Version 39 of Wibble implementation

Updated 2015-11-22 23:03:01 by UKo

AMG: The implementation of the Wibble web server follows. It requires a recent version of Tcl 8.6 with NRE, dated 2010-09-15 or newer. You can find some recent Tclkit builds here: [L1 ] [L2 ] [L3 ]. You're welcome to make code changes directly on this page, but please keep discussion to an absolute minimum.

Fetching backrefs...

What is the state of the code below?

APN Not clear how the code below relates to the repository at [L4 ]

SEH -- The code below dates from when AMG was using this wiki as his VCS. Probably best to rely entirely on the above-referenced repo.

AMG: Yes, that is correct. I don't know why, assume I must have been busy, but I haven't properly updated these Wiki pages to forward to the repository. Thank you APN and SEH.

The wibble code is now managed in a fossil repository:

This repository has 3 branches:

  • trunk
  • handler-script where Andy has changed the way the zonehandlers are called
  • SEH-performance

The code below is the leaf of the SEH-performance branch.

Changes on branch SEH-performance (the code below)

SEH -- I take Andy up on his offer to make code changes here and humbly offer a version I've labeled 0.4.1. Details on the Wibble discussion page. Link to Andy's version 0.4 . Link to jcowgar's mirror of 0.4 on github .

SEH -- ver. 0.4.2: pulled out some unnecessary changes in how request and response vars are handled.

ver 0.4.3: more unneeded code ripped out after consultation with AMG.

Unfortunately the code cannot be highlighted because the regular expressions are confusing the highlighter

#!/usr/bin/env tclsh
# Wibble - a pure-Tcl Web server.
# Copyright 2012 Andy Goth.  mailto/andrew.m.goth/at/gmail/dot/com
# Available under the Tcl/Tk license.

package require Tcl 8.6

# Define the wibble namespace.
namespace eval ::wibble {
    variable version 0.4.3
    variable zonehandlers

    # New: Potentially save time by pre-selecting only matching handlers to be
    # evaluated for possible response generation.
    # Set value to 1 to activate. As is, default behavior is unchanged.
    variable prequalify_handlers 0

# ============================== zone handlers ================================

# Define the ::wibble::zone namespace.
namespace eval ::wibble::zone {
    namespace path ::wibble

# Echo request dictionary.
proc ::wibble::zone::vars {state} {
    dict set state response status 200
    dict set state response header content-type "" text/html
    dict set state response content [template {
<html><head><style type="text/css">
    body {font-family: monospace}
    table {border-collapse: collapse; outline: 1px solid #000; width: 100%}
    th {white-space: nowrap; text-align: left; vertical-align: top}
    th, td {border: 1px solid #727772}
    tr:nth-child(odd) {background-color: #ded}
    tr:nth-child(even) {background-color: #eee}
    th.title {background-color: #8d958d; text-align: center}
% dict for {dictname dictval} $state {
    <tr><th class="title" colspan="2">[enhtml $dictname]</th></tr>
%   if {$dictname in {request response}} {
%       set dictval [dumpstate $dictval]
%   }
%   dict for {key val} $dictval {
    <tr><th>[enhtml $key]</th><td>[enhtml $val]</td></tr>
%   }
% }
    sendresponse [dict get $state response]

# Redirect when a directory is requested without a trailing slash.
proc ::wibble::zone::dirslash {state} {
    dict with state request {}; dict with state options {}
    if {[file isdirectory $fspath] && [string index $suffix end] ni {/ ""}} {
        append path /
        if {[info exists rawquery]} {
            append path $rawquery
        redirect $path

# Rewrite directory requests to search for an indexfile.
proc ::wibble::zone::indexfile {state} {
    dict with state request {}; dict with state options {}
    if {[file isdirectory $fspath]} {
        if {[string index $path end] ne "/"} {
            append path /
        set newstate $state
        dict set newstate request path $path$indexfile
        nexthandler $newstate $state

# Generate directory listings.
proc ::wibble::zone::dirlist {state} {
    dict with state request {}; dict with state options {}
    if {![file isdirectory $fspath]} {
        # Pass if the requested object is not a directory or doesn't exist.
    } elseif {[file readable $fspath]} {
        # If the directory is readable, generate a listing.
        dict set state response status 200
        dict set state response header content-type "" text/html
        dict set state response content [template {
% if {$path ne "/"} {
    <li><a href="../">../</a></li>
% }
% foreach elem [lsort [glob -nocomplain -tails -types d -directory $fspath *]] {
    <li><a href="[enhex $elem/]">[enhtml $elem/]</a></li>
% }
% foreach elem [lsort [glob -nocomplain -tails -types f -directory $fspath *]] {
    <li><a href="[enhex $elem]">[enhtml $elem]</a></li>
% }
        sendresponse [dict get $state response]
    } else {
        # But if it isn't readable, generate a 403.
        forbidden $state

# Execute scripts.
proc ::wibble::zone::scriptfile {state} {
    dict with state request {}; dict with state options {}
    if {[file readable $fspath.script]} {
        dict set state response status 200
        source $fspath.script
        sendresponse [dict get $state response]

# Execute templates.
proc ::wibble::zone::templatefile {state} {
    dict with state request {}; dict with state options {}
    if {[file readable $fspath.tmpl]} {
        set chan [open $fspath.tmpl]
        set body [chan read $chan]
        chan close $chan
        dict set state response status 200
        dict set state response content [template $body]
        sendresponse [dict get $state response]

# Guess the content type from the URI extension.
proc ::wibble::zone::contenttype {state} {
    dict with state request {}; dict with state options {}
    set extension [string tolower [string range [file extension $path] 1 end]]
    foreach {type pattern} $typetable {
        if {[regexp -nocase -- $pattern $extension]} {
            dict set state response header content-type "" $type
            nexthandler $state

# Send static files.
proc ::wibble::zone::staticfile {state} {
    dict with state request {}; dict with state options {}
    if {![file isdirectory $fspath] && [file exists $fspath]} {
        dict set state response status 200
        dict set state response contentfile $fspath
        sendresponse [dict get $state response]

# Send a 301 Moved Permanently.
proc ::wibble::zone::redirect {newurl {state ""}} {
    dict set state response status 301
    dict set state response header location $newurl
    sendresponse [dict get $state response]

# Send a 403 Forbidden.
proc ::wibble::zone::forbidden {state} {
    dict set state response status 403
    dict set state response header content-type {"" text/plain charset utf-8}
    dict set state response content "forbidden: [dict get $state request uri]\n"
    sendresponse [dict get $state response]

# Send a 404 Not Found.
proc ::wibble::zone::notfound {state} {
    dict set state response status 404
    dict set state response header content-type {"" text/plain charset utf-8}
    dict set state response content "not found: [dict get $state request uri]\n"
    sendresponse [dict get $state response]

# ============================ utility procedures =============================

# [dict getnull] is like [dict get] but returns empty string for missing keys.
proc ::tcl::dict::getnull {dictionary args} {
    if {[exists $dictionary {*}$args]} {
        get $dictionary {*}$args
namespace ensemble configure dict -map [dict replace\
    [namespace ensemble configure dict -map] getnull ::tcl::dict::getnull]

# Expand a template.
proc ::wibble::template {body} {
    set script ""
    set pos 0
    foreach match [regexp -line -all -inline -indices {^%.*$} $body] {
        lassign $match from to
        set str [string range $body $pos [expr {$from - 1}]]
        if {$str ne ""} {
            append script "append # \[" [list subst $str] \]\n
        append script [string range $body [expr {$from + 1}] $to]\n
        set pos [expr {$to + 2}]
    set str [string range $body $pos end]
    if {$str ne ""} {
        append script "append # \[" [list subst $str] \]
    uplevel 1 "set # {}; $script; set #"

# Flatten a request/response state dictionary into a form that's easier to log.
proc ::wibble::dumpstate {data {prefix ""}} {
    if {![llength $data]} {
        return [list $prefix ""]
    set result {}
    dict for {key val} $data {
        set key [concat $prefix [list $key]]
        if {$key in {header accept query "header content-type"}
         || (([lindex $key 0] in {post query}
           || [lrange $key 0 1] in {"header cookie" "header set-cookie"})
          && ([llength $key] < 3
           || ([llength $key] == 3 && [lindex $key 2] ne "")))} {
            lappend result {*}[dumpstate $val $key]
        } elseif {[string length $val] > 512} {
            lappend result $key (len=[string length $val])
        } else {
            lappend result $key $val
    return $result

# New: create and maintain namespace var with current time in secs,
# to save excessive calls to [clock seconds]
proc ::wibble::update_clock_seconds {} {
    variable clock_seconds
    set clock_seconds [clock seconds]
    after 250 ::wibble::update_clock_seconds

# ========================= network input procedures ==========================

# Get a line of data from the current coroutine's socket.
proc ::wibble::getline {} {
    set info_coroutine [info coroutine]
    set socket [namespace tail $info_coroutine]
    while {1} {
        if {[chan gets $socket line] >= 0} {
            return $line
        } elseif {[chan eof $socket]} {
            return -level [info level]
        } elseif {[chan pending input $socket] > 4096} {
            error "line length exceeds limit of 4096 bytes"
        icc get $info_coroutine readable

# Get a block of data from the current coroutine's socket.
proc ::wibble::getblock {size} {
    set info_coroutine [info coroutine]
    set socket [namespace tail $info_coroutine]
    while {1} {
        set chunklet [chan read $socket $size]
        set size [expr {$size - [string length $chunklet]}]
        append chunk $chunklet
        if {[chan eof $socket]} {
            return -level [info level]
        } elseif {$size == 0} {
            return $chunk
        icc get $info_coroutine readable

# ==================== conversion and parsing procedures ======================

# Encode for HTML by substituting angle brackets, ampersands, space sequences,
# and line breaks.
proc ::wibble::enhtml {str} {
    string map {< &lt; > &gt; & &amp; \r "" \n "<br />\n" "  " \ &\#160;} $str

# Encode for HTML tag attribute by substituting angle brackets, ampersands,
# space sequences, and single and double quotes.
proc ::wibble::enattr {str} {
    string map {< &lt; > &gt; & &amp; \r "" \n "" "  " \ &\#160;
                ' &apos; \" &quot;} $str

# Encode for HTML <pre> by substituting angle brackets and ampersands.
proc ::wibble::enpre {str} {
    string map {< &lt; > &gt; & &amp; \r ""} $str

# Encode a query string.  The caller must prepend the question mark.
proc ::wibble::enquery {args} {
    set query {}
    set encode {apply {{str} {string map { " " +}\
        [enhex $str {[^-^,./'|!$\w ]}]} ::wibble}}
    foreach {key val} [concat {*}$args] {
        if {[dict exists $val ""]} {
            lappend query [{*}$encode $key]=[{*}$encode [dict get $val ""]]
        } else {
            lappend query [{*}$encode $key]
    join $query &

# Decode a query string into a list.  The caller must strip the question mark.
proc ::wibble::dequery {str} {
    set query {}
    foreach elem [split $str &] {
        regexp {^([^=]*)(?:(=.*))?$} $elem _ key val
        if {$val ne ""} {
            set val [list "" [decode \
                [string range $val 1 end]]]
        lappend query [decode $key] $val
    return $query

# Encode by substituting most non-alphanumerics with hexadecimal codes.
proc ::wibble::enhex {str {pattern {[^-^,./'=+|!$\w]}}} {
    set pos 0
    while {[regexp -indices -start $pos $pattern $str range]} {
        binary scan [string range $str {*}$range] H2 char
        set str [string replace $str {*}$range %$char]
        set pos [expr {[lindex $range 0] + 3}]
    return $str

# Decode hexadecimal encoding.
proc ::wibble::dehex {str} {
    subst -novariables -nocommands\
        [regsub -all {%([[:xdigit:]]{2})} [string map {\\ \\\\} $str] {\\u00\1}]

# New: replace dehex in places to save extra call to [string map]
proc ::wibble::decode {str} {
    subst -novariables -nocommands\
        [regsub -all {%([[:xdigit:]]{2})} [string map {+ { } \\ \\\\} $str] {\\u00\1}]

# Encode an HTTP time/date.
proc ::wibble::entime {time} {
    variable clock_seconds
    switch [lindex $time 0] {
        abstime {set time [lindex $time 1]}
        reltime {set time [expr {$clock_seconds + [lindex $time 1]}]}
    clock format $time -format "%a %d-%b-%Y %T %Z" -timezone :GMT

# Decode an HTTP time/date.
proc ::wibble::detime {str} {
    list abstime [clock scan $str]

# Decode header list encoding.
proc ::wibble::delist {separator str} {
    regexp -all -inline [dict get {
semicolon {(?:[^;"=]+=)?(?:[Ww]/)?"(?:[^\\"]|\\.)*"|\((?:[^\\()]|\\.)*\)|[^;]+}
comma     {(?:[^,"=]+=)?(?:[Ww]/)?"(?:[^\\"]|\\.)*"|\((?:[^\\()]|\\.)*\)|[^,]+}
semicomma {(?:[^;,"=]+=)?"(?:[^\\"]|\\.)*"|\((?:[^\\()]|\\.)*\)|[^;,]+}
space     {"(?:[^\\"]|\\.)*"|\((?:[^\\()]|\\.)*\)|[^"()\\\s]+}
    } $separator] $str

# Encode HTTP header quoting when appropriate.
proc ::wibble::enquote {str} {
    if {$str eq "" || [regexp {[\0-\040\177\(\)<>@,;:\\"/\[\]\?={}]} $str]} {
        return \"[regsub -all {[\0-\010\012-\037\177"\\]} $str {\\&}]\"
    } else {
        return $str

# Decode HTTP header quoting.
proc ::wibble::dequote {str} {
    if {([string index $str 0] eq "\"" && [string index $str end] eq "\"")
     || ([string index $str 0] eq "(" && [string index $str end] eq ")")} {
        regsub -all {\\(.)} [string range $str 1 end-1] {\1}
    } else {
        return $str

# Encode an HTTP entity tag.
proc ::wibble::entag {tag} {
    lassign $tag type val
    switch $type {
    tag {return \"[regsub -all {[\0-\010\012-\037\177"\\]} $val {\\&}]\"}
    weaktag {return W/\"[regsub -all {[\0-\010\012-\037\177"\\]} $val {\\&}]\"}

# Decode an HTTP entity tag.
proc ::wibble::detag {str} {
    if {[string range $str 0 2] in {W/\" w/\"}} {
        list weaktag [dequote [string range $str 2 end]]
    } else {
        list tag [dequote $str]

# Encode HTTP headers.
proc ::wibble::enheader {header} {
    set str ""
    set nl ""
    dict for {key val} $header {
        if {![llength $val]} {continue}

        set comma ""
        switch $key {
        set-cookie {
            # Value is a list of cookie definitions.
            dict for {key2 val2} $val {
                append str "$nl$key: [enhex $key2]=[enhex [dict get $val2 ""]]"
                dict for {key3 val3} $val2 {
                    switch $key3 {
                    domain - path {
                        append str \;$key3=[string map {; %3b} $val3]
                    } port {
                        append str \;port
                        if {[llength $val3]} {
                            append str =\"[join $val3 ,]\"
                    } discard - httponly - secure {
                        append str \;$key3
                    } expires {
                        switch [lindex $val3 0] {
                            abstime {append str \;expires=[entime $val3 1]}
                            reltime {append str \;max-age=[lindex $val3 1]}
                set nl \n
        } cache-control - pragma {
            # Value has format "subkey1=subval1,subkey2=subval2,subkey3".
            append str "$nl$key: "
            dict for {key2 val2} $val {
                append str $comma$key2
                if {[dict exists $val2 ""]} {
                    if {$key eq "cache-control"&& $key2 in {private no-cache}} {
                        append str =\"[join [dict get $val2 ""] ,]\"
                    } else {
                        append str =[enquote [dict get $val2 ""]]
                set comma ,
        } accept-ranges - allow - connection - content-encoding -
        content-language - proxy-authenticate - trailer - upgrade - vary - via -
        www-authenticate {
            # Value has format "elem1,elem2".
            append str "$nl$key: "
            foreach val2 $val {
                append str $comma[enquote $val2]
                set comma ,
        } warning {
            # Value has format "elem1.1 elem1.2 elem1.3,elem2.1 elem2.2".
            append str "$nl$key: "
            foreach val2 $val {
                append str $comma
                set space ""
                foreach val3 $val2 {
                    append str $space[enquote $val3]
                    set space " "
                set comma ,
        } transfer-encoding {
            # Value has format "elem1;subkey1=subval1;subkey2=subval2,elem2".
            append str "$nl$key: "
            foreach val2 $val {
                append str [dict get $val2 ""]
                dict for {key3 val3} $val2 {
                    if {$key3 ne ""} {
                        append str \;$key3=[enquote $val3]
        } content-disposition - content-type {
            # Value has format "elem;subkey1=subval1;subkey2=subval2".
            append str "$nl$key: [dict get $val ""]"
            dict for {key2 val2} $val {
                if {$key2 ne ""} {
                    append str \;$key2=[enquote $val2]
        } server {
            # Value is a server agent definition.
            append str $nl$key:
            foreach val2 $val {
                if {[string index $elem 0] eq "("} {
                    append str " ([regsub -all {[\0-\010\012-\037\177()\\]}\
                        $val2 {\\&}])"
                } else {
                    append str " [enquote $val2]"
        } date - expires - last-modified {
            # Value is an absolute time.
            append str "$nl$key: [entime $val]"
        } retry-after {
            # Value is an absolute or relative time.
            switch [lindex $val 0] {
                abstime {append str "$nl$key: [entime $val 1]"
                reltime {append str "$nl$key: [lindex $val 1]"}
        } etag {
            # Value is an entity tag.
            append str "$nl$key: [entag $val]"
        } age - content-length - content-location - content-md5 -
        content-range - location {
            # Value is a never-quoted string.
            append str "$nl$key: $val"
        } default {
            # Value is a sometimes-quoted string.
            append str "$nl$key: [enquote $val]"
        set nl \n
    return $str

# Decode HTTP headers.
proc ::wibble::deheader {str} {
    set header {}
    foreach {_ key raw} [regexp -all -inline -expanded -lineanchor {
        ^( [^\s:]+ ) \s*:\s*
        ( (?: "(?:[^\\"]|\\.)*" | \((?:[^\\()]|\\.)*\) | [^\n] | \n[ \t] )* )
    } $str] {
        set key [string tolower $key]
        set raw [string trim $raw]
        set val {}
        switch $key {
        cookie {
            # Value is one or more cookie definitions.
            set common {}
            set cookie ""
            foreach elem [delist semicomma $raw] {
                regexp {\s*([^\s=]*)(?:\s*=(.*))?} $elem _ key2 val2
                set key2 [string tolower $key2]
                if {[string index $key2 0] eq "\$"} {
                    set key2 [string trim [string range $key2 1 end]]
                    if {$cookie eq ""} {
                        dict set common $key2 [dequote $val2]
                    } else {
                        dict set params $key2 [dequote $val2]
                } else {
                    if {$cookie ne ""} {
                        lappend val $cookie $params
                    set cookie [dehex $key2]
                    set params $common
                    dict set params "" [dehex $val2]
            if {$cookie ne ""} {
                lappend val $cookie $params
        } cache-control - pragma {
            # Value has format "subkey1=subval1,subkey2=subval2,subkey3".
            foreach elem [delist comma $raw] {
                regexp {\s*([^\s=]+)(?:\s*(=.*))?} $elem _ key2 val2
                if {$val2 ne ""} {
                    set val2 [dequote [string trim [string range $val2 1 end]]]
                    if {$key eq "cache-control"&& $key2 in {private no-cache}} {
                        set val2 [delist comma $val2]
                    set val2 [list "" $val2]
                lappend val [string tolower $key2] $val2
        } connection - content-encoding - content-language - none-match -
        trailer - upgrade - vary - via {
            # Value has format "elem1,elem2".
            foreach elem [delist comma $raw] {
                lappend val [dequote [string trim $elem]]
        } if-match - if-none-match {
            # Value has format "tag1,tag2".
            foreach elem [delist comma $raw] {
                lappend val [detag [string trim $elem]]
        } warning {
            # Value has format "elem1.1 elem1.2 elem1.3,elem2.1 elem2.2".
            foreach elem [delist comma $raw] {
                set val2 {}
                foreach elem2 [delist space $elem] {
                    lappend val2 [dequote $elem2]
                lappend val $val2
        } accept - accept-charset - accept-encoding - accept-language -
        expect - te - transfer-encoding {
            # Value has format "elem1;subkey1=subval1;subkey2=subval2,elem2".
            foreach elem [delist comma $raw] {
                set params {}
                set subs [delist semicolon $elem]
                foreach sub [lrange $subs 1 end] {
                    regexp {\s*([^\s=]+)(?:\s*=\s*(.*?)\s*)?} $sub _ key2 val2
                    lappend params [string tolower $key2] [dequote $val2]
                lappend val [string tolower [string trim [lindex $subs 0]]]
                lappend val $params
        } content-disposition - content-type {
            # Value has format "elem;subkey1=subval1;subkey2=subval2".
            set elems [delist semicolon $raw]
            set val [list "" [string tolower [lindex $elems 0]]]
            foreach elem [lrange $elems 1 end] {
                regexp {\s*([^\s=]+)(?:\s*=\s*(.*?)\s*)?} $elem _ key2 val2
                lappend val [string tolower $key2] [dequote $val2]
        } user-agent {
            # Value is a user-agent definition.
            foreach elem [delist space $raw] {
                if {[string index $elem 0] eq "("} {
                    lappend val ([dequote $elem])
                } else {
                    lappend val [dequote $elem]
        } date - expires - if-modified-since - if-unmodified-since -
        last-modified {
            # Value is an absolute time.
            set val [detime $raw]
        } if-range {
            # Value is an absolute time or an entity tag.
            if {[string index $raw end] eq "\""} {
                set val [detag $raw]
            } else {
                set val [detime $raw]
        } default {
            # Value has format "elem".
            set val [dequote $raw]
        dict set header $key $val
    return $header

# =================== inter-coroutine communication system ====================

# The inter-coroutine communication procedures are in the [icc] ensemble.
namespace eval ::wibble::icc {
    namespace export configure destroy get catch put
    namespace ensemble create
    variable feeds

# Lapse (remove) a feed that nothing's interested in anymore.
proc ::wibble::icc::lapse {fid} {
    variable feeds

    # Clean up the feed's data structures.
    set lapsescript [dict get $feeds $fid lapsescript]
    dict unset feeds $fid

    # Run the lapse script, which may be empty string.
    uplevel #0 $lapsescript

# Adjust an ICC feed's configuration, creating the feed in the process.
# [icc configure $fid accept|reject ?filter? ?...?]
# [icc configure $fid lapse ?timeout_milliseconds? ?lapsescript?]
proc ::wibble::icc::configure {fid operation args} {
    variable feeds

    # Initialize the feed if it doesn't already exist.
    if {![info exists feeds] || ![dict exists $feeds $fid]} {
        dict set feeds $fid {acceptable {exception timeout} lapsetime ""
            lapsescript "" lapsecancel "" suspended "" pending ""}

    # Reset the feed's lapse timeout.
    after cancel [dict get $feeds $fid lapsecancel]
    dict set feeds $fid lapsecancel ""

    # Process the requested operation.
    switch $operation {
    lapse {
        # Store arguments into feed structure, defaulting to "".
        dict set feeds $fid lapsetime [lindex $args 0]
        dict set feeds $fid lapsescript [lindex $args 1]
    } accept {
        # Append the arguments to the list of accepted filters.
        dict set feeds $fid acceptable [lsort -unique [concat\
            [dict get $feeds $fid acceptable] $args]]
    } reject {
        # Remove all filters that match any of the argument patterns.
        set index 0
        foreach filter [dict get $feeds $fid acceptable] {
            foreach pattern $args {
                if {[string match $pattern $filter]
                 && $filter ni {exception timeout}} {
                    dict set feeds $fid acceptable [lreplace\
                        [dict get $feeds $fid acceptable] $index $index]
                    incr index -1
            incr index

    # Restart the feed's lapse timeout.
    if {[dict get $feeds $fid lapsetime] ne ""} {
        dict set feeds $fid lapsecancel [after [dict get $feeds $fid lapsetime]\
            [list ::wibble::icc::lapse $fid]]

# Destroy a feed.
proc ::wibble::icc::destroy {fid} {
    variable feeds

    # Cancel the feed's readability and timeout handlers.
    if {[namespace qualifiers $fid] eq "::wibble"
     && [set socket [namespace tail $fid]] eq [chan names $socket]} {
         chan event $socket readable ""
    after cancel [dict get $feeds $fid lapsecancel]

    # Wake suspended coroutines monitoring only this feed with no timeout.
    dict for {coro filters} [dict get $feeds $fid suspended] {
        if {"timeout" ni $filters} {
            lappend suspended $coro
    if {[info exists suspended]} {
        dict for {fid2 data2} $feeds {
            set index 0
            foreach coro $suspended {
                if {$coro in [dict get $data2 suspended]} {
                    set suspended [lreplace $suspended $index $index]
                    incr index -1
                incr index
        foreach coro $suspended {

    # Unset the feed's data structure.
    dict unset feeds $fid

# Get list of events on any of the named feeds matching any of the filters.  If
# an exception event is received, execution jumps to the enclosing [icc catch].
proc ::wibble::icc::get {fids filters {timeout ""}} {
    variable feeds

    # The exception event is always permitted.
    lappend filters exception
    set code 0

    # Reset the feed lapse timeouts, and check for pending events.
    set index 0
    foreach fid $fids {
        # Reset the feed's lapse timeout.
        after cancel [dict get $feeds $fid lapsecancel]
        dict set feeds $fid lapsecancel ""

        # Gather the pending events that match the request filters.
        foreach entry [dict get $feeds $fid pending] {
            foreach filter $filters {
                if {[string match $filter [lindex $entry 0]]} {
                    if {[lindex $entry 0] eq "exception"} {
                        set code 7
                    dict set feeds $fid pending [lreplace\
                        [dict get $feeds $fid pending] $index $index]
                    lappend result $entry
                    incr index -1
            incr index

    # If no acceptable events were pending, wait for one to occur.
    if {![info exists result]} {
        # Install wake-up handlers for readability and timeout, as requested.
        set coro [info coroutine]
        if {[namespace qualifiers $coro] eq "::wibble"
         && "readable" in $filters && $coro in $fids} {
            set socket [namespace tail $coro]
            chan event $socket readable [list $coro readable]
        if {$timeout ne ""} {
            lappend filters timeout
            if {$coro ni $fids} {
                lappend fids $coro
            set timeoutcancel [after $timeout [list $coro timeout]]

        # Wait for an event.  Maintain each feed's list of suspended coroutines.
        foreach fid $fids {
            dict set feeds $fid suspended $coro $filters
        set result [list [yield]]
        if {[lindex $result 0 0] eq "exception"} {
            set code 7
        } elseif {![llength [lindex $result 0]]} { 
            set result {}
        foreach fid $fids {
            if {[dict exists $feeds $fid]} {
                dict unset feeds $fid suspended $coro

        # Remove the readability and timeout handlers.
        if {$timeout ne "" && [lindex $result 0 0] ne "timeout"} {
            after cancel $timeoutcancel
        if {[info exists socket]} {
            chan event $socket readable ""

    # Restart the lapse timeouts for the feeds monitored by this coroutine.
    foreach fid $fids {
        if {[dict getnull $feeds $fid lapsetime] ne ""} {
            after cancel [dict get $feeds $fid lapsecancel]
            dict set feeds $fid lapsecancel [after [dict get $feeds $fid\
                lapsetime] [list ::wibble::icc::lapse $fid]]

    # Return the event data.  If there was an exception event, return code 7.
    return -code $code $result

# Execute a script and return any exception events received by [icc get] within
# that script.  Other events may be returned too, but only if they happened in
# the same batch as an exception event.
proc ::wibble::icc::catch {script} {
    tailcall try $script on 7 events {set events} on ok "" {}

# Send event data to the named feeds, or all if "*".
proc ::wibble::icc::put {fids event args} {
    variable feeds

    # Expand "*" to a list of all feeds that exist at the time [put] is called.
    if {$fids eq "*"} {
        set fids [dict keys $feeds]

    # Insist on running from the event loop, never from within a coroutine.
    if {[info coroutine] ne ""} {
        after 0 [concat [list ::wibble::icc::put $fids $event] $args]

    # Send the event to all feeds whose filters accept it.
    set argument [concat [list $event] $args]
    foreach fid $fids {
        if {[dict exists $feeds $fid]} {
            foreach filter [dict get $feeds $fid acceptable] {
                if {[string match $filter $event]} {
                    # Send event to a suspended coroutine watching the feed.
                    set found 0
                    dict for {coro filters} [dict get $feeds $fid suspended] {
                        foreach filter $filters {
                            if {[string match $filter $event]} {
                                if {[info commands $coro] ne ""} {
                                    $coro $argument
                                set found 1

                    # If no suspended coroutine, enqueue the event.
                    if {!$found} {
                        dict set feeds $fid pending [concat\
                            [dict get $feeds $fid pending] [list $argument]]

# =============================== wibble core =================================

# Advance to the next zone handler using the specified state list.
proc ::wibble::nexthandler {args} {
    return -code 5 $args

# Send a response to the client.
proc ::wibble::sendresponse {response} {
    return -code 6 $response

# New: force refresh of handlers and try again with new request settings.
proc ::wibble::retryrequest {request} {
    return -code 7 $request

# Register a zone handler.

# New: in parallel with list, create hierarchical dict of handlers, from which 
# only handlers matching request path can be easily extracted.
proc ::wibble::handle {prefix cmd args} {
    variable zonehandlers
    variable zh_dict
    set prefix [file join / $prefix]
    set name [namespace eval zone [list namespace which [lindex $cmd 0]]]
    if {$name eq ""} {
        error "invalid command name \"$cmd\""
    set command [concat [list $name] [lrange $cmd 1 end]]
    lappend zonehandlers $prefix $command $args
    set h_count [expr [llength $zonehandlers]/3 - 1]
    dict set zh_dict {*}[file split $prefix/handlers\x0/$h_count] [list $prefix $command $args]
    # New: return place of newly-added handler in list.
    return $h_count

# New: change place of handler in zonehandlers list.
proc ::wibble::promote_handler {old new} {
    variable zonehandlers
    set old [expr $old * 3]
    set new [expr $new * 3]
    set handler [lrange $zonehandlers $old $old+2]
    set zonehandlers [lreplace $zonehandlers $old $old+2]
    set zonehandlers [linsert $zonehandlers $new {*}$handler]

# New: utility to rebuild zonehandlers dict from scratch.
proc ::wibble::build_zone_dict {} {
    variable zonehandlers
    variable zh_dict
    set zh_dict [dict create]
    set h_count 0
    foreach {prefix command options} $zonehandlers {
        dict set zh_dict {*}[file split $prefix/handlers\x0/$h_count] [list $prefix $command $options]
        incr h_count

# New: return only handlers that are valid matches for give path.
proc ::wibble::get_handlers {path} {
    variable zonehandlers
    variable prequalify_handlers
    variable zh_dict

    if {!$prequalify_handlers} {
        return $zonehandlers

    set zhandlers [list]
    set handler_dict [dict create]
    foreach segment [file split $path] {
        lappend subpath $segment
        if {[dict exists $zh_dict {*}$subpath handlers\x0]} {
            set handler_dict [dict merge $handler_dict [dict get $zh_dict {*}$subpath handlers\x0]]
    foreach key [lsort -dict [dict keys $handler_dict]] {
        lappend zhandlers {*}[dict get $handler_dict $key]
    return $zhandlers

# Add, modify, or cancel coroutine cleanup scripts.
proc ::wibble::cleanup {key script} {
    upvar #1 cleanup cleanup
    if {$script ne ""} {
        dict set cleanup $key $script
    } else {
        dict unset cleanup $key

# Get an HTTP request from a client.
proc ::wibble::getrequest {port chan peerhost peerport} {
    variable clock_seconds

    # The HTTP header uses CR/LF line breaks.
    chan configure $chan -translation crlf

    # Receive and parse the first line.  Normalize the path.
    regexp {^\s*(\S*)\s+(\S*)\s+(\S*)} [getline] _ method uri protocol
    regexp {^([^?]*)(\?.*)?$} $uri _ path query
    regsub -all {(?:/|^)\.(?=/|$)} [dehex $path] / path
    while {[regsub {(?:/[^/]*/+|^[^/]*/+|^)\.\.(?=/|$)} $path "" path]} {}
    regsub -all {//+} /$path / path

    # Start building the request structure.
    set request [dict create socket $chan peerhost $peerhost peerport $peerport\
        port $port rawtime $clock_seconds time [clock format $clock_seconds]\
        method $method uri $uri path $path protocol $protocol rawheader {}]

    # Parse the query string.
    if {$query ne ""} {
        dict set request rawquery $query
        dict set request query [dequery [string range $query 1 end]]

    # Receive and parse the headers.
    while {[set line [getline]] ne ""} {
        dict lappend request rawheader $line
    dict set request header [deheader [join [dict get $request rawheader] \n]]

    # Process qvalues in accept* headers.
    foreach {header key} {accept type   accept-charset charset
    accept-encoding encoding   accept-language language   te transfercoding} {
        set preferences {}
        if {[dict exists $request header $header]} {
            set options {}
            dict for {option params} [dict get $request header $header] {
                if {![string is double -strict [dict getnull $params q]]} {
                    lappend options [list $option 1]
                } elseif {[dict get $params q] > 0} {
                    lappend options [list $option [dict get $params q]]
            foreach elem [lsort -index 1 -decreasing -real $options] {
                lappend preferences [lindex $elem 0]
        dict set request accept $key $preferences

    # Get and parse the request body, if there is one.
    if {$method eq "POST"} {
        # Get the request body.
        if {[dict getnull $request header transfer-encoding] eq "chunked"} {
            # Receive chunked request body.
            set data ""
            while {[scan [getline] %x length] == 1 && $length > 0} {
                chan configure $chan -translation binary
                append data [getblock $length]
                chan configure $chan -translation crlf
        } else {
            # Receive non-chunked request body.
            chan configure $chan -translation binary
            set data [getblock [dict get $request header content-length]]
            chan configure $chan -translation crlf
        dict set request rawpost $data

        # Parse the request body for known content-types.
        switch [dict getnull $request header content-type ""] {
        multipart/form-data {
            # Interpret multipart/form-data (required for file uploads).
            set data \r\n$data
            set sep \r\n--[dict get $request header content-type boundary]
            set beg [expr {[string first $sep $data] + 2}]
            set end [expr {[string first $sep $data $beg] - 1}]
            set post ""
            while {$beg < $end} {
                set beg [expr {[string first \n $data $beg] + 1}]
                set part [string range $data $beg $end]
                set split [string first \r\n\r\n $part]
                set val [deheader [string map {\r ""}\
                    [string range $part 0 [expr {$split - 1}]]]]
                dict set val "" [string range $part [expr {$split + 4}] end]
                lappend post [dict getnull $val content-disposition name] $val
                set beg [expr {$end + 3}]
                set end [expr {[string first $sep $data $beg] - 1}]
            dict set request post $post
        } text/plain {
            # Interpret text/plain POSTs.
            set post ""
            foreach elem [lrange [split $data \n] 0 end-1] {
                regexp {([^\r=]*)(?:(=[^\r]*))?} $elem _ key val
                if {$val ne ""} {
                    set val [list "" [string range $val 1 end]]
                lappend post $key $val
            dict set request post $post
        } text/xml {
            # Interpret text/xml POSTs, used for Web Services.
            dict set request post xml "" [dehex $data]
        } application/x-www-form-urlencoded - "" {
            # Interpret URL-encoded POSTs.
            dict set request post [dequery $data]

    # The request has been received and parsed.  Return it to the caller.
    return $request

# Get a response from the zone handlers.
proc ::wibble::getresponse {request} {
    variable prequalify_handlers

    # New: optionally get prequalified handlers guaranteed to match request path
    # thus eliminating need to check path against every handler every time.
    # Feature activated if prequalify_handlers set to 1, otherwise behavior 
    # unchanged.
    set zonehandlers [get_handlers [dict get $request path]]
    set system [list [dict create options {} request $request response {}]]

    # Process all zone handlers.
    foreach {prefix command options} $zonehandlers {

        # Run the zone handler on all states with request paths inside the zone.
        set i 0
        foreach state $system {
            set path [dict get $state request path]

            # New: use slightly more efficient path matching method, and
            # eliminate a nesting level in loop.
            if {!$prequalify_handlers && $prefix ne "/" && [string first $prefix/ $path/]} {
                incr i

            set suffix [string range $path [string length $prefix] end]

                # Replace the options in the state dict.
            dict set state options $options
            dict set state options prefix $prefix
            dict set state options suffix $suffix
            if {[dict exists $options root]} {
                dict set state options fspath\
                    [file normalize [dict get $options root]/$suffix]

            # Invoke the handler and process its outcome.
            try {
                {*}$command $state
            } on 5 outcome {
                # [nexthandler]: Update the system and continue processing.
                set system [lreplace $system $i $i {*}$outcome]
                unset outcome
            } on 6 outcome {
                # [sendresponse]: A response has been obtained.  Return it.
                return $outcome
            } on 7 outcome {
                # New: If handler radically rewrites request path, optionally
                # start getrequest process over again with refreshed set of 
                # handlers to match against.

                # [retryrequest]: New attempt to get response with altered 
                #                 request parameters.
                return [getresponse $outcome]

            incr i

    # Return 501 as default response.
    dict create status 501 header {content-type {"" text/plain charset utf-8}}\
        content "not implemented: [dict get $request uri]\n"

# Default send handler: send the response to the client using HTTP.
proc ::wibble::defaultsend {socket request response} {
    variable clock_seconds

    # Get the content channel and/or size.
    set size 0
    set dict_get_request_method [dict get $request method]
    set dict_get_response_status [dict get $response status]
    if {[dict exists $response contentfile]} {
        set dict_get_response_contentfile [dict get $response contentfile]
        set size [file size $dict_get_response_contentfile]
        if {$dict_get_request_method ne "HEAD"} {
            set file [open $dict_get_response_contentfile]
            cleanup close_content_file [list chan close $file]
    } elseif {[dict exists $response contentchan]} {
        # New: make channel handling case more similar to file handling case.
        set file [dict get $response contentchan]
        if {[dict exists $response contentsize]} {
            set size [dict get $response contentsize]
        } else {
            set size [chan pending input $file]
        cleanup close_content_file [list chan close $file]
    } elseif {[dict exists $response content]} {
        dict set response content [encoding convertto iso8859-1\
            [dict get $response content]]
        set size [string length [dict get $response content]]

    # Parse range request header, and add content-range and -length headers.
    set begin 0
    set end [expr {$size - 1}]
    if {[regexp {^bytes=(\d*)-(\d*)$} [dict getnull $request header range]\
            _ begin end] && $dict_get_response_status == 200} {
        dict set response status 206
        if {$begin eq "" || $begin >= $size} {
            set begin 0
        if {$end eq "" || $end >= $size || $end < $begin} {
            set end [expr {$size - 1}]
        dict set response header content-range "bytes $begin-$end/$size"
    set end_begin_1 [expr {$end - $begin + 1}]
    dict set response header content-length $end_begin_1

    # Send the response header to the client.
    chan puts $socket "HTTP/1.1 $dict_get_response_status"
    chan puts $socket [enheader [dict get $response header]]\n

    # If requested, send the response content to the client.
    if {$dict_get_request_method ne "HEAD"} {
        chan configure $socket -translation binary
        if {[info exists file]} {
            # Asynchronously send response content from a channel.
            set coro [info coroutine]
            chan configure $file -translation binary
            chan seek $file $begin
            chan copy $file $socket -size $end_begin_1 \
                -command [list ::wibble::icc put $coro copydone]
            if {[llength [set data [icc get $coro copydone]]] == 3} {
                error [lindex $data 2]
        } elseif {[dict exists $response content]} {
            # Send buffered response content.
            chan puts -nonewline $socket [string range\
                [dict get $response content] $begin $end]

    # Close the content file or channel.
    if {[info exists file]} {
        chan close $file
        cleanup close_content_file ""

    # Return 1 to keep going or 0 if the connection needs to close.
    expr {![string equal -nocase\
        [dict getnull $request header connection] close]}

# Main connection processing loop.
proc ::wibble::process {port socket peerhost peerport} {
    try {
        # Perform initial configuration.
        set coro [info coroutine]
        cleanup close_client_socket [list chan close $socket]
        cleanup unset_feed [list icc destroy $coro]
        icc configure $coro accept readable copydone
        chan configure $socket -blocking 0

        # Main loop.
        while {1} {
            # Get request from client, then formulate a response to the request.
            set request [getrequest $port $socket $peerhost $peerport]
            set response [getresponse $request]

            # Determine which command should be used to send the response.
            if {[dict exists $response sendcommand]} {
                set sendcommand [dict get $response sendcommand]
            } else {
                set sendcommand ::wibble::defaultsend

            # Invoke the send command, and terminate or continue as requested.
            if {[{*}$sendcommand $socket $request $response]} {
                catch {chan flush $socket}
                unset request response
            } else {
                chan close $socket
    } on error {"" options} {
        # Pass errors to the panic handler.
        foreach var {request response} {
            if {![info exists $var]} {
                set $var {}
        panic $options $port $socket $peerhost $peerport $request $response
    } finally {
        # Always run scheduled cleanup scripts on coroutine termination.
        foreach script [lreverse [dict values $cleanup]] {
            catch $script

# Listen for incoming connections.
proc ::wibble::listen {port {socketcommand socket}} {
    variable clock_seconds
    # New: start storing and updating current time in namespace var to save 
    # having to do multiple redundant calls to [clock seconds]
    if {![info exists clock_seconds]} {update_clock_seconds}
    {*}$socketcommand -server [list apply {{port socket peerhost peerport} {
        coroutine $socket ::wibble::process $port $socket $peerhost $peerport
    } ::wibble} $port] $port

# ========================= customizable procedures ===========================

# Log a message.  Feel free to replace this procedure as needed.
proc ::wibble::log {message} {
    chan puts stderr $message

# Log errors and report them to the client, if possible.  Customize as needed.
proc ::wibble::panic {options port socket peerhost peerport request response} {
    variable clock_seconds
    variable errorcount
    incr errorcount
    set message "*** INTERNAL SERVER ERROR (BEGIN #$errorcount) ***"
    if {[dict size $request]} {
        dict for {key val} [dumpstate $request] {
            append message "\n$key: $val"
    } else {
        append message "\nport: $port"
        append message "\nsocket: $socket"
        append message "\npeerhost: $peerhost"
        append message "\npeerport: $peerport"
        append message "\nrawtime: $clock_seconds"
        append message "\ntime: [clock format $clock_seconds]"
    append message "\nerrorinfo: [dict get $options -errorinfo]"
    append message "\n*** INTERNAL SERVER ERROR (END #$errorcount) ***"
    log $message
    if {![dict exists $response nonhttp] && $socket ne ""} {
        catch {
            chan configure $socket -translation crlf
            chan puts $socket "HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error"
            chan puts $socket "Content-Type: text/plain;charset=utf-8"
            chan puts $socket "Content-Length: [string length $message]"
            chan puts $socket "Connection: close"
            chan puts $socket ""
            chan configure $socket -translation lf -encoding utf-8
            chan puts $socket $message

package provide wibble $::wibble::version

# =============================== example code ================================

# Demonstrate Wibble if being run directly.
if {$argv0 eq [info script]} {
    # Guess the root directory.
    set root [file normalize [file dirname [info script]]]
    if {[file isdirectory [file join $root docroot]]} {
        set root [file join $root docroot]

    # Define zone handlers.
    set ::wibble::zonehandlers {}
    ::wibble::handle /vars vars
    ::wibble::handle / dirslash root $root
    ::wibble::handle / indexfile root $root indexfile index.html
    ::wibble::handle / contenttype typetable {
application/javascript  ^js$                  application/json  ^json$
application/pdf ^pdf$                         audio/mid      ^(?:midi?|rmi)$
audio/mp4       ^m4a$                         audio/mpeg     ^mp3$
audio/ogg       ^(?:flac|og[ag]|spx)$         audio/vnd.wave ^wav$
audio/webm      ^webm$                        image/bmp      ^bmp$
image/gif       ^gif$                         image/jpeg     ^(?:jp[eg]|jpeg)$
image/png       ^png$                         image/svg+xml  ^svg$
image/tiff      ^tiff?$                       text/css       ^css$
text/html       ^html?$                       text/plain     ^txt$
text/xml        ^xml$                         video/mp4      ^(?:mp4|m4[bprv])$
video/mpeg      ^(?:m[lp]v|mp[eg]|mpeg|vob)$  video/ogg      ^og[vx]$
video/quicktime ^(?:mov|qt)$                  video/x-ms-wmv ^wmv$
    ::wibble::handle / staticfile root $root
    ::wibble::handle / scriptfile root $root
    ::wibble::handle / templatefile root $root
    ::wibble::handle / dirlist root $root
    ::wibble::handle / notfound

    # Start a server, enter the event loop, and provide a console if needed.
    if {[catch {::wibble::listen 8080}]} {
        # If Wibble is already loaded, do nothing.
    } elseif {[catch {package present Tk}]} {
        # If there's no Tk, provide no interface, and only enter the event loop.
        vwait forever
    } elseif {![catch {console show}]} {
        # Use the built-in Tk console if it's there, but customize it a bit.
        wm withdraw .
        console eval [list proc ReloadWibble {} [list consoleinterp eval [list\
            source [info script]]]]
        console eval {
            wm title . "Wibble Web Server"
            wm protocol . WM_DELETE_WINDOW exit
            .menubar.file delete 1
            .menubar.file insert 1 command -label "Reload Wibble" -underline 0\
                -accelerator Ctrl+R -command ReloadWibble
            .menubar.file entryconfigure 2 -accelerator Ctrl+L
            bind . <Control-r> ReloadWibble
    } else {
        # Or provide a command entry window and use normal logging.
        wm title . "Wibble Web Server"
        wm protocol . WM_DELETE_WINDOW exit
        pack [text .e -height 2] -fill both -expand 1
        bind .e <Return> {
            if {!(%s & 4) && [info complete [set command [.e get 0.1 end]]]} {
                set nextid [history nextid]
                history add $command
                if {![catch $command result]} {
                    ::wibble::log "$nextid %% $command<OK>$result"
                    .e delete 0.1 end
                } else {
                    ::wibble::log "$nextid %% $command<ERROR>$result"
        focus .e

# vim: set sts=4 sw=4 tw=80 et ft=tcl: