Organized by [Clif Flynt] see for details. Occurs July 28 - Aug 2, 2003. Alternate site for details: [lv] For those of us unable to be present, I hope someone takes on the ''recorder'' role and lets us know what is going on. - [RS]: Yes, please... [DKF] I'll pop on some notes on as I make them... ---- [MC]: The hotel apparently had a T1 from January through sometime in June of this year, when it was removed. The hotel has DSL, but the ISP is AOL. Currently we're using [Burrow] running on the Windows desktop of one of the hotel employees to tunnel out over port 80 to an HTTP proxy and irc (for the Tcler's chat) and SSH (currently to a Linux box I have, and to a machine [stevel] has--more mappings available upon request). We also have port 25 going to an outbound SMTP server for those that need that. At the conference, configure your browser to use port 80 as a proxy. ---- [Tcl Conferences] ---- [AP] It would be nice if there were actual video recordings, of the conference, for sale. [lv] I would find it surprising if there were, as that tends to be a pricey conference feature and this year the goal was to keep prices to a minimum. ---- [Category Community]