While the [Things holding Tcl back] may raise valid points, this page was created to make sure the optimistic side of things is not left behind. [Tcl] has been progressing over the years for several reasons: * an enthusiastic community [http://wiki.tcl.tk/community] * friendly discussion and help on [comp.lang.tcl] * many (?) people working on the [Tcl/Tk] [core] * active technical discussions on the chat [http://wiki.tcl.tk/chat] * a [wiki] with lots and lots of gems * a [license] which supports sharing and reuse * copy on write, [everything is a string], file [events] * [Tk], [Expect], and more * an implementation which has established a record through the years as a model of high-quality coding * a very clever, subtle initial design, perhaps as important for what it left out as what it put in. * a growing library of useful tools, known as Tcllib, with a pendant in Tk, c alled, unsurprisingly, Tklib, not to mention toolsets like BWidget * deployment options that are unsurpassed by any other language, Tclpro, F reewrap and Tclkit, the latter especially as it depends on a ''virtual file syst em'' and makes for tiny single-file distributions * easy extendability with a well-documented API ---- While I raised the concern of oo, db etc on the other page, let me be the first to enthusiastically say I love TCL! Written well, its extremely flexible, quickly developed , and ultimately legible post implementation, unlike other scripting languages you might be aware of. ;) My thanks to the [TCT] for continuing to run through the versions, adding great features along the way (regexp package improvements!) and not letting this great scripting language die. ---- [Category Community]