Version 38 of Wikit in local mode

Updated 2003-11-01 05:04:57

WiKit and TclKit were designed to run out-of-the-box, with no installation or configuration whatsoever. This goes beyond what you are probably used to with software applications as elaborate as WiKit.

Enough said, let's get you started:

  1. Grab a compressed copy of the Tcl'ers Wiki at and and uncompress it to wikit.tkd (unless you want to start with a fresh set of pages)
  2. Grab the appropriate runtime of TclKit for your system at
  3. Uncompress and rename it to tclkit (leave as is on Windows)
  4. Grab a copy of the latest wikit code at [L1 ] and rename to wikit
  5. Make both files executable: chmod +x tclkit wikit
  6. Type tclkit wikit ... and you should be up and running

Welcome to WiKit!

You can put "tclkit" anywhere on your $PATH, it's just a runtime. The file "wikit" is an executable starkit containing all the scripts - typing just "wikit" (or "./wikit") should also work. Note that wikit expects a wikit.tkd file in the current directory (else it will create a fresh one).

This means that if you wish for people to share wikit data locally, you need to write a wrapper that cd's to a common, writable directory, before invoking the wikit.kit file. That is the only way that all the users - or even you yourself - will see an accumulation of data. It is an unfortunate consequence of the new design.

You can specify the name of the datafile on the command line. To open the wiki in read-only mode, add "-readonly" as command-line arg.

WiKit does not require Tcl/Tk or MetaKit to be installed separately on your system - nor does it care if they are (or will be, one day). Everything is wrapped up inside the TclKit standalone excutable. To uninstall WiKit: delete these files again. To use this on another machine: move them. If it's a different platform: switch to the proper TclKit runtime and move only the "wikit.tkd" file.

That's all there is to it.

LV Someone want to document the benefits of running wikit as a desktop app instead of as a CGI application?

  • It's fast. RPH Not over a dialup connection...
  • Pages can be renamed. RPH Why can't you do this with the CGI version?

aa How about listing some of the drawbacks of a WiKit in local mode?

  • The wiki external URL links don't work.
  • There's no way to "find" text on a page (the browser will provide you this function with the web app).
  • The local editor doesn't support drag-and-drop, which your web browser might.

LV: Note however that all 3 of these are things that could be addressed, if someone wanted them badly enough to work on the code.

June 18, 2002 - There is a new version of wikit, see the WiKit home page at [L2 ]. It differs from the previous code in that it keeps the wiki data in a separate MetaKit datafile, while the code is now a standard starkit. This is not a rewrite, but it does consolidate all the latest changes, clean up lots of internal messiness, and it's much easier to alter without losing existing wikit page contents.

The new code is now also driving the Tcl'ers Wiki itself -JCW

August 2, 2002 - Fixed link to wikit.kit, it was no longer pointing to the right spot.

November 26, 2002 - wikit has the ability to fetch newer versions of the data file itself - just do this:

 tclkit wikit.kit /path/to/wikit.tkd -update

Note that the versions fetched are the daily commits, not the very last-minute pages.

LV Anyone remember which page documents the whole Tcler's Wiki CVS page commit'' information? If so, replace this line with a page reference. Otherwise, I suppose this would be as good a place as any to document it.

Basically, the idea is that each time a page is modified, the new page , along with the date and IP address, are saved. Then at the end of the day, these changes are comitted to a CVS repository. There is an interface to that repository so that previous revisions of a page can be seen. See for details.

What are some of the differences between the Wikit in local mode and the wikit in CGI mode?

  • In local mode, on some machines anyway, the font uses is very very small.
  • In CGI mode, one can apply Style Sheets. (Is there a web page that discusses how to do this?)
  • In local mode, each viewing page has a search box at the top of the page.
  • In local mode, HTTP is not supported. Thus, links outside of the wikit do not work. In fact, if you use http: links within the wiki, instead of using wiki likes like formatting rules, those won't work either.
  • In local mode, you can add images into the wikit itself Adding images to local mode wikis

Category Wikit