Version 390 of The Tcler's Wiki

Updated 2007-12-01 09:37:02 by PT

Aloha!! Thanks for visiting the Tcler's Wiki.

This is a collaboratively-edited area on the web, dedicated to the Tcl programming language and its extensions, including the Tk graphical toolkit.

What is Tcl?

Tcl is a simple-to-learn yet very powerful language. Its syntax is described in just a dozen rules, but it has all the features needed to rapidly create useful programs in almost any field of application - on a wide variety of international platforms.

What is Tk?

Tk is a graphical toolkit for Tcl. It allows you to develop graphical applications that run on Windows, Linux, MacOSX and many other platforms.

By collaboratively-edited, we mean that we want you to correct typos, edit code pages to improve code (make certain though that your changes are not breaking the code!), ask questions, add comments, and anything else you can think of! If you have pages that you don't want modified, feel free to host those on your own site and just add URLs here to them.

Is this such a great idea? Of course!

We need you to contribute to the Wiki - to comp.lang.tcl - to any other aspects of Tcl. Please join the adventure!

  • Is this your first visit? - then Welcome Visitors.
  • This site changes very frequently, so see the recent changes summary.
  • Search: Looking for something specific? See the bulleted list right below (introduced to avoid clutter as this was getting slightly comprehensive)
  • Have a question about Tcl or Tk? Ask, and it shall be given.

Searching this wiki

Pointers to a few of the many Tcl/Tk discussions and reference material available on this site

Tcl/Tk Basics (Syntax references, Code examples, Help for beginners, etc.):

Applications & Development

Specials (OS specific, particular questions, etc.)

People & Community

Wiki, group dynamics, and tools to support it

Links, Chat and other non-wiki places

Tip: is a shortcut for the "recent changes" link below.