Version 1 of Tkinspect

Updated 1999-09-24 16:12:53

Purpose: to discuss this Tk introspection tool

Tkinspect [L1 ] has quite a history in the Tcl/Tk environment. Created by Sam Shen, tkinspect provides the ability to examine and modify the procs and variables of any Tcl/Tk application with a working "send" command.

Later, Sam moved on and a few other people have since made modifications. John Robert LoVerso [L2 ] modified tkinspect so that it used comm instead of send. This allowed one to run tkinspect under any operating system which supports sockets.

Paul Healy then wrote a patch so that tkinspect knows about Tcl 8 namespaces [L3 ].

Tako Schotanus wrote a patch for TkInspect so it worked with incr Tcl [L4 ].

Tkinspect is currently in need of an adoptive parent who could integrate the various fixes and modifications into a great tool.