namespace code [list sizer_update $win]] } proc sizer::sizer_update {win} { variable config set zoomed [string equal [wm state $win] "zoomed"] if {$zoomed!=$config($win-zoomed)} { set config($win-zoomed) $zoomed if {$zoomed} { place forget $config($win-widget) } else { set x [expr {-16+[$win cget -padx]}] set y [expr {-16+[$win cget -pady]}] place $config($win-widget) -relx 1.0 -rely 1.0 -x $x -y $y } } } proc sizer::sizer_start {win x y} { variable config set config($win-x) $x set config($win-y) $y scan [wm geometry $win] "%dx%d" config($win-width) config($win-height) } proc sizer::sizer_move {win x y} { variable config set width [expr $config($win-width) +$x-$config($win-x)] set height [expr $config($win-height)+$y-$config($win-y)] catch {wm geometry $win ${width}x${height} } } ## ## Button images ## proc buttonlist {} { variable btn return [lsort [array names btn]] } ## -- File operations set btn(save) { R0lGODlhEwASAJEAANnZ2QAAAICAAMDAwCH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAATABIAAAJi hI+py0jxEQl2SNB8iwmCHRI03yKCYIcEzbeQINghQfMtJAh2SNB8CwmCHRI0 30KCYIcIxTeRINhB8tGCYIcIxT8Jgh0iFH8mJAh2iFD8mZAg2CFC8WdCguBT fDyCj6nLSQUAOw== } set btn(open) { R0lGODlhEwASAKIAANnZ2QAAAP//AP///4CAAP///////////yH5BAEAAAAA LAAAAAATABIAAANnCLrc/jAyFIqgyx0IGhAIutyKEQiqEYGgqxEYAACBMoKh Gwi6GoMyMjIoEwi6GoIjIyM4Egi6GoMygqHLAQgQMoKBpLsBCAAxgoGku4Gg GhJIuhsIuhFIuhsIuoChy4Ggy+0Po4QoAQA7 } set btn(new) { R0lGODlhFwAWAJEAANnZ2U1NTf///////yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAAXABYAAAJa hI+py+0PoyLxjeBjBsmPIPiIQfJDguDjBcmPiCD4aEHyLwg+WpD8C4KPFiT/ guCjBcm/IPhoQfIvCD5akPwLgo8WJP+C4KMFyb8g+GgUH4PgY+py+8MopyEF ADs= } set btn(print) { R0lGODlhFwAWAKIAANnZ2U1NTf///9PT06ampv//Tf///////yH5BAEAAAAA LAAAAAAXABYAAAN5CLrc/jDKSWtEobsIuryBoquBoMsbKBiqEgi6vIGiq4Gg yxsoGKqygaDLgaKrMRgTCLqKocsTOBEIuhA4uhyDMYGgCxi6vIMTCLoQOLpE hDMxgaCrgaNbVTgTEQi6iqHLOxgIuhs4uhuDgaDLgKHLgaDL7Q+jnLRClAA7 } set btn(printpreview) { R0lGODlhFwAWAKIAANnZ2U1NTf///9PT06ampk3//////////yH5BAEAAAAA LAAAAAAXABYAAAOMCLrc/jDK6VDoLoIuc6DoSgSCLm+g6EoMBoIua6DoSgRG IOgyBIouB4IuQ6DoSgRGIOgyBIpu0OBQIOhyoKgGFdYQBYLuBopqTOEMTSDo bqCoxgzO0ASC7gaKatDgFFEg6G6g6AYNDgUh6G6g6EoERlAEgq4Gii4HYCiC LmDosgJCBIIutz+MctLaUAIAOw== } ## -- Formatting set btn(bold) { R0lGODlhFwAWAJEAANnZ2U1NTf///////yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAAXABYAAAJG hI+py+0Po5yUkfhG8DEhIghIBMHHjAijmPAxI8IoJnxMih8EHxMigoBEEHzM iDCKCR8zIoxiwkek+EbwMXW5/WGUk9ZKCgA7 } set btn(italic) { R0lGODlhFwAWAJEAANnZ2U1NTaampv///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAAXABYAAAI8 hI+py+0Po5wUktgEHxMjhOBjokQQfMyMEIKPiRJB8DEzQgg+JkoEwcfMCCH4 mEfxCT6mLrc/jHLSagEpADs= } set btn(underline) { R0lGODlhFwAWAJEAANnZ2U1NTaampv///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAAXABYAAAJL hI+py+0Po5yUkThwQfAxIy4ohI8JEUcJ4WNCxFFC+JgQcZQQPiZEHCWEjwkR RwnhY0KEEJQg+JhGsQk+pi4fxT+Cj6nL7Q+jnIcUADs= } set btn(justcenter) { R0lGODlhFwAWAJEAANnZ2U1NTf///////yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAAXABYAAAI2 hI+py+0Po4wkPiLBx9RVio8EH1NXKT4iwcfUVYqPBB9TVyk+IsHH1FWKjwQf U5fbH0Y5qSMFADs= } set btn(justright) { R0lGODlhFwAWAJEAANnZ2U1NTf///////yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAAXABYAAAI2 hI+py+0Po4wkPiLBx9Rlio8EH1MXKT4iwcfUZYqPBB9TFyk+IsHH1GWKjwQf U5fbH0Y5KSMFADs= } set btn(justleft) { R0lGODlhFwAWAJEAANnZ2U1NTf///////yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAAXABYAAAI2 hI+py+0Po4wkPiLBx9RFio8EH1OXKT4iwcfURYqPBB9Tlyk+IsHH1EWKjwQf U5fbH0Y5KSQFADs= } set btn(justfull) { R0lGODlhFwAWAJEAANnZ2QAAAP///////yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAAXABYAAAI3 hI+py+0Po5xUkfiIBB9TFyk+IsHH1EWKj0jwMXWR4iMSfExdpPiIBB9TFyk+ IsHH1OX2h1FOUgA7 } set btn(bullets) { R0lGODlhFwAWAJEAANnZ2QAAgAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAAXABYAAAJD hI+py+0Po5QkJnzMjAgCKP8I/kUEwcfU5fYnMeFjZkQQQPlH8C8iCD6mLrc/ iQkfMyOCAMo/gn8RQfAxdbn9YZSHFAA7 } set btn(numbering) { R0lGODlhFwAWAJEAANnZ2QAAgAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAAXABYAAAJF hI+py+0PoyIhfEyNOJJ/BB8DERGBxISPqctLCeFjqoWR/CP4GIiICCQmfExd XooJH1PjSP4RfITIzKSE8DF1uf1hlIgUADs= } set btn(decindent) { R0lGODlhFwAWAJEAANnZ2QAAAAAAgP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAAXABYAAAJG hI+py+0PoyLxEQk+pi5SfESCj6mLQjAo/hF8E0GKfwQfSDbBx0QRpPhH8E+Q 4h/Bx9RFio9I8DF1keIjEnxMXW5/GKUkBQA7 } set btn(incindent) { R0lGODlhFwAWAJEAANnZ2QAAAAAAgP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAAXABYAAAJG hI+py+0PoyLxEQk+pi5SfESCj6mLQjAo/hH8EzmKfwQfSDbBx0yRo/hH8E+Q 4h/Bx9RFio9I8DF1keIjEnxMXW5/GKUkBQA7 } ## -- Editing set btn(copy) { R0lGODlhFwAWAJEAANnZ2U1NTf///01NpiH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAAXABYAAAJp hI+py+0PIyLxCT6mhQhJCYKPCSFCUiQIPmZIBCmcT/ARgmTPyQzBx5CIoEwi MjIE/4Jkj0TI0DaCbyERQRnlyxB8C5I9QrFlCL5R/CH5MgQfcYRiyxB8xCH5 MgQfkeYfwcfU5faHUU5SADs= } set btn(cut) { R0lGODlhFwAWAJEAANnZ2U1NTU1Npv///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAAXABYAAAJY hI+py+0PYyMBIAg+5sUFwce8uCD4mBcBlBA+JgYEwcfMiCD4mBqqekQRwcdM ASGJ8DFBRAgCCMFHFBMgAULwEcUESIAQfEQxMZIIHxNECD6mLrc/jBKQAgA7 } set btn(delete) { R0lGODlhGAAWANUAANnZ2dQNN9ZkgtsUPN8BKtVgfud9ldVTc9EoTtE2WuzH 1twONtdFZ9QPON4BKt2Zr9crT9hBY+rZ5tcHMNwBKuGtwNU1WdM8X9oDLdoC LObH19EnTefQ39ROcNwCK9kDLeiOpevi7dAhSNQLNd8CK+iIn+fJ2dMMNtgF LtMQOd6csdkELdUKM9MTPOmUqueAmNRffdEYQN8DLO3q9NJJa+IzVf////// /////////////////////////////////yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAAYABYAAAaE QIBwSCwaj8ikcslsLgMCJ3JAKDiPBgLhYEQkmooFgUFsOB5OAIQQAUgmlIpz aCFcMBmNs7ghZIAcIEA4JBaJHc+HADIaiyFRZhQCkUpG49B0QqVCQhCpZDQC VCtWK0R0kV5GI6wRCxldspexOKPNjEIgVw0IEA6JReMRmVQumU3nsxgEADs= } set btn(paste) { R0lGODlhFQAWAKIAANnZ2U1NTf//TaamTaamptPT001Npv///yH5BAEAAAAA LAAAAAAVABYAAAOKCLrc/jDKSStAoYGgy4uhKrKKQFdjkCYkAiVoKBB0IQgp sHSDBgNBF2KQMHSVCANBF4JwaGgIh4YmEHQhBmlo0HQtEHQhCIeGDE/VDEEX YpCGxvBU7QxBN2iQhuwMzc7M0BBUYwiHxvB01RBUgwZpyA5N9wxBF0PV8HTV EHQZ0HQZQZfbH0Y5KUQJADs= } set btn(undo) { R0lGODlhFwAWAJEAANnZ2U1Npqampv///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAAXABYAAAI+ hI+py+0Po5y0WkDiCMFHi4sgGCF3Z5QgCD4E4gUlhG+BeEFJCD4E4lFsgh1y d3dniEL4mLrc/jDKSau9gBQAOw== } set btn(redo) { R0lGODlhFwAWAJEAANnZ2aampk1Npv///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAAXABYAAAI9 hI+py+0Po5y0ThJJhOBjWgiSBAAh+AiSJgSJ4CNInpBE+AiSJiSJ4COEJMkm +GgSBB9Tl9sfRjlptZeRAgA7 } ## -- Tools set btn(checkspelling) { R0lGODlhFwAWAJEAANnZ2U1NTU1Npv///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAAXABYAAAJh hI+py+0PoyIBIgAgKISPFhBAQSAIPmJEACWAAAAgEf4FBAQhCAAQgo8BAUEB IEIIPqaKqh4R4WOqqB6JsOXu7kgGgBF8TBARgkTwMU9ESISPmSJC8DFVCD6m Lrc/jBKQAgA7 } set btn(find) { R0lGODlhFwAWAKIAANnZ2QAAAOzp2Kyomf///wD//wAAgP///yH5BAEAAAAA LAAAAAAXABYAAAOCCLrc/jDKKVFoIOhyK0aIiGAEgi5z4BCRCMoEgi5vIFGV CIoEgi5roFCh6Eog6DIEChWKrgSCLkOg6HIg6DIEii4Hgi5roOgKBYIub+Cg qNIEgi5zYIgIDZoi6HIHRoSJoRmCLjejiZkh6HIzmpgZgi43o4kZgi53oxmC Lrc/jHJGlAA7 } set btn(replace) { R0lGODlhFwAWAKIAANnZ2YAAAAAAAKyomezp2P///wD//wAAgCH5BAEAAAAA LAAAAAAXABYAAAN9CLrc/jDKSR0KBF1uBxSBoMvNGKoIutyKARCBoMu9GACB oMsqKCIAgIGgyyw4RCMIuhq8SKaKCEcAADAAAkEXhLCMiARBIzQQdEGQVEsA AUMVQVdlkLRGAAEiEHQZBIdq5BAUYncXEpW7Q9DldjxF0OV2vEPQ5faHUU5a J0oAOw== } set btn(paint) { R0lGODlhFwAWALMAANnZ2YCAgAAAAP///wCAgMDAwP8AAIAAAAD//wAAgICA AAAA/4AAgP//AP///////yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAAXABYAAAS3EMhJq704671D gCIEAYGcVAYxgxBBCAikkFLKEIQMQ0BSBAAiCAjkBGEEAcwRBMEE1BACAjll KEuYIwhKUJUgIJCTJrLYESSoBpWAQE4qE2FHENUUFBDISSUMctIgIJCTgjDG GKWUAkMQEMhJZSgwyCkEBHLSGcYoJYQQoIBATjrDGKWEEAIUEMhJZxhjlBJC gAICOekMY4xSQghQQCAnnWGMUUoIAQoI5KQUCjklBHLSai/Oeu8IADs= } set btn(help) { R0lGODlhGAAWAPcAANnZ2djh9NHc8dDb79Hb79Hc79Db8dPc6+Pn7+Tr+NPc 8eTo9f38/f////37/ODm89Ld8c3S3Ovv+OLq99bf8Pv//8bz/6jd/pjP/JHJ /6nU//j+/////NTf8bq/x+nt9tTe8c7p/3Gy/4ev7N/i7PTw6+Dk8Xmk9k6M /sre/////dLd8L3Ax+3x+tfg8+/x9tvq/0qK/12H3v//7v38/qG55///+v75 8z1z4DZx5u7z/+Dn9JOZpdLW3WuY9Stn4m6LyOPq8FJ/1wExvX+c12aM2hVU 0Xea4v79/r/I26Gjqdfg8ebt+zNr2zRp0ylfyiJZyRpVyRFMwcbQ4kBx0CFb zTlrzvv7/NPe72Vnatnh8srY8yNczTNnzzBlzCxhzCBWxKi1z3uc4BtUxyxh zSpfxu3x9dXf8E5PUtjh89be8h9XxTNnzjJmzCJbzGqGwpGt6BBLxC5jzClg yyxfw/Hy89bg8kpLTvv6+DNjxSddyjRoziRcy2qJyt/n9zls0CRbyjJmzRxU w1F5x/38+MXP4UxNUNPc8Pn6+pCo2A5JvS9jzSphzTtsy2mO2CpfyipeyRFI ub3J4Ojt9pCXpFxeYdrg6tfh8v//+Fl+xw1GuxRPxpWkwnCS2RBLwQxGuIGa zlJUV5CSmOzw+cfP3+Lq9f//9IGazxZNtz1luZqv2SRZwCVXuZ+v1f//99ni 9GtweGxucs/T2+Hl7bW9ztjj9OLi5KKxz5ar1LvG3fDx7PLz9tbh8np/iK+y uNjb46Glr8bP49fh89nj9Nrj9Nji87C6yVRWWmlqbqeqsOLm7t/j67W4v2Zn a0tMT0hJTHV3e8THz+fq8/////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAAYABYAAAj/AAEIHEiwoMGD CBMqXMhQYAABAwgUMHAAQUMACRQsYNCgQQMHDyBEkLBwAoUGFSxcwJBBwwYO HTx8UAiiQQgRI0iUMHECRQoVK1i0QOjiBYwYMmbQqGHjBo4cOnbw6IEQRAMf P4AEETKESIMiRo4gSaIE4RImTZw8gRJFypQGVKpYuYIlC0ItW7h08fIFTJgG YsaQKWPmDBqEadSsYdPGzZsGcOLImUOnjp07CF3gyaNnD58+fv4ACiRoEKFC hhAeQpRI0SJGjRw9kgMpkqRJlCohtHQJUyZNmzg16OTpEyhMdkKJQjiKVClT p1ClUrWKVStXr2DFkpVwFq1aeGzdOMKVS9cuXr2y+Pqg8BewYMKGESsmzNgx ZMmUMVzGrJkzgM8EooEWTRpAAAIHEixo8CDChAoXMgwIADs= } set btn(zoomin) { R0lGODlhGAAWAOYAANnZ2dvj9ay33Zqr2put3Z6u2q2439bd8c3W756t2rvO 6sXp+b7w/rjl+aPE65yt3MzV7pqr2d7q9v///8nr/7jo/6/i/77x/6za+pqq 2brE56fB5OX9/9ju/5HR9C10xcf5/8Dy/8b4/6C74q653qSz37nk9r7r/6nd 9L/u+s7//77n+Z2u3r/x/q7h/wFnzNr//9H9/qa14LLT8bns/5vN8p7Q8c3c 6uf//8To9J+v277J6Zqt3cbz/7bo/7fm8vj///7///3//6K32bjF5fDu8NnV 1pyq0pm15MDw/9H//9j//+D//+7//9Dd7KKx2/zEc/ipT5eUoKGv2Jqt2J+9 4L3d7b7b7aa226Sx3NHZ8PqlRcF1TKSAh9PZ78DM66Wz3Z2v3qe24KR+hbu4 1uDb1fCiSNTX3oBxaKB7gby20ubp8dPV4f////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////yH5BAEAAAAA LAAAAAAYABYAAAfQgACCg4SFhoeIiYqLjIUBAgMEBQYHjYMICQoLDA0ODxCN AAEREhMUFRYXGBkBjRobHB0eHyAhIiMkjSUmJx4eHygpKisDjSwtLi8fHx8f MDEEjTIzNDU2Hzc3ODk6jTs8PT4/H0BBQkNEjEVGR0hJSktMTU5PAYtFUFFS U1RVVoBXWFlagACCg4QARVBbXF1eX2BhYl8BhYUARVBbXGNkhYWFgkVQW1xj ZIWFhYNlZlxjZIWFhYRnaGlqhYWFhQBrbIAAgoOEhYaHiImKi4yLgQA7 } set btn(zoomout) { R0lGODlhGAAWAOYAANnZ2dvj9b3I6KOy3Zut3Zqr2pqp1dHZ8Ke13qCv17LT 68Hy/rjg9p64456u28zV7qi237/M5f///+D3/7fn/7Pl/77x/6jU9Zyr2sDM 66e64e/9//b8/8Tm/7zu/7Di/7Hk/8b2/5265Km02qe34LLO7Mr1/7Hd+c3+ /7zn+Z2v3rLY8rTn/4Gz5gFnzN3//838/qe24LDO7rvu/8LR4+j//8nw+aCz 38Xx/7Tm/8///9////L///3///r//7bR6qGv2qPG8Mf1/8n7/9r//+b///H/ /+7y+p+v29Xb8PXauvG2ZKSntZup1Jmz37vi+dD7/rjT68LK5v+3UuOKP6Bz asjN37nF5p6t27C64axyZaSSsN/i86SRrejg2/+4U9TX3qCAYK1yY8PFy7m2 w/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////yH5BAEAAAAA LAAAAAAYABYAAAfZgACCg4SFhoeIiYqLjIUBAgMEBQYBjYMHCAkKCwwNDg+N AAEQERITFBUWFxgBjRkaGxwdHh8gISIjjSQlJieAKIKCKQWAAIKDhIMqKywt Li4uLi8wBIWFgzEyM4A0goI1NgWAAIKDhIMZNzg5Ojs8PT4/I4WFgwFAQUJD REVGR0hJhYWCSktMTU5PUDZRSFKFhYJKU1RVVldYBAVZAYWFgkpTVFpbXIWF hYJKU1RaXVyFhYWCXl9UWl1chYWFg2BhYl1chYWFhWNkXIAAgoOEhYaHiImK i4yKgQA7 } ## -- Objects set btn(clipart) { R0lGODlhFwAWALMAANnZ2QAAAICAgP///4AAAIAAgMDAwP//AICAAP////// /////////////////////yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAAXABYAAATMEMhJq704622D gEEEEUQQQQQRIJBTCjjkpFNAIKcMY4whCCEEijFGgEBOKcYYAxI5xxgCAjll GGOMIkohkIgxAgRySjHGGMGEQyARYwgI5JRhjIHKKUNAIsYIEMgpxRhilDCO gKKMISCQU4YxRghFjADLGCNAIKcUY4yBwjABDjkEBHLKMMYYYhwU4JAjQCCn FGOMIQoSAg45BARyyjCGECOEUmAIYwQI5JRiiDJGKafAIsQQEMgpgwgiiCCC gEEEESCQk1Z7cdabdwsjADs= } set btn(table) { R0lGODlhFwAWAKIAANnZ2QAAAAAAgICAgP///////////////yH5BAEAAAAA LAAAAAAXABYAAAN8CLrc/jDKSStDocsdCLoQKLrMgaALgaLLHAi6EDi6zIGg C0FIQ0SDpKMUCLoQhDRENEg6SoGgC4GjyxwIuhCENEQ0SDpKgaALQUhDRIOk oxQIuhA4usyBoAtBSENEg6SjFAi6EIQ0RDRIOkqBoAsYutyBoMvtD6OctFqL EgA7 } set btn(picture) { R0lGODlhFwAWAKIAANnZ2QAAAP//AP///4CAgMDAwP///////yH5BAEAAAAA LAAAAAAXABYAAAOACLrc/jDKSau9KHRZEXQZAmVkZFBGJhB0GQJHRkaQgiQQ dBkCZWRkMComEHQZAkdGRpCCJBB0GQJlZGRQRiYQdBkCRyZGcGQkEHQZAmWC YjBCJhB0GQIniCiwKiQQdBkCgyiIMKoiEHQZAkkpNLAqEHQZMHRZEXS5/WGU k1Z7AUoAOw== } ## -- VCR controls set btn(vcrback) { R0lGODlhFQAVAJEAANnZ2QAAAP///////yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAAVABUAAAI6 hI+py+0Po3wkhI+JEapKYsLHtIigED4mUGyCjwkUm+BjWkRQCB/zIoLgY2KE qhoSwsfU5faHUc5JCgA7 } set btn(vcrgoend) { R0lGODlhFgAWAJEAANnZ2QAAAP///////yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAAWABYAAAJY hI+py+0Po5wUkAAAAQCEhOBjxEUQnDAzM4oBFgBG8DEiAigOGMFHio9G8JHi oxF8jIgAigNG8DEiLCgBRBB8jLgIghNmZkYBAAIACAnBx9Tl9odRTgpIAQA7 } set btn(vcrff) { R0lGODlhFgAWAJEAANnZ2QAAAP///////yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAAWABYAAAJK hI+py+0Po5zUkAAAQfAxIeIoIXzMiDCKCR8xIoKQRBB8PIqPBB+N4iPBR4uI ICQRBB8vIoxiwkeMuKAQPmZgEHxMXW5/GOWkihQAOw== } set btn(vcrforward) { R0lGODlhFQAVAJEAANnZ2QAAAP///////yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAAVABUAAAI7 hI+py+0Po5yThPAxM0JVAYkJH/MigkL4mEaxCT4mUGyCjwkRQSF8TIsIgo95 EaoKSAgfU5fbH0b5SAEAOw== } set btn(vcrpause) { R0lGODlhEgASAJEAANnZ2QAAAP///////yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAASABIAAAJB hI+py+0PSQIwgo8WYUEhfLQICwrho0VYUAgfLcKCQvhoERYUwkeLsKAQPlqE BYXw0SIsKISPFmFBIXxMXW5/SAoAOw== } set btn(vcrrewind) { R0lGODlhFgAWAJEAANnZ2QAAAP///////yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAAWABYAAAJK hI+py+0Po5xUkQAAQfAxIy4ohI8YEUYx4eNFRBCSCIKPRvGR4KNRfCT4eBER hCSC4CNGhFFM+JgRFxTCx4TAIPiYutz+MMpJDSkAOw== } set btn(vcrgostart) { R0lGODlhFgAWAJEAANnZ2QAAAP///////yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAAWABYAAAJa hI+py+0Po5wUkAQAEAAEhOBjxEUQnDAzM0oAFgAWBB8jIIISREQQfKT4aAQf KT4awccIiKAEEREEHyMsggJEBMHHiIsgOGFmZpQAAAKAgBB8TF1ufxjlpIAU ADs= } set btn(vcrstopcircle) { R0lGODlhEgASAJEAANnZ2QAAAP///////yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAASABIAAAI0 hI+py+0PAYlN8NEofhB8pPhH8I/iH8E/in8E/yj+Efyj+EfwkeIHwUej2AQf U5fbH8ZECgA7 } set btn(vcrstopsquare) { R0lGODlhFQAVAJEAANnZ2QAAAP///////yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAAVABUAAAI7 hI+py+0Po5yQxD+Cj0bxj+CjUfwj+GgU/wg+GsU/go9G8Y/go1H8I/hoFP8I PhrFP4KPqcvtD6OckBQAOw== } ## -- Directions set btn(down) { R0lGODlhFAASAJEAANnZ2QAAAP///////yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAAUABIAAAI/ hI+py+1M4uMRfKP4GAT/KD4GwUeKfwQfgeIfwUej+EHwESk2wcek2AQfEyKC 4GNaRBB8zAtVBRLCx9Tl9kekADs= } set btn(downleft) { R0lGODlhFQATAJEAANnZ2QAAAP///////yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAAVABMAAAJD hI+py+1vSAgfMyNUFZCY8DEvIiiEj2kUm+BjAsUn+JgUPwg+IsU3go9H8Y/g o1F8JPgIFB+D4CPFRyP4mLrc/tCRAgA7 } set btn(downright) { R0lGODlhFQATAJEAANnZ2QAAAP///////yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAAVABMAAAJB hI+py+0PSQgfEyNUlcSEj2kRQSF8TKDYBB+T4hN8RIofBB+P4hvBR6P4R/AR KD4SfKT4GAT/KD4awcfU5faHjxQAOw== } set btn(left) { R0lGODlhEgAUAJEAANnZ2QAAAP///////yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAASABQAAAI/ hI+py+1vSAgfMyIyj8Qm+GgUn+AjxTeCbxQfCT7FRyP4RvGR4CPFN4KPRvEJ Ph7FJviYEZGZhoTwMXW5/RspADs= } set btn(right) { R0lGODlhEgAUAJEAANnZ2QAAAP///////yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAASABQAAAJA hI+py+1GQviYFhEEH5NiE3w8ik/w0Si+EXyk+EjwjeKjEXyKjwTfKL4RfKT4 BB+NYhN8vIjITBLCx9Tl9oeMFAA7 } set btn(up) { R0lGODlhFAASAJEAANnZ2QAAAP///////yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAAUABIAAAI+ hI+py+1/SAgfE0NVKSZ8TIsIgo8JFJvgY1Jsgo9I8YPgo1H8I/gIFP8IPlJ8 DIJ/FB+D4BvFxyP4mLrc3qQAOw== } set btn(upleft) { R0lGODlhFQATAJEAANnZ2QAAAP///////yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAAVABMAAAJC hI+py+0PH4mPRvCP4mMQfKT4SPARKP4RfDSKbwQfj+IHwUek+AQfk2ITfEyI CArhY1pEEHzMi1BVQEL4mLrc/pAUADs= } set btn(upright) { R0lGODlhFQATAJEAANnZ2QAAAP///////yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAAVABMAAAJD hI+py+0PHYmPRvCR4mMQfASKjwQfjeIfwcej+EbwESl+EHxMik/wMYFiE3xM iwgK4WNeRBB8TIxQVUNC+Ji63P6GFAA7 } #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Tooltip type # # The tooltip command is an instance of TooltipType, so that we can # have options. # # Code posted by William Duquette to the Tcler's Wiki on page # "Snit Tooltips" snit::type TooltipType { #------------------------------------------------------------------- # Options option -font {Helvetica 8} option -background "#FFFFC0" option -topbackground black option -foreground black option -delay 600 #------------------------------------------------------------------- # Variables # Tool tip text. An array, indexed by window name variable tiptext # Tool tip timeout, or {} variable timeout {} # Tool tip window, or {} variable tipwin {} #------------------------------------------------------------------- # Constructor # Implicit #------------------------------------------------------------------- # Public methods method register {window text} { set tiptext($window) $text # Add "+" so other actions bound to these events will fire bind $window "+[mymethod Enter $window]" bind $window "+[mymethod Leave $window]" } method unregister {window} { unset tiptext($window) } #------------------------------------------------------------------- # Private Methods # When the mouse pointer enters the window, set the timer. method Enter {window} { set timeout [after $options(-delay) [mymethod Popup $window]] } # Pop up the tooltip. method Popup {window} { # FIRST, the timeout has fired, so we can forget it. set timeout {} # NEXT, the tooltip will be a child of the window's toplevel. set top [winfo toplevel $window] # NEXT, the tooltip's name depends on which toplevel it is. set tipwin ".gui_tooltip_window" if {$top ne "."} { set tipwin "$top$tipwin" } # NEXT, create the tooltip window. frame $tipwin \ -background $options(-topbackground) label $tipwin.label \ -text $tiptext($window) \ -foreground $options(-foreground) \ -background $options(-background) \ -font $options(-font) # Pack the label with a 1 pixel gap, so that there's a box # around it. pack $tipwin.label -padx 1 -pady 1 # NEXT, the tipwin will be placed in the toplevel relative to # the position of the registered window. We'll figure this out # by getting the position of both relative to the root window. set tx [winfo rootx $top] set ty [winfo rooty $top] set wx [winfo rootx $window] set wy [winfo rooty $window] # We want to the tip to appear below and to the right of the # registered window. set offset [expr {[winfo width $window]/2}] # Compute the final position. set x [expr {($wx - $tx) + $offset}] set y [expr {($wy - $ty) + [winfo height $window] + 2}] # Finally, place the tipwin in its position. place $tipwin -anchor nw -x $x -y $y # However, if window is to the right of its toplevel, the # tipwin might be too wide. Slide it to the left, as needed. # TBD: I don't know of any way to determine the width of the # tipwin without letting it pop up, which causes an ugly # jump. update idletasks set rightEdge [expr {$x + [winfo width $tipwin]}] set topWid [winfo width $top] if {$rightEdge >= $topWid} { set x [expr {$x - ($rightEdge - $topWid + 2)}] place $tipwin -anchor nw -x $x -y $y } } # When the mouse pointer leaves the window, cancel the timer or # popdown the window, as needed. method Leave {window} { if {$timeout ne ""} { after cancel $timeout set timeout "" return } if {$tipwin ne ""} { destroy $tipwin set tipwin "" } } } #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # The tooltip command TooltipType tooltip } ====== <> Package | Windows