Version 29 of Uwe Klein

Updated 2012-08-27 22:44:11 by LkpPo

My name is Uwe Klein living in Germany on the Baltic Coast.

Some remedies for my itches which might cure anothers itches as well;-)

  • GIN (raw version)

Inspired by Tequila a cross process and cross host IPC library using UDP Multicast from either Scotty or TclUDP

Looking for some files from olden times i had a set of DOS3.3 Backup Diskettes but only a linux system.

Little animation using tags

Rolling characterwheel type display

Bindings and procs to enable easy entry and editing of numbers

This is a simple client script and some server code that sends the gui script over to the client and then interacts with it. wrapped with swig for using with tcl. This is rather raw. A tarball of my sources can be found at

As libusb is available for the Win32 as well it should be possible to make this into a generic package. unfortunately i feel rather alien in windows.

The Neo Freerunner is an OpenSource Linux based SmartPhone ( and my second try at having a smartphone after a palm device.

when ps is not enough. informations from linux proc file system

Poll for a fitting name

Accessing your application from the rear ;-)

Accomodate a removable GPS or ( as in my case ) a setup where all nmea messages pass into the main application.

A widget that appears as a "tuning dial" on a receiver or similar.

Testing and Preparations


Toot_Mander - 2010-01-14 19:24:31

Uwe did u live in Henley in the UK? PLEASE contact me [email protected]