Version 14 of Tnm3.1

Updated 2006-03-12 10:26:40

What would you like to see in Tnm 3.1?

I think that scotty has a great set of tools for network auditing, I just want more.

I plan on adding the following to dns

  • txt function
  • full SOA record dump, array set syntax
  • add ns function

Other things that would be nice to have, might add them time and skill permitting, are:

  • radius
  • smb/cif
  • tacac/tacacs+
  • whois client (and rwhois that doesn't hang when a RIR publishes a bad reference)
  • IPv6
  • SIP stack
  • DNS SRV record trace
  • DNS Dynamic-Update PUTs invokeable from a NODE
  • Hide scrollbars as well as toolbar and/or scale width of scrollbars (even to zero-width)

feel free to add to the list.

This is my first wiki page so I probably did something wrong in it, feel free to correct it.

and if you want to get in touch: mspitzer at should work

I would like to see a starkit version. Is this the start of a scotty rescue mission?

SNMPv3 would be nice.

Startkit should be simple to do, you can put compiled code in the VFS layout(if I remember correctly) And it might very well be, there is always next years summer of code after all. And if do have a list of cool features here, that just need to be designed and coded, perhaps something good will come of it. The thing is scotty is a really cool toolkit that just needs more tools.


One item that comes up in interoperability would be the ability to load different sets of MIBs into profiles (Cisco, Juniper, Alcatel, etc.) then when the SNMP sessions are initiated, to point to the profile to be used (if not the default one). -don

MIB Smithy SDK supports SNMPv3 and multiple MIB profiles (called SMI databases).

On the SNMP side, the biggest improvements would be to replace the MIB parser with libsmi and to finalize SNMPv3 support. There are some half done libsmi patches, but the devil is in the details.

On the non SNMP side, one could think of many little improvements that require much less implementation efforts than the SNMP improvements mentioned above. IPv6 support would be cool but requires changed in many places - on the other side, I am not sure how many users actually would use IPv6 support.

"How many users actually would use IPv6 support" -- more and more as time goes on. Also good handling of mac addresses, including pseudos from interfaces such as OpenVPN and comparable tunnel devices.

First thanks to the people who have been fixing my wiki typos.

One of the big things I would like to see is addition of windows protocols, I look at scotty as a way to write programs/tools for network auditing and management. Not being a programmer by trade I really like doing tcl over C.

Also scotty current is now in a svn archive,


Tcl/Tk is still a good tool. ined and Tnm nicely extend it. Before "Tik" disappears due to AOL dropping "toc" servers, take a look at those plugins.

What I see as perhaps the most needed is a how to for extensions. The add a menu from Tools, last I looked, was really not that difficult, but getting an active data collector to inject into GRAPH, BARGRAPH, and STRIPCHART modules is very difficult to reverse engineer.

I'm sitting here in Mar 2006, trying to write a module that will accept UDP volunteered data (if expected) and stuff it into the associated STRIPCHART. I'm not even getting the INTERPRETER object to instantiate successfully with my script.

  * What is '''ined size''' without any parameters -- undocumented
  * What is '''IpInit''' -- where is it? -- what is it supposed to do?

Updating clock.tcl to make it update a TEXT with current on-canvas time for stamped windowshots wasn't difficult, nor was it adequately documented.


  * Manual for ''hacking'' .tki's in a way that they can preserve the hacks after GUI edit+save.  What can be done safely?
  * Manual for creating ''apps'' which can be loaded in an INTERPRETER and successfully affect the display
  * Print-to-ghosstscript pipe, to end up with PDF output in file specified within TkIned GUI
  * Full set of bundled Windows-MIBs
  * Support JPEG and PNG icons and backgrounds -- why not the full set of canvas-supportable image types?  Picture the full mapping and database abilities of GRASS, as optionally loadable!
  * For saved STRIPCHART values, a way to insure an appropriate gap when reloading, and a way to indicate ''gap'' as opposed to zero values.
  * Scale to specific dimensions on scale-able objects without editing the .tki (at least width x height)