Version 4 of Wiki admin notice

Updated 2005-02-13 14:02:54 by jcw

The wiki had some weird trouble with dates and references on Sat 12 Feb, and again on the 13th.

I've made the wiki read-only until the cause of this is resolved. Will look into this later today, my apologies for the inconvenience.

-jcw, your friendly wiki admin

VK: you probably mean 13 Feb. Thanks for repairing!

2005-02-13 12:00 GMT - I've re-enabled the wiki with more patient locking, looks like some edits are now taking longer than the previous rules for lock acquire/break were prepared to wait for. There may be a race condition in the lockfile logic. If things break again, I'll revert to r/o mode again. Please let me know by email -jcw --- Aha, i think I found it. There is indeed a race condition, then wikit cannot acquire the lock (was 60s now 300s). It does:

  1. check if pid stored in lockile is a running process
  2. if not, drop the lock file as being stale

But that fails, when the process was quiting, removed its lock, and a new one already created a lock - all between steps 1) and 2).

Yuck. I'll tweak the lock logic a bit to prevent, or at least greatly reduce this race condition. -jcw