[Robert Abitbol] There are a lot of basic TCL formulas which are needed and useful in a lot of programs. This is some of them. Since I am a beginner, please don't be shy and don't hesitate to contradict me if what I am saying is wrong! Thanks! [AM] (16 february 2005) Just a matter of idiom: the common word for this seems to be ''idiom'' - formula makes me think of magic incantations or pseudo-scientific inventions in old movies :) [MG] See also [Bag of Algorithms], [Example Scripts Everybody Should Have], and all the other pages mentioned on those two. ----- '''1) Calling a box with some text''' - Calling a box with a text: easy! Ex: tk_messageBox -message "Sorry, this function isn't ready yet." The full function would be: proc preferences {} { tk_messageBox -message "Sorry, this function isn't ready yet. Come back later :-)" } [phk] How about this: proc preferences {text} { tk_messageBox -message $text } then you can call it from different places, using appropriate texts. The proc name could be possibly changed to messageBox (makes it more universal). Have a look at the tutorials. [MAK] Or, hey, to make it really universal, how about tk_messageBox and make it take optional switches and... oh wait. (I too am puzzled by the purpose of a proc called "preferences" that displays a dialog box saying the function isn't ready yet, as a "full" function.) Why not "notImplemented"? But, really, why would "messageBox $text" be better than "tk_messageBox -message $text"? A "proc puts_error { text } { puts stderr $text }" would be about as useful. [phk] Sure, but I think [Robert Abitbol] just started to learn tcl. My part is supposed to help him to the next level. [RS] As this is just a case of currying, one could also use interp alias {} messageBox {} tk_messageBox -message interp alias {} puts_error {} puts stderr ----- - More to come