Here is an application of Vigenere's encryption method to files. At first It transposes inputs to base 64 encoding, then it applies Vigenere's method. # vigenere.tcl -- # # provide method to encrypt and decrypt a file following vigenere algorithm. # # encrypt read from a input stream and write encrypted data to an output stream. # decrypt read from a encrypted input stream and write decrypted (clear) data to an output stream. # streams should be "fconfigure"'d with "-translation binary" option. # # Copyright (c) 2009 Laurent Gateau. # # version 1.0 # package require base64 namespace eval vigenere { namespace export Encrypt Decrypt EncryptFile DecryptFile variable alphabet64 "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/" variable bufferlen 72 variable version "1.0" } # vigenere::engine -- # # Arguments: # key and data variables must be part of alphabet64 (i.e. : "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/" and optionnaly "=") # key and data variables might result from ::base64::encode calls # encode must be either 1 (encode) or 0 (decode) # # Results: # result is a cyphered string containing symbols from alphabet64 # proc vigenere::engine { key data {encode -encode}} { variable alphabet64 set result "" set ii 0 set keylen [string length $key] while {$ii < [string length $data]} { set car [string index $data $ii] if {$encode && ($car == "=")} { incr ii continue } set keyii [expr $ii % $keylen] set keycar [string index $key $keyii] set index1 [string first $car $alphabet64] set index2 [string first $keycar $alphabet64] if {$encode} { set jj [expr ($index1 + $index2) % 64] } else { set jj [expr ($index1 - $index2) % 64] } append result "[string index $alphabet64 $jj]" incr ii } return $result } # vigenere::encode -- # # Arguments: # key and data variables must be part of alphabet64 (i.e. : "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/" and optionnaly "=") # key and data variables might result from ::base64::encode calls # # Results: # result is a cyphered string containing symbols from alphabet64 # proc vigenere::encode { key data } { return [vigenere::engine "$key" "$data" 1] } # vigenere::decode -- # # Arguments: # key and data variables must contains only symbol from alphabet64 (i.e. : "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/" and optionnaly "=") # key variable might result from a call of ::base64::encode # # Results: # result is a clear string containing symbols from alphabet64 # result might be a parameter given to a call of ::base64::decode # proc vigenere::decode { key data } { return [vigenere::engine "$key" "$data" 0] } # vigenere::encrypt -- # # Arguments: # key is a pass phrase ; the longer the better secrets are kept. # fin is the input stream # fout is the output stream # Results: # fin has reached its end # fout has been written with encrypted data # proc vigenere::encrypt { key fin fout } { variable bufferlen while { ! [eof $fin] } { set input [read $fin $bufferlen] set data [::base64::encode -maxlen [expr $bufferlen * 4 / 3] $input] puts $fout [::vigenere::encode [::base64::encode "$key"] "$data"] } } # vigenere::decrypt -- # # Arguments: # key is a pass phrase ; the longer the better secrets are kept. # fin is the input stream # fout is the output stream # # Results: # fin has reached its end # fout has been written with decrypted (clear) data. # proc vigenere::decrypt { key fin fout } { while { ! [eof $fin] } { set input [gets $fin] set data [::vigenere::decode [::base64::encode "$key"] "$input"] puts -nonewline $fout [::base64::decode "$data"] } } # vigenere::command -- # # Arguments: # command line arguments : arc and argv # mode is either -encrypt or -decrypt # key is the cypher key # input file name # output file name # # Results: # write output file or display usage. # proc vigenere::command {} { global argc argv if { $argc > 0 } { set mode [lindex $argv 0] set key [lindex $argv 1] switch -exact -- $mode { -encrypt { set fin [open [lindex $argv 2] "r"] fconfigure $fin -translation binary set fout [open [lindex $argv 3] "w"] fconfigure $fout -translation binary encrypt "$key" $fin $fout } -decrypt { set fin [open [lindex $argv 2] "r"] fconfigure $fin -translation binary set fout [open [lindex $argv 3] "w"] fconfigure $fout -translation binary decrypt "$key" $fin $fout } default { puts "usage: (-encrypt|-decrypt) key input_file output_file" } } } } package provide vigenere $::vigenere::version vigenere::command ---- !!!!!! %| enter categories here |% !!!!!!