Version 8 of Using Pango Text Markup Language in Gnocl Widget Labels

Updated 2008-11-24 09:25:00 by WJG

WJG (23/11/08) One of the many enhanced formatting features of Gtk widgets is the use of the Pango Text Markup Language for text formatting [L1 ]. Whilst this isn't a feature that the developer will want to use with every label it has its uses when colour or font effects are desirable. Here's a brief sample derived from a recent posting of Tk code taken from the Tcl newsgroup.

And here's to code to produce this:

 # the next line restarts using tclsh \
 exec tclsh "$0" "$@"

 package require Gnocl

 set etitle "Tcl/Tk 8.5"

 proc nullcmd {} {
   global type
   puts -nonewline "8.5 "
   puts $type

 #1) create buttons, format strings with markup code
 set lab [gnocl::label -text  {%<<span background = "springgreen2"><b>RADIOBUTTONS </b></span>} ]
 set rb1 [gnocl::radioButton -text {%<<span background = "palegreen1">serial       </span>} -variable type -onValue "serial"    -onToggled nullcmd]
 set rb2 [gnocl::radioButton -text {%<<span background = "palegreen1">-non-Serial  </span>} -variable type -onValue "newnonser" -onToggled nullcmd]
 set rb3 [gnocl::radioButton -text {%<<span background = "palegreen1">cross-Ref    </span>} -variable type -onValue "crossref"  -onToggled nullcmd]
 set rb4 [gnocl::radioButton -text {%<<span background = "palegreen1">CODEN Only   </span>} -variable type -onValue "codenonly" -onToggled nullcmd]
 set cb1 [gnocl::checkButton -text {%<<span background = "palegreen1">CheckButton  </span>} ]

 #2) create container and add the buttons
 set box [gnocl::box -orientation vertical]
 $box add [list $lab $rb1 $rb2 $rb3 $rb4 $cb1 ]

 #3) create toplevel and add the widgets in one drop
 set win [gnocl::window -title $etitle -child $box -onDelete {exit} ]

By way of comparison, here's a screengrab of the layout that the Tk code posted produced running on my Linux box, mmm... very retro... ZB Were there any problems with using Ttk (instead of "ordinary" Tk)? WJG (24/11/08) Problems,no. The Tk script ran smoothly. The Gtk libraries now offers more resouorces than Tk. So, if someone is developing new apps or utilities running on Linux boxes, why not use these instead?

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