Version 26 of Todd Coram

Updated 2002-08-31 01:43:43


I have been using Tcl on and off since 1995. Right now I am at Company: Re-route Inc. . Last year, I spent a few months doing Zope for Digital Creations (now called Zope Corp) working with the Python Labs folk. Python is cool, but Tcl fits my brain better.

I am a long time member of the original wiki community [L1 ] but I have been spending more time at this wiki lately.

If you want to drop me a note, my email address is [email protected].


I am looking for a good minimal (wish based debugger). Wdebug is a 200 line late-night (unfinished) attempt at a such a beast.

Do you have List Comprehension envy?

When is a wiki code snippet too big to be a wiki code snippet (and should be placed elsewhere?). I dunno, try Config File Parser.

I'm discovering the joys of PostgresSQL after MySQL pains.

Here is a stab at emulating Closures in Tcl.

Tcl/Java/Jython/C -- oh my! TclBlend Roux

I like Jython quite a bit, but its a higher-level language (alternative) to Java, not a Java scripting language.

If I have to start using Java again, I need to collect some TclJava Tricks.

Paul Graham reject my solution to Accumulator Generators.

Tcl vs CplusPlus is a pointless rant. Or is it?

Street Programming is what makes Tcl so special.

Pondering a Macro Facility for Tcl.

Iterators using Closures is for the twisted.

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