Version 5 of Trimming indentation

Updated 2014-06-14 20:13:44 by dbohdan

dbohdan 2014-06-14: I wanted to have a multiline string help message indented to the level of the rest of the code. The following procedure unindents it appropriately but keeps the relative indentation.

# Trim indentation in multiline quoted text based on the first line's.
proc trim-indentation {msg} {
    set msgLines [split $msg \n]
    if {[lindex $msgLines 0] eq {}} {
        shift msgLines

    set firstLine [lindex $msgLines 0]

    set indent [
        expr {
            [string length $firstLine] -
            [string length [string trimleft $firstLine]]

    return [
        join [
            struct::list mapfor x $msgLines {string range $x $indent end}
        ] \n

Use example

    if {[llength $args] == 0} {
        # Print help
        puts -nonewline [
            trim-indentation {
                Command pipelines for interactive programming.

                    |> cmd1 |> cmd2 _ |> cmd3 #0 ?-debug?
                    |> { cmd1 |> cmd2 $_ |> cmd3 $pipe(0) } ?-debug?

                See for more.
        # End help


Command pipelines for interactive programming.

    |> cmd1 |> cmd2 _ |> cmd3 #0 ?-debug?
    |> { cmd1 |> cmd2 $_ |> cmd3 $pipe(0) } ?-debug?

See for more.

PYK 2014-06-14: What does shift do? This implementation uses the simplistic method of counting the number of characters trimmed from the first line, and fails for cases where the first line is more indented than other lines. To do the job right, see textutil::undent. Also, as of 8.6, lmap is the built-in replacement for struct::list mapfor.

dbohdan: The shift is there because when the command is used like in the example above and the argument is split at newlines the first line becomes {}.

I wasn't aware of textutil::undent; thanks for suggesting it!

Out of curiosity I implemented trimming by the longest possible unindent in a functional style. It also supports custom delimiters, although when multiple delimiters are specified it treats them as interchangeable. shifting is replaced with a proc called ltrim, which removes empty items on both ends of a list. It is called to get rid of empty lines and lines of just the base level of indentation preceding and following the text.

# Trim indentation in multiline quoted text.
proc trim-indentation {msg {whitespaceChars " "}} {
    set msgLines [split $msg "\n"]
    set maxLength [string length $msg]

    set regExp [subst -nocommands {([$whitespaceChars]*)[^$whitespaceChars]}]

    set indent [
        tcl::mathfunc::min {*}[
            struct::list mapfor x $msgLines {
                if {[regexp $regExp $x match whitespace]} {
                    string length $whitespace
                } else {
                    lindex $maxLength

    return [
        join [
            ltrim [
                struct::list mapfor x $msgLines {string range $x $indent end}
        ] "\n"

# Remove empty items at the beginning and the end of a list.
proc ltrim {list} {
    set first [lsearch -not -exact $list {}]
    set last [lsearch -not -exact [lreverse $list] {}]
    return [
        if {$first == -1} {
        } else {
            lrange $list $first end-$last

(I'm not using lmap here because I'm on 8.5.)

eltclsh > trim-indentation  "\n\n\n  a\n\n        b\n\n\n"

eltclsh > trim-indentation  "\n\n\n  a\n\n        b\n  \n\n\n"

eltclsh > trim-indentation  "\n\n\n  a\n\n        b\n   \n\n\n"

eltclsh > trim-indentation  "-----a\n---b\n-----c\n" -