''[APW] 2007-05-16'' Inspired through the (comp.lang.tcl) discussion on "Tcl on Rails", I had some thoughts on how to make that (or at least a part of it) happen. As I was thinking about some Tcl tools to help me create some personal webpages, I think that could be the starting point of going deeper in that area. Knowing nothing about "[Ruby] on Rails" (RoR) until some days ago I have now had some contact with it through downloading it and looking for some of the features. This page shall be a container to collect ideas, wishes and concepts on something similar to "Ruby on Rails" but done with Tcl and adding features for use of XML and XSLT additionally (I don't know whether RoR also supports that). Comments are welcome. My idea is to build something using [Tcl]/[Itcl]/[TclXML]/[TclXslt] and [starkit]s for use with [Apache] 1.3 and [Rivet] or [tclhttpd] or [wub]. [LV] Please '''DON'T''' use [XML] for configuration files though. I've used several applications which did - hated every one of them... I know that I am too late to fight against RoR- that is not my intention, but I see it more as a fun project. Everybody who is willing to help is invited (I know it will be very few :-) ), but you can also help me with your comments. When I am really starting to implement the project, I will give it the name ToW (Tcl on WebFreeWay). That was inspired by the term, which I saw in the USA, "car in tow" and it should reflect the picture: take that package as a "car in tow" which you just add to your application and you have access to the Web freeway. I hope this page gets a lot of comments on the general idea and on requirements/features you would like to have. This is the starting point to get it somehow done instead only discussing about it! [RLH] I would have some suggestions. Either use Tcl+Snit to have a pure Tcl solution that is easy to install since it is all Tcl, or use XOTcl. I personally would use Snit for the all-Tcl version. I would also program it to target the CGI space and scale well up to FastCGI and above. It will be much easy to get Tcl installed for CGI and you would have a better chance of more people using it. I know that NearlyFreeSpeech [http://www.nearlyfreespeech.net/] gives you Tcl 8.4.14 to work with as a CGI process. So maybe that could be a proving ground because it is a pay-as-you-go service and would be "cheap" to use. [APW] I like Itcl much more then XOtcl, so I don't know if that will be the way ..., and I will think about Snit. [MR] If you're going this way, you may be interested in a short e-book called 'Rubyisms in Rails' (available on Safari and elsewhere). It talks about how some of the particular language features and philosophy in Ruby were taken advantage of to give Rails some of the convenience and expressivity that people have liked. Some of the techniques would translate nicely to Tcl, some would not, and of course there are some Tcl idioms that might well make a lot of sense in this domain that aren't present in Ruby. The point is, doing a web framework that respects Tcl idioms would be quite different, and probably more interesting and useful, than one that simply tries to clone Rails in Tcl, which would likely result in a weird impedance mismatch. [APW] It was not my intention to just clone RoR, but to build some tclish framework and get a little bit inspired from RoR. [LV] Amen! One of the complaints that I have frequently heard about pTk (a [perl] effort to make use of the Tk C interface without including any Tcl) has been that the interface was not perl-y enough. I would think there isn't really a need for a straight port of ruby on rails to Tcl. Instead, evaluating what people using ruby on rails love most - which, from the brief browsing I've done, is the sheer ease of specifying minimal specs and getting generated a web site which takes intelligent defaults (gee, sort of sounds like what some people love about [Tk]!). [APW] I am not planning a straight port, that is why I am asking for features which are useful. My direction will be to build some generators to make it easy as [LV] suggests to build at first simple web pages and later on web pages with more comfort. For example I am thinking about having an [XML] structure (maybe similar to a XML-Schema specification) and to use that to generate [XSLT] templates, which then can be filled. But that is an additional feature besides "normal" HTML files. I am also thinking about a little tool which helps you defining [CSS] files (maybe something in that direction already exists). Another tool would be a simple generator which use a xml, xslt and css file and generates the html file (that's very easy using the tools already there but for beginners that might be hard). I would also like to have as one of the databases a starkit/meta DB and I think some of the tools or all should be in a starkit to make it easy to install and start. There should be also included one of the Tcl http servers to be able to generate a small application to begin with with minimal effort. [RS] Starting with Schema, [XSLT], [CSS] doesn't look like minimal to me :^) I'd suggest to start from one use case, see what's needed for that, and how it can be implemented with most convenient for the user. Then the next, etc. ... [APW] you are right, [XSLT], [CSS] etc. are not planned for the start, that is only planned for a later version :-). ''[escargo] 16 May 2007'' - I've looked at this problem from a couple of viewpoints before. One question that's central is, "Is the user trying to have access to an existing data base store, or is the user wanting to manipulate some population of objects that he or she wants to be persistent?" In the latter case, one could have [Snit] objects, something like the Snit object inspector, and a Snit persistence layer through a Snit data base connector. (Instead of a Tk interface to the Snit object inspector, one would need to generate a form that presented the same information.) [slebetman] You guys are already starting to talk about implementation here. Whatever the implementation ends up being, itcl, XOtcl, snit or plain ensemble, I hope from the user's point of view it looks and feels like Tk. For me, the user, I don't want to be forced to work in an object oriented manner. I guess snit is the most flexible choice. Anyway, the key is the features. What I'd like ToW to have is: * scaffolding generator (with nice, sensible defaults) * separation of presentation and business logic (MVC will do this, but there are other ways) * database neutrality (either a back-end neutral API or, like Rails, a migration tool) * web server neutrality (scales from CGI and up) [APW] I had the same in mind as [slebetman] suggests. [JE] RS' suggestion -- start from one use case, implement that in a way that's convenient for the user, then do another one, and another, and another, is a very good approach. You can't tell if a Web App framework is useful until and unless you've built actual Web Apps with it. So: does anyone have any ideas about what sort of applications they want to build? [DK77] Here's an uninformed opinion: Be as inflexible as possible. If you think OO using Snit with an sqlite backend is the way to go, don't worry about making allowances for those who see things differently. It's too complicated and they're probably wrong anyway. [M] If you start with NaviServer and ns_db, you'll be half-way there. You can borrow extensive code and ideas from OpenACS. Most important things, at least to me, seem to be the mechanisms that ties the database to code, and the code to the UI. Do these right, and you have a winner. ''[APW] 2007-05-17'' I am happy that the discussion now gets a little bit more concrete, seems it is possible to get more people involved in a starting project, then I was expecting. Please continue to write down your ideas and thanks for the ones which have already been written down! ---- [RS]: re hype psychology, I'm not sure that "On Tow" has all positive connotations - doesn't it suggest "Here's a defective vehicle being slowly towed to repair or demolition"? [APW] I had more people in mind which are driving there trailer when having holidays and had their "normal" car in tow. Don't know, if that is still true, my experience is 25 years ago. Nevertheless I am open to a better name for it, please make suggestions. I think it should be a really "cool" name, to help it to become well known, if the project succeeds. [stevel] Tcl on Trax ? [APW] What does "Trax" stand for? [stevel] Trax, Tracks, Rails .... never mind, I was ranting [MR] FWIW, most of the suggestions about what to include so far would correlate to building yet another web framework without most of the conveniences that Rails brought (not that there is anything wrong with that, just saying). If you think the big thing about Rails is the scaffolding, you're missing the point. The other meta-note is that one of the reasons Rails was interesting is that (being extracted from a particular type of application), it handles a certain class of application very well, and becomes just gross for many other types of applications. The Tcl community historically has worried a lot about generality and doing things to fit many different situations, which is the antithesis of this approach. Frankly, I'm not about to knock anyone who wants to go about writing a Rails-or-any-other-framework-in-Tcl knockoff from scratch "just because", but my expectations for anything of the sort would be quite modest. Also of interest might be a framework that targets a different type of web (or other) application. Are there niches that existing solutions aren't filling well? Are there any such niches that Tcl seems to do well in? Are there existing Tcl apps in the niche to use as inspiration (extracting the framework from them, or at least core ideas)? Is the niche large enough to support a bit of a community of users, and can enough be put in place off the bat to interest that community? And could people be restrained enough to stay focused and not try to turn it into a general purpose solution capable of doing anything, but nothing well? [APW] Just one question to [MR]: what do you mean with "conveniences that Rails brought"? Maybe that also can at least partially be included, if I know what you are speaking about. [NEM] Like others, I'd say keep it simple and concentrate on a single particular application you want to build. I'd also suggest that the very first thing you should do is figure out why we need this project at all: 1. What is wrong with Rails/Django/Struts/whatever? 1. What particular advantages would a Tcl framework have? 1. What sort of applications do you want to build? Digg/Reddit-style aggregators? Amazon-style business sites? 'Blogs? Forums? Calendaring/email/PIM stuff? Word-processors/spreadsheets/database apps? Pick one to start with. [APW] Answers: 1. There is nothing wrong besides it's not Tcl, so I would need additional SW to be installed 1. One application with one environment (using Tcl) 1. What is RoR used for mostly? Additionally: my intention is not to compete with other applications, as I mentioned already, I see it as a fun project, so one of the interesting points for me is, does it help me and some others to have a tool which saves work in building websites with or without a connection to a database. If more poeple later on like it it is a good side effect and maybe it can be enhanced be additional features. [CMcC] I wish I understood what RoR actually does - what its core value is. [LV] http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/onlamp/2006/12/14/revisiting-ruby-on-rails-revisited.html is part 1 of an O'Reilly intro to Ruby on Rails. [MR] Note that most of the intro Rails articles you'll find focus on the scaffolding (ooh look, basic application up quickly!), which is cute but not the real highlights, which have to do with how many things the frameworks do for you without intervention at all (which as I said, by design makes it ideal if you're building the type of app it's designed for, and a nightmare if not...). Needless to say, if things are done for you, you can't make another choice! You have to dig a bit deeper than the quick tutorials to get a good sense of this, but what's really going on is that it's raising the level of abstraction for building those types of applications higher than you'd get with, e.g., [Aolserver]/ACS. Beyond that, it's the layers of convenience routines and add-on modules that over time get added to any popular tool. ''[escargo] 17 May 2007'' - As a base for a browser-based application framework, there needs to be a web server and a data base back end. The choice of the web server could be anywhere from the small ([castle]) to large ([AOLserver]). I keep thinking that, for many uses, having to deal with [SQL] in the back end is wrong because mechanism ([SQL]) is getting in the way of policy (persistence). If the scaffolding took care of object-relational mapping rather than connecting SQL tables and fields I think it would be a more convenient framework. [LV] For cases where the data in question is '''ONLY''' going to be used in the web application, then requiring a SQL database might be a bit pushy. However, many web apps that I see also involve interacting with existing databases, or at the very least databases which are used for other purposes (purchase orders, email lists, whatever). In those cases, having a common format, with fast reliable access and scalable support, seems to be a reasonable requirement. What alternative (to sql tables and fields) did you have in mind in terms of having the scaffolding taking care of the object-relational mapping? [APW] What about one step further in abstraction and instead of speaking of databases use another abstraction level and speak of containers, parcels and elements where a container can be a database or a computer, a parcel is a table/tablerow in a database or a file on the filesystem and an element is a field in the table or a "part of a line" (however that is defined) in a file. There are other definitions as database and computer (systems) possible. The the controllers would just be common interfaces to whatever system is used (computer/database etc.). I am also thinking about some layer for verifying the incoming data within the controllers before writing (handing over the data) to the destination system. ''[escargo]'' - My minimal application is a contact manager. I have people that I need to track. Each person has some data (name, address, e-mail address, phone number, notes) that I need to maintain. I want to be able to produce reports (sorted by name for example). I need to transform the data (produce e-mailing lists). I don't care how the data are made persistent. From a practical standpoint, every object needs a presentation layer; every object needs a verification layer (to ensure that constraints on values of fields are enforced); every object needs a persistence layer (where data and metadata can be preserved). All this could be in a metakit data base, an SQLite data base, an XML file, a Tcl file. To a certain extent, I don't care. When it comes to building access to an existing data base, then the scaffolding needs to find a way of exposing data base rows as editable forms. It does depend on which way data will be moving. [FF] - from my modest point of view, I can say that, no matter how much you want to abstract concepts, you still have to think eventually in low level terms. The biggest deal in doing high level features is the lack of '''building blocks''' (the low level stuff); a practical example would be (in user interface land) that one imagines using entries, treeviews, listviews, date-selectors, as they are used to working with in Tk, and the Tk-like widgets are not there when spooling output in HTML format. The list of missing stuff can be quite big, but in my opinion ''database'' is a feature which comes prior ''XML'', but a ''template engine'' - maybe it's every day bread and it comes first of all if one want to deal with markup languages (but that's an opinion; I can't imagine the infinite uses of such an application). (''p.s. I like the idea of using Snit''). Theoretically this project could spawn more than one subproject to fulfill these lacks. I would look outside to see how other projects/frameworks cope with that, but try to ''not just clone'' them; instead keep in mind the real life problem and work on what's missing in Tcl to achieve it. In the past I worked with [PHP], doing web/db stuff. I used to code my own framework, but that was concerned with a too specific problem. After I've seen numerous web frameworks make use of a common set of features and concepts, I selected one at random [http://www.symfony-project.com/book/trunk/02-Exploring-Symfony-s-Code]... that's an interesting feature list to read. Maybe a '''feature list''' is a place to start? ''[APW] 2007-05-20'' the reference [http://www.symfony-project.com/book/trunk/02-Exploring-Symfony-s-Code] of [FF] is very close to the ideas I had in mind. It is also very similar to the approcach of RoR (if I have understood that correctly). To conclude what I plan to do is: use MVC concepts to have additional layers below model, view and controller, allow template html forms which are "preprocessed" by Tcl (on the server side) using for example: or: and to let Tcl build the final html output on the fly when called via some cgi-bin script interpreting the above parts within "". What I also plan is to have a TK GUI which represents the filesystem structure of the views, templates etc. as a tree so you can navigate and open the files in a text widget or with your favorite text editor. But if you only want to maintain the structure using the GUI, it should be possible to directly edit the files (containing for example the templates) within the filesytem. I want to put the commands/application for maintaining the structure (the scaffolding) into a [starkit], to make it '''very easy''' to start with the tool, just dowload the kit file, open a new app and start building the structure and filling in the templates. ---- [RLH] I would go with . Less to type. [APW] that is also what I would prefer, as it is also what Tcl Rivet uses, which perhaps some users are familiar with. [LV] These last two comments puzzle me. I am not certain to what they refer and the comment's don't seem to tie into other things on the page now. Did something get deleted? [APW] did fix the missing/deleted stuff, don't know how the did disapear during editing from somebody, does anyone have an idea how that can happen and how you can avoid that?. ---- I have looked around in Symfony, Propel, Creole, Phing - all parts of PHP/written using PHP for doing similar things like RoR and I like very much the strategy used there to put all relevant information into XML/XSL ... files, using DTD and Schema files for validation. Not that I want to start with that directly, but I want to keep that in mind, because that can make automatic validation of input later on relativly easy. As there are already tools in Tcl for handling that sort of things [tDOM] including XPath, [tclXML] etc. the parts are already there to be combined for an application. [APW] inspired from '''[stevel] Tcl on Trax''' what about using '''TRAX''' ('''Tcl Rapid webAccess eXtension''') as the name instead of '''ToW''' ''[escargo] 21 May 2007'' - Would there be any benefit to making the templating compatible with what's available as part of AOLserver Dyanmic Pages? (Or is that assuming the answer too soon?) Or is the templating in [Wtcl] adequate? ''[APW] 2007-05-21'' after having a more detailed look at symfony [http://www.symfony-project.com/], propel [http://propel.phpdb.org/trac] and phing [http://phing.info/trac/] (the PHP analogon to RoR) I like some of the stuff they provide for example having XML files for storing all the information and for automaticly having the possibility to validate all input. What I don't like is that the application(s) is(are) too big and on some places too complicated, but I think if one would strip down that and also have a look at RoR that would be the right direction to go. After a short look at AOLserver ADP for me that has too many hard wired features which could make it hard for programmers to be flexible. [Wtcl] needs to many calls in my opinion (but that is a question of taste :-)) ). What I want to get is a generator which makes the "low level stuff" and produces files which I can modify if I am not satisfied with the generated stuff. By the way the ideas for templating for RoR and symfony are after all very similar, I think both have been influence by the Apache Torque project (for symfony I know it). ''[escargo]'' - I thought part of the point of Rails was "convention over configuration" so that you could do away with XML files. Given that Tcl has such great introspection and dynamic code creation, I think there might be useful ways to avoid XML. [MJ] - This is probably the most important strength of RoR. When you have a collection of users, the associated table in the db will (by default) be ''users''. You can change it, but normally you don't have to. This makes configuring your application very straightforward, there is no need to spell out every detail of your schema in configuration files. Another thing RoR does systematically is ditch [XML] in favour of [YAML] which is a human readable configuration file format. [APW] interesting arguments, will have a closer look at [YAML]. Nevertheless I was thinking about let a GUI generate the XML files with minimal input from a user and only if you want to make special things you would modify and not create the XML configuration files. ''[escargo]'' - Consider what the problem is that use of XML would solve, and then consider whether there might be other solutions. I might consider XML to be suitable for use in importing or exporting data from a system that uses a data base as a back end. For a Tcl-based system, we have many examples of where a Tcl application saves its state directly in Tcl files (sometimes read into a safe interpreter for processing). ''[APW] 2007-05-23'' One advantage is, that there exist a lot of Tcl tools to work with XML files and using XSLT makes it easy to convert it and using XSD-SCHEMA allows you to verify input easily. Not that I am fixed to XML but at least there is no Tcl Parser for YAML and the existing C-parser is not easily integrated to Tcl (I have looked at it and it also not easy (not difficult but a lot of work) to write a Tcl native parser for YAML. Until now all that stuff are just ideas and I am still open to change my mind and use a different technique (hopefully the best for Tcl environment). [slebetman] - Personally I'd prefer a dict. It's natively Tcl and is far more human readable compared to either XML or YAML. [APW] I was also thinking about (nested) dicts, because I like them, but would there be a problem if we not take one of the "mainstream" configuration file formats as other scripting languages are using them? For me it would be ok. Any comments? [LV] The problems I can foresee are this: * if you are going to use an ''execute this'' type file format, then there are security concerns that will need to be addressed * likewise, when humans can edit the file, then they are like to mangle it - so checking of the input needs to take care * certainly there is potential for complaining ... but tcl was designed, initially, to be an embedded language in applications, so that users would use tcl to configure the application. using tcl for the configuration of this system makes a lot of sense to me [APW] The configuration files will not be editable over the net, but the designer of the application will be the only one which edits them. So there seems to be no need to use a save interpreter. The user of the application gets only forms to enter data via a HTML page sent to the browser using a POST request for the return. The execution of a configuration file or a file produced from a configuration file will (on the server) generate a HTML form which is forced by a cgi-bin request which in turn starts a request to a generator for a form page and the generator produces a HTML page as response (eventually interpreting Tcl code in the generic file for generating the page). Hope that explains it a little bit clearer. If the designer of the configuration file opens the door that is a different issue. [APW] Using dicts, do you think a configuration file could look like the following: databases { customer { tables { person { columns { person_id { attributes { type integer required yes primary_key yes size 10 } } department_id { attributes { type integer required yes primary_key yes size 10 } } first_name { attributes { type var required yes size 25 } } last_name { attributes { type var required yes size 35 } } } } department { columns { department_id { attributes { type integer required yes primary_key yes size 10 } } company { attributes { type var required yes size 25 } } name { attributes { type var required yes size 35 } } } } } joins { person:department { from { table person column department_id } to { table department column department_id } } } } } That could be the "abstract" description of a little database (container). The indentation does not matter; it's just for readability! ''[escargo]'' - When humans can edit the file, to some extent all bets are off. At least with Tcl we can execute the file in a safe interpreter to extract the information. Even with XML, if humans are allowed to edit the file it could still wind up being broken. ---- [[ [Category Application] | [Category Internet] | [Category Discussion] ]]