TkFX is a potential successor to [Swank]. The Swank tookit is an Tk style interface to the [Java] [Swing] widgets that works with [JTcl]. Together Swank and JTcl are the Java analogs of Tcl and Tk. [Swing], while it will probably be around for quite a few years yet, is not likely to see much more development by [Oracle]. Most Java related GUI development by [Oracle] is now directed towards [JavaFX]. TkFX is currently an experiment in building a Java GUI tookit for JTcl based on JavaFX instead of Swing. Much of the code of Swank was written using JTcl scripts that generate Java code. I [swankguy] have begun changing that code to generate Java code that uses the JavaFX API. As of 16 Oct 2011 the following Tk commands basically work: button, entry, toplevel, grid, raise, lower, and wm. Also supported is a "webview" and "htmleditor" tool. The webview command creates a JavaFX WebView widget, which itself embeds a [WebKit] based web viewer. The htmleditor command creates a widget for text editing, where the underlying text is HTML, based on the JavaFX HTMLEditor widget. The following example code: ====== package require java java::load com.onemoonscientific.swank.WidgetExt toplevel . raise . button .b -text Load -command {.w load $url} entry .e -textvariable url webview .w grid .b -row 0 -column 0 grid .e -row 0 -column 1 grid columnconfigure . 0 -minsize 50 grid .w -row 1 -column 0 -columnspan 2 after 200 wm geometry . "" wm title . "TkFx WebView Example" ====== creates the following window (after also typing in the URL and clicking Load) [TkFX Example] TkFX is essentially at version 0.0. Source code will be released under the BSD license as used by Tcl, JTcl and Swank, once I reach 0.1. <> Java|GUI|Swank|Package