This page provides examples of how to read and write a [Microsoft] [Outlook] document using the [Tcom] package. See [How one discovers the API for a COM-exporting application] for more help on finding Outlook commands. ---- '''Creating a Calendar Entry''' package require tcom proc ConvertTime {t} { regexp {([+-])(\d\d)(\d\d)} [clock format [clock seconds] -format %z] m sign hours minutes set tlocal [expr "$t $sign ($hours *60 +$minutes)*60"] return [expr {(25569+$tlocal/24/3600)+(($tlocal%(24*3600))/(24.0*3600))}] } set outlook [::tcom::ref getactiveobject Outlook.Application] set app [$outlook Application] set entry [$app CreateItem [expr 1]] $entry Subject "This is the subject" $entry Start [ConvertTime [clock scan {2009-02-13 21:00}]] $entry End [ConvertTime [clock scan {2009-02-13 21:30}]] $entry Save ---- !!!!!! %| [Category Example] | [Category Windows] |% !!!!!!