What: TickleWiki Where: http://freshmeat.net/projects/tclwiki/ Description: Wiki engine that uses PostgreSQL or MySQL as a backend. The RecentChanges page can be retrieved in RSS 1.0 format. Currently at version 1.0 . Updated: 01/2004 Contact: See web site '''Installation''' 1. '''config.cgi''' a. '''dbinterface variable''' set dbinterface "pgtcl"; # PostgreSQL or set dbinterface "pgintcl"; # PostgreSQL with pgintcl or set dbinterface "fbsql"; # MySQL (with fbsql) b. '''conninfo and table variable''' Something like this: set conninfo {dbname=mydb user=yourname password=secret} set table tclwiki or set conninfo $env(TCLWIKI_CONNINFO) set table $env(TCLWIKI_TABLE) and in .htaccess: SetEnv TCLWIKI_CONNINFO "dbname=mydb user=yourname password=secret" SetEnv TCLWIKI_TABLE tclwiki c. '''Info on your wiki''' set sitename "My Wiki" set summary "..." 2. '''Create table''' create table tclwiki(wikiname varchar(255) not null primary key,content text, lastmodified timestamp, description varchar(500)); 3. '''.htaccess''' Add following lines: SetHandler cgi-script ---- [Category Application] | [Category Internet