Version 13 of Tcllib Location

Updated 2012-12-07 18:48:37 by AK

This page provides information about the location of Tcllib.

Heads-up! Tcllib is in a state of transition right now, spread over multiple places.

The official home is the Sourceforge project . You can download the latest release packages from here. It also provides the CVS repository used by the Tcllib developers, mailings lists, bug trackers, and official releases.

Depending on your OS, appropriate packages may be available from the vendor (be it RPM, deb, ports, or another system vendor-specific packaging system). If there is, maybe you can try those first, although they tend to lag the main release so you may not get the latest version. See Vendor specific Tcllib packages for a list.

If you have tclkit or the packages needed to run starkits you can use tcllib.kit, a starkit based installer. If not, just download either the zip, gz or bz2 compressed files.

The main website for the Tcl/Tk comunity has a page for Tcllib as well, this is .

Additionally, is a source for snapshots of the library.

Tcllib (and everything it contains) is also included as a part of the ActiveTcl Batteries Included distribution as well as other distributions, such as kitten.

Documentation for each module is available at

To checkout Tcllib from CVS on a unix/linux system:

Change to a temporary working directory. Do a cvs checkout like this:

 cvs -d:pserver:[email protected]:/cvsroot/tcllib login
 cvs -d:pserver:[email protected]:/cvsroot/tcllib co -r tcllib-1-10 tcllib

Now you have a CVS version of the 1.10 version around. Follow the instructions under Tcllib Installation to install it. If you want the bleeding edge version from CVS do this instead:

 cvs -d:pserver:[email protected]:/cvsroot/tcllib login
 cvs -d:pserver:[email protected]:/cvsroot/tcllib co tcllib

The bleeding edge version may have extra bugfixes and new features.

The aforementioned Sourceforge project is also the official home for other efforts, namely: