Version 4 of TreeCL

Updated 2004-08-13 07:55:11 by CMCc

20040712 CMcC: I've written a cost-like tree editing language. More details will follow, but I just had to grab this great pun name.

I've put up some docs and a working version of TreeCL here: - CMcC 20040813

Some Examples from the included doc.tcl

Create a doc given a URL:

    doc homepage -url

Create a Costq query over the doc tree

    Costq nh -tree homepage

Print only the PCDATA content of the page

    puts "TEXT: [nh query tree content]"

Print the href attributes of all <a> tags:

    puts "A: [nh query tree withtag a attval href]"

Another way to do the same:

    puts "A2: [nh query tree hasatt href attval href]"

Print the size of the tree:

    puts "SIZE: [homepage size]"