Version 6 of Tclworld

Updated 2002-02-20 18:48:00

Richard Suchenwirth - This is my biggest and most favorite project since a long time: a geographic browser with map display and database browser. Most parts of it are on the Wiki at

Be aware that this is still in pre-alpha stage, but already running mighty nicely. Download tclworld 5.0 (ZIP file, 250 k) from

I can also send you the whole ZIP file, just ask for it by mailto:[email protected]

I first called this tkWorld, but then found out that this name has been taken by another software years ago, so now it's Tclworld.

A user has reported that he got Tclworld to run under WinCE on a pocket PC. (RS) Another wrote "It works well on MacOS X, both on X-11 tclkit and Aqua Tk". More reports, also of problems, are welcome!

Arts and crafts of Tcl-Tk programming