'''[http://core.tcl.tk/tcllib/doc/trunk/embedded/www/tcllib/files/modules/uri/uri.html%|%uri]''' is a [Tcllib] module for parsing and manipulating [URI%|%URIs]. ** Documentation ** [http://tcllib.sourceforge.net/doc/uri.html%|%official reference]: [http://core.tcl.tk/tcllib/doc/trunk/embedded/www/tcllib/files/modules/uri/uri.html%|%official reference], development version: ** Description ** `uri::split` breaks a [URI] up into its component parts. The parts identified depend on the schemes supported. For instance, for ftp, the pieces identified are * host * path * port * passwd * scheme * type * user The `file` protocol is supported The `data` protocol is not yet supported. [LV]: What does "doesn't yet support" mean? [AK]: That the code does not know to handle such urls (split/join). There are no regexp patterns either. [LV]: but I see this behavior with tcl8.4 and tcllib 1.0: ======none % package require uri 1.0 % set name "file://home/lwv26/myfile.txt" file://home/lwv26/myfile.txt % uri::split $name path /lwv26/myfile.txt scheme file host home ====== So it LOOKS like file is supported. ** VFS handlers ** The new Tcl 8.4a4 VFS layer by Vince Darley simplifies this work. See the "tclvfs" extension on SourceForge [http://sf.net/projects/tclvfs] for example code which opens http, ftp, zip, and more - using the "blah:..." notation. ** Issue: Canonicalize ** [HaO] 2013-05-03 I tried to use 'uri::canonicalize' to implement a smart url completer, e.g. to say transform "test.de" to "http://test.de/". ====== % package require uri 1.2.2 % uri::canonicalize test.de http:///test.de ====== So there are 3 slashes instead of two and no trailing slash. This is not what I intended. The reason is, that 'uri::canonicalize' internally uses 'uri::split' and 'uri::join'' and the first interpretes the given data as a path and not as a host: ====== % ::uri::split test.de fragment {} port {} path test.de scheme http host {} query {} ====== ** Changelog ** [AK]: The `urn` handler was added to [tcllib] after the 1.1.0 release <> Tcllib | URI