Version 4 of Using namespace ensemble without a namespace

Updated 2006-10-06 14:04:33 by suchenwi

NEM 6 Oct 2006: While contemplating all things OO and TIP 257 [L1 ], I came across an interesting interaction between features available in Tcl 8.5. It is possible to use namespace ensemble without needing any namespace to back it up! In particular, the -map option can be used to model simple slot-based objects. Together with the apply command, methods can then be added. To demonstrate, let's consider writing a simple stateless object to represent a rectangle on a canvas:

 proc rect {canv x0 y0 x1 y1} {
     set id [$canv create rect $x0 $y0 $x1 $y1]
     namespace ensemble create -command $canv.rect$id \
         -map [dict create id      [list const $id] \
                           coords  [list $canv coords $id]]
 proc const val { return $val }

We now have a simple constructor that creates a rectangle on a canvas and creates an object command for that rectangle, with two slots to get the canvas id and coordinates associated with the rectangle:

 pack [canvas .c]
 set r [rect .c 20 20 100 100]
 puts "id = [$r id], coords = [$r coords]"

These slots are just entries in the -map of the ensemble that alias to the "const" command to simply return their value. Note that no namespace is involved at all! (DKF: Actually, the namespace involved is the global namespace, but getting rid of that is equivalent to deleting the interpreter.)

We can write a general method for creating slot aliases on these objects:

 proc alias {object slot command args} {
     set map [namespace ensemble configure $object -map]
     dict set map $slot [linsert $args 0 $command]
     namespace ensemble configure $object -map $map

We can now add extra slots to the rectangle object:

 alias $r type const "rectangle"
 puts "$r is a [$r type]"

Using anonymous functions via apply in 8.5, we can even add new methods to the object. These are simply aliases to an anonymous function. We add a "self" parameter and arrange for it to be filled with the object command:

 proc method {object name params body} {
     set params [linsert $params 0 self]
     alias $object $name ::apply [list $params $body ::] $object
 method $r width {} {
     lassign [$self coords] x0 y0 x1 y1
     expr {abs($x1-$x0)}
 method $r height {} {
     lassign [$self coords] x0 y0 x1 y1
     expr {abs($y1-$y0)}

We can even add method and alias as methods on the object itself:

 alias $r method ::method $r
 alias $r alias  ::alias $r

 $r method area {} { expr {[$self width] * [$self height]} }
 puts "area = [$r area]"

We could add mutable slots by creating a slot alias that can rewrite itself. This seems to be a fascinating new way of creating relatively lightweight objects, benefiting from the fast namespace ensemble mechanism, without having the overhead of an actual namespace.

RS proposes to call such "namespace ensemble objects" just "neo" :^) Also, in the chat we brain-stormed a bit more. Here's some sugar for neo creation:

 proc create {name map} {namespace ensemble create -command $name -map $map}

The rect example then becomes

 proc rect {canv x0 y0 x1 y1} {
    set id [$canv create rect $x0 $y0 $x1 $y1]
    create $canv.rect$id [dict create id      [list const $id] \
                   coords  [list $canv coords $id]]

Introspection goes with namespace ensemble configure:

 % namespace ensemble configure ::.c.rect1
 -map {width {::apply {self {
     lassign [$self coords] x0 y0 x1 y1
     expr {abs($x1-$x0)}
 } ::} ::.c.rect1} height {::apply {self {
     lassign [$self coords] x0 y0 x1 y1
     expr {abs($y1-$y0)}
 } ::} ::.c.rect1} id {::const 1} coords {::.c coords 1} type {::const rectangle}}
 -namespace :: -prefixes 1 -subcommands {} -unknown {} 

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