Version 4 of TkVNC

Updated 2003-01-17 17:15:05

What: TkVNC

 Description: TkVNC is a VNC  viewer written in pure Tcl/Tk. It does not yet
              support authentication, so it can only connect to an
              unsecured VNC server. However, all the original
              "classic" encodings are supported. It was written to be 
              embedded inside another application, however the version here
              is a standalone program. In 539 lines, it may be the
              shortest VNC viewer written.
              Currently at version 0.9
 Updated:     1/2003
 Contact:     See web site

TkVNC is now part of Tcllib. It can also be downloaded from sourceforge [L1 ] via cvs, or (as it is a single file) from the cvs browser - an URL will be added here as soon as SourceForge restablishes the service :(

AK: Given the recent complaints about willy-nilly placing things into tcllib, I would like to state that this action was done in consent with the author of TkVNC.

See also VNC.

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