Version 8 of WSCP

Updated 2002-01-11 14:59:29

"WSCP" is the WebSphere Control Program--WebSphere's Java-coded "console". Structurally, it's similar to OEM. Since version 3.5 of WebSphere, WSCP has shipped with a (modified?) Jacl 8.0 (for WS 4.0, and maybe for 3.5) that permits Tcl-simple scripting of administrative actions. WSCP is available only with the Commercial Version of WebSphere, NOT any of the Single Servers or such.

The "Admin Console" is what WSAS users regard as the more traditional, GUI-based administrative utility.

"IBM Websphere Control Program" [L1 ]

Faults reported for the WSCP Jacl:

  • artificial limit on effective [exec] line length (?)
  • [file copy ...] misbehavior
  • maybe lots of [exec] defects in WSCP for WS 3.5?
  • ...

CL has an article scheduled to appear in January 2002 which introduces Tcl to WebSphere audiences.