Purpose: to discuss this Tk introspection tool ---- Tkinspect [ftp://ftp.neosoft.com/languages/tcl/sorted/packages-7.6/devel/tkinspect-5.1.6.tar.gz] has quite a history in the [Tcl/Tk] environment. Created by [Sam Shen], tkinspect provides the ability to examine and modify the procs and variables of any Tcl/Tk application with a working "send" command. Later, Sam moved on and a few other people have since made modifications. [John Robert LoVerso] [http://www.schooner.com/~loverso/tcl-tk/] modified tkinspect so that it used comm instead of send. This allowed one to run tkinspect under any operating system which supports sockets. [Paul Healy] then wrote a patch so that tkinspect knows about Tcl 8 namespaces [ftp://ftp.neosoft.com/languages/tcl/sorted/packages-7.6/devel/tkinspect-5.1.6p3.patch.tar.gz]. [Tako Schotanus] wrote a patch for TkInspect so it worked with incr Tcl [http://huizen.dds.nl/%7Equintess/]. Tkinspect is currently in need of an adoptive parent who could integrate the various fixes and modifications into a great tool. ---- [PT] writes: I've created (locally) a CVS repository with tkinspect-5 and the above patches applied. The incr Tcl patch need some work to update with otherwise I have it working nicely on unix and windows using current [tcllib] [comm] or [send] for Tcl 8.3+. Where would we like to keep and maintain this? It could be added to the [tcllib] project on sourceforge as another toplevel item without much pain. Once I've updated it for ictl (or once someone provides a patch :) ) I think it would be worth creating a file release which would make it rather simpler to start using for most people. ----