Purpose: collection point for people to list places around the wikit or the internet where they have found useful Tk widgets which do not come in the current Tk distribution. If at some point in the future they are '''added''' to the standard distribution, I would hope someone would notice and remove them from this page. NOTE: This is not a place for stand-alone Tk applications - that would be a page like [Tk examples]. This is only for widgets - whether individual ones, packaged on the internet or code listed here on the wiki. This is for Tk based widgets, not widgets based on other toolkits. ---- * [tklib] is a hoped for module of the http://tcllib.sf.net/ project which will permit users to contribute script based Tk procedures and widgets for easy distribution. * [A little date chooser] is a widget for selecting a day/month/year * [An i15d date chooser] is a next generation of the previous chooser, specifying a number of languages for the days of the week and month names. * Brian Oakly's combobox can be found here [http://purl.oclc.org/net/oakley/tcl/combobox/] * Donal Fellows combobox source is here [http://www.cs.man.ac.uk/%7Efellowsd/tcl/combobox.tcl] * Brian Oakly's multicolumn listbox is here [http://purl.oclc.org/net/oakley/tcl/mclistbox/] . ---- See [Widgets in the initial Tk package] on this wiki. Too bad someone hasn't done something similar for the other packages mentioned here and elsewhere. ---- What about things like these text widget techniques? Do these seem relevant here? * [Text Widget Example] * [Text Widget Newline Wrapping] * [Text Widget Syntax Highlighting] * [Text widget undo/redo] * [Multi-column display in text widget] * [Read-only text widget] * [A change-sensitive text widget] ---- And these entry widget techniques? * [Right-to-left entry widget] ---- And finally these other items. * [Keyboard widget] * [Overloading widgets] * [Tailing widget] * [Scrolling widgets without a text or canvas wrapper] * [Adding User Data to Widgets the Megawidget Way] * [Paning widgets] * [Overloading a widget command] * [Measurement widget with units conversion] * [Dial widget] * [How does one change the font in the wish widgets] - the [option database] is one solution! [[If any of the above needs moved around, feel free to organize as most useful.]] ---- [Alternate Widget Sets] is a good page for groups of widgets, or widget tools, available as packages/extensions on the internet - [Arts and Crafts of Tcl-Tk Programming]