Version 40 of Tktable

Updated 2004-12-20 18:04:55

Purpose: to discuss tktable, its use and benefits, samples of code demonstrating neat features, etc.

See for releases, source, ...

The documentation (direct from CVS) can be read: [L1 ]

This package is part of the ActiveTcl Batteries Included distribution.

Does anyone use Tktable? What problems, tricks, tips, examples can you share?

snichols Does anyone have any code snipits they could put together for sorting relational data in tkTable? We use Tktable to show the result set from an SQL query. It would be very nice to be able to sort records decending or ascending in Tktable (one line of data in Tktable) when a user clicks on a column header (Column title, aka metadata: data that describes data). I invision when the user clicks on a column header all the relational data is sorted ascending, if the user clicks again its sorted descending.

Scott Nichols I am using the Tktable in a basic GUI (see tab example below). I recommend setting -sparsearray to false. Because when it is on (default) and -cache is on too the application becomes unstable and will shutdown when a user erases several cell values.

Scott Gamon - A Busy Developer's Guide to TkTable: [L2 ]

There appears to be more than one widget by this name. The one most people think of is likely this one:

 What: tkTable - Tk table widget (Hobbs)
 Description: Editable 2D table/matrix widget.
        Tag styles for multiple fonts, colors, etc.
        It is a complex blend of the Tk entry, listbox, and text widgets.
        Has embedded window support, multi-line cell text support.
        This is based on the Ellson/King tkTable available earlier.
        Requires Tk 8.x or newer and a C compiler.
        Supports all Unix Tcl/Tk variants as well as Windows and
        The spec and rm files are used to build Redhat Linux rpm packages.
        They require Tcl/Tk 8.3 rpm, also available on the jfontain site.
        A precompiled Tk 8.1 Windows DLL is available.
        A binary version for Windows is also available.
        Version 2.8 now available.
 Updated: 12/2001
 Contact: mailto:[email protected]  (Jeffrey Hobbs)

 What: Tk table widget (Ellson)
 Description: A table/matrix widget, written in C, variable width table columns
        and height rows, titles, attaches to an array variable,
        supports standard Tk reliefs/fonts, support scrollbars,
        has tag styles per row/column/cell for changing colors/fonts/relief or
        anchor position, in-cell editing, different editing/drawing modes,
        can have selected cell or not, optional update flashes,
        can stretch rows and columns.
        Contact John Ellson for patches to Table_Display.c and the
        tkAppInit to get it to work with Tk 4.0.
 Updated: 10/1998
 Contact: mailto:[email protected]  (current maintainer)
        mailto:[email protected]  (Roland King - original author)
        <URL: mailto:[email protected] >

See also Displaying Tables , VUW widgets.

Scott Nichols Here's a little Tktable code snipit you may find useful. This code will create keyboard tab bindings for the tktable. If the current cell is less than the number of columns when the user presses the tab key, the cursor will move to the next cell (to the right of the current cell), but if the cell is the very last cell in the row, then it will move to the first column of the next row when the user presses tab. If the cell is the very last cell in the table, the binding will create a new row and move the cursor to the first cell in the new row that was just created when the user presses the tab key:

 bind $table <Tab> {
     set top  [expr {[%W cget -roworigin] + [%W cget -titlerows]}]
     set left [expr {[%W cget -colorigin] + [%W cget -titlecols]}]

     if {[catch {%W index active} result] ||
             [lassign [split $result ,] row col
             expr {$row < $top || $col < $left}]} {
         ::tk::table::BeginSelect %W $top,$left
         %W activate $top,$left
     } else {
         lassign [split $result ,] row col
         if {$col < [%W cget -cols] - 1} {
             ::tk::table::MoveCell %W 0 1
         } elseif {$row < [%W cget -rows] - 1} {
             set x [expr {[%W cget -titlecols] - [%W cget -cols] + 1}]
             ::tk::table::MoveCell %W 1 $x
         } else {
             # Open new row.  (Original behavior.)
             %W insert rows end
             ::tk::table::MoveCell %W 1 -[%W cget -cols]

             # Or return to upper-left.
             #set y [expr {[%W cget -titlerows] - [%W cget -rows] + 1}]
             #set x [expr {[%W cget -titlecols] - [%W cget -cols] + 1}]
             #::tk::table::MoveCell %W $y $x

AMG Scott's code snippit, while a good start, had a number of problems (unnecessary nested exprs, mismatched brackets, failure to handle the case of no active cell or active cell inside the title, no consideration for -titlecols) so I rewrote it. If you want editable titles I guess you'll have to rewrite it again. :^)

snichols Thanks for the code update. My original code I posted worked Ok for my implementation as long as there were not any embedded widgets. Sorry you had problems. AMG, were you able to fix tabbing in cells when there was a widget embedded in the cell?

The thing with lassign and the newline inside the [...] is rather weird. If someone can think of a better way of expressing this, feel free to fix the code.

AM You can easily embed windows in a cell, using Jeff's Tktable. Here is a code snippet to show the basics:

 package require Tktable

 pack [table .t] -fill both
 checkbutton .t.c 
 .t window configure 1,1 -window .t.c


  • The checkbutton (or any other window you want to embed) must be a child of the table widget
  • The command ".t window configure" is then used to embed that window in a particular cell - you can use any of the forms for a cell index, but a constant pair "row,column" seems most practical/common

From: Eric Kemp-Benedict ([email protected]) I use TKTable in a couple of my projects (IPAT Studio and IPAT DX, both available from and on SourceForge at ). I like TkTable a lot, with one exception. It doesn't seem possible to select all of the text in a cell (e.g., to completely replace it), either by dragging with the mouse or by double-clicking (usual behavior in Excel). Does this bother anyone else? And do you have a fix for it?

LV Eric, it is surprising, to me, that the default behavior for tktable is this way. However, take a look at the Busy Developer's Guide mentioned near the top of this page and the example there shows how to set up tktable so that you can select the text.

Thank you. - Eric

From: Roland ([email protected]) Subject: Auto-adjust height of TkTable rows to fit multiline cells

Here's a short script to do that job (note that startrow is 1 to skip title row):

 set maxr [.table cget -rows]
 set maxc [.table cget -cols]
 for {set r 1} {$r < $maxr} {incr r} {
   set maxh 1
   for {set c 0} {$c < $maxc} {incr c} {
     if {[set n [llength [split [.table get $r,$c] \n]]]>1 && $maxh<$n} {
       set maxh $n
   .table height $r $maxh

From: MarkE Subject: Tktable questions on ordering

How should a table be created where rows are added at the top ? For what it's worth I'm coding via Tkinter in Python rather than tcl directly.

I want to prepend data results to a table. If I use the command call-back approach I'm hoping it will work but I anticipate severe slow-ness since rather than just drawing the new row, won't the table treat this as if every single row had changed and redraw everything ? For example I'm guessing the cache (which I intended to use) is index based. Am I right in thining this will be a problem, and if so is there any way around it ? Am I even using the appropriate class here (direct Tkinter support for the Tix grid is pretty non-existent as far as I can tell which is how I ended up here) ?

Similarly is the command-callback approach the best way to sort data ?

And finally, where should tktable questions be sent ? Didn't seem right to start emailing the authors out of the blue.

Thanks for any help...

John Ellson | Jeffrey Hobbs [ Category Package | Category GUI | Category Widget ]