Version 18 of Whadjasay

Updated 2005-11-04 17:11:15 by AK

MDD12/2001: Whadjasay? is a fun little application for "gibberishing" text passages. It uses Evan Rempel's Soundex utility to do phonetically-based randomized word substitutions within submitted strings. The zip file [L1 ] (1.3MB) has the source scripts, and the exe file [L2 ] (5MB) is a FreeWrapped standalone for Win 32 machines. The large file size is a result of five bundled word lists with several hundred K words included. You can use your own word lists by entering a file name in the combobox (one word per line in the file, please). This was a 3-hour effort, and not very polished, but it seems to work pretty well. BTW, the color choices in the gui were made by my pre-schooler daughter, whose favorite colors are pink and purple. Hehe...sometimes, the output is profound ;-)

You'll need the whadjasay.tcl script (shown below), as well as several word lists and support files (all found in ).

MDD: One unexpected thing I've found that it's great for is creating nonsensical, yet easy to remember, passphrases.

 # Whadjasay.tcl
 #  by Mike Doyle
 #  with thanks to Evan Rempel for his Soundex utility
 set Name .top0
 catch "destroy .top0"
    toplevel $Name     -background purple
    wm title $Name "Whadjasay ?"
    wm geometry $Name 439x437
    set Toppos($Name) 0
    set Topgeom($Name) 1
 global _whad
 set _whad(status) Status
 set _whad(listfile) unixdict.txt
 source math.tcl
 source combobox.tcl
 package require combobox 2.0
 catch {namespace import combobox::*}

 proc Load_Wordlist {win fname} {
 global _whad

 .top0.l9 configure -text "Now loading $fname"

 if {[catch {open $fname} wlist]} {
        puts "Cannot open $fname"

   foreach line [split [read $wlist] \n] {
        .top0.l9 configure -text "Now parsing $line"
        lappend _whad([Soundex $line]) $line

 .top0.l9 configure -text "$fname word list loaded"


 proc Soundex { in } {
  global SoundexCode
  if ![info exist SoundexCode] then {
    array set SoundexCode [list a 0 b 1 c 2 d 3 e 0 f 1 g 2 h 0 i 0 j 2 k 2 l 4 m 5 n 5 o 0 p 1 \
                       q 2 r 6 s 2 t 3 u 0 v 1 w 0 x 2 y 0 z 2]
  set key ""

 # Remove the leading/trailing white space punctuation etc.
  set TempIn [string trim $in "\t\n\r .,'-"]

 # only use alphabetic characters, so strip out all others
 # also, soundex index uses only lower case chars, so force to lower
  regsub -all {[^a-z]} "[string tolower $TempIn]" {} TempIn
  if {[string length "$TempIn"] == 0} then {
    return "Z000"
  set last "[string index $TempIn 0]" 
  set key "[string toupper $last]"
  set last $SoundexCode($last)

 #  Scan rest of string, stop at end of string or when the key is full
  set count 1
  set MaxIndex [string length $TempIn]
  for { set index 1} {(($count < 4) && ($index < $MaxIndex))} {incr index } {
    set chcode $SoundexCode([string index $TempIn $index])
    # Fold together adjacent letters sharing the same code
    if { "$last" != "$chcode"} then {
      set last "$chcode"
      # Ignore code==0 letters except as separators
      if {"$last" != 0} then {
        set key "$key$last"
        incr count
  return [string range "${key}0000" 0 3]

 set abouttext {Whadjasay.exe was developed by Mike Doyle ([email protected]) as a 2001 holiday gift for his friends and family.  It was inspired by such entertainingly-phonetically-substituted phrases as "visualize whirled peas."  

 You can enter any text in the top window and click the "Convert Text" button to see its phonetically-randomized translation in the bottom window. It uses several built-in word lists, but you can use your own wordlist file (one word per line) by entering the file name in the entry field and hitting "Enter."

 If you don't change the top-window text and click the convert button repeatedly, you should see a different translation at each click.

 Enjoy!  Happy Holidays!


 This application is Copyright 2001 Michael D. Doyle
 All rights reserved. }

 wm resizable .top0 0 0
 set Name .top0
 set Parent $Name
 set Name $Parent.l9
 label $Name     -background black \
    -foreground green \
    -text "$_whad(status)"

 set Name $Parent.f1
 frame $Name     -background violet \
    -borderwidth 2 \
    -height 50 \
    -relief raised \
    -width 50
 place $Name     -x 8 \
    -y 40 \
    -width 424 \
    -height 160 \
    -anchor nw
 set Name $Parent.f1.f12
 frame $Name     -background violet \
    -borderwidth 2 \
    -height 50 \
    -highlightbackground lightgray \
    -relief raised \
    -width 50
 place $Name     -width 416 \
    -height 152 \
    -anchor nw
 set Name $Parent.f1.f12.t13
 text $Name     -background white \
    -borderwidth 1 \
    -font -*-fixed-bold-r-normal--13-* \
    -foreground black \
    -height 5 \
    -highlightbackground lightgray \
    -insertbackground black \
    -selectbackground lightblue \
    -selectforeground black \
    -width 10 \
    -wrap word \
    -yscrollcommand "$Parent.f1.f12.sb14 set"
 $Name insert end {
 Enter a phrase or text passage here.

 Then click "Convert Text" below.
 pack $Name     -anchor center \
    -expand 1 \
    -fill both \
    -padx 5 \
    -pady 5 \
    -side left
 set Name $Parent.f1.f12.sb14
 scrollbar $Name     -activebackground gray92 \
    -background violet \
    -command "$Parent.f1.f12.t13 yview" \
    -highlightbackground lightgray \
    -troughcolor purple
 pack $Name     -anchor center \
    -fill y \
    -padx 5 \
    -pady 5 \
    -side left
 set Name $Parent.f3
 frame $Name     -background violet \
    -borderwidth 2 \
    -height 50 \
    -relief raised \
    -width 50
 place $Name     -x 8 \
    -y 240 \
    -width 424 \
    -height 152 \
    -anchor nw
 set Name $Parent.f3.f12
 frame $Name     -background violet \
    -borderwidth 2 \
    -height 50 \
    -highlightbackground lightgray \
    -relief raised \
    -width 50
 place $Name     -width 416 \
    -height 144 \
    -anchor nw
 set Name $Parent.f3.f12.t13
 text $Name     -background white \
    -borderwidth 1 \
    -font -*-fixed-bold-r-normal--13-* \
    -foreground black \
    -height 5 \
    -highlightbackground lightgray \
    -insertbackground black \
    -selectbackground lightblue \
    -selectforeground black \
    -width 10 \
    -wrap word \
    -yscrollcommand "$Parent.f3.f12.sb14 set"
 $Name insert end {
 The converted text will appear here.



 pack $Name     -anchor center \
    -expand 1 \
    -fill both \
    -padx 5 \
    -pady 5 \
    -side left
 set Name $Parent.f3.f12.sb14
 scrollbar $Name     -activebackground gray92 \
    -background violet \
    -command "$Parent.f3.f12.t13 yview" \
    -highlightbackground violet \
    -troughcolor purple
 pack $Name     -anchor center \
    -fill y \
    -padx 5 \
    -pady 5 \
    -side left

 set Name $Parent.f10
 frame $Name -background purple
 place $Name     -relx 0.02 \
    -rely 0.02 \
    -relwidth 0.7 \
    -relheight 0.06 \
    -anchor nw

 #set Name $Parent.b5
 set Name $Parent.f10.combo
 #button $Name     -background violet \
 #    -text "Reload Word List" -command {.top0.l9 configure -text "Now loading Word List";  Load_Wordlist}

   combobox $Name \
            -textvariable family \
            -editable true \
            -highlightthickness 1 \
            -width 20 -height 2 -command Load_Wordlist

    $Name list delete 0 end
    $Name list insert end "crlwords.txt"
    $Name list insert end "pocket.txt"
    $Name list insert end "soed.txt"
    $Name list insert end "unixdict.txt"
    $Name list insert end "wordlist.txt"

    $Name configure -value "unixdict.txt"

    pack $Name -side left -expand y -anchor nw

 set Name $Parent.b7
 button $Name     -background violet \
    -text "Convert Text" \
     -command {set tstring [.top0.f1.f12.t13 get 1.0 end]
                .top0.f3.f12.t13 delete 1.0 end
               foreach word [split $tstring " "] {
                set words $_whad([Soundex $word])
                .top0.f3.f12.t13 insert end " [lindex $words [expr (int ([::math::random] * [llength $words])) ]]"

 place $Name     -relx 0.02 \
    -rely 0.48 \
    -relwidth 0.3 \
    -relheight 0.06 \
    -anchor nw

 place $Parent.l9     -relx 0.02 \
    -rely 0.92 \
    -relwidth 0.96 \
    -relheight 0.06 \
    -anchor nw
 set Name $Parent.b13
 button $Name     -background violet \
    -text "About this Program" \
    -command { .top0.f3.f12.t13 delete 1.0 end
                .top0.f3.f12.t13 insert end $abouttext}
 place $Name     -relx 0.46 \
    -rely 0.02 \
    -relwidth 0.52 \
    -relheight 0.06 \
    -anchor nw
 .top0.l9 configure -text "Loading Word List"

 wm withdraw .

 Load_Wordlist %w $_whad(listfile)
 #------< End of File >-----