Tclkit Mobile is a port of Tclkit 8.4.9 to Windows Mobile 2003 Second Edition PDA's: [] This is TKM2, the second pre-release and the first public preview. The download area is at - you can either use the installer (launch on Windows PC with ActiveSync installed) or get the executable (ungzip, transfer to PDA and click). The installer creates an entry in Program Files called "jcw Tclkit" and allows you to uninstall again via Settings or through ActiveSync. The installer does not create any shortcuts or registry entries at this stage. Tclkit Mobile is a complete single-file executable, with Tcl, Tk, TclVFS, Metakit, IncrTcl, and support for [Starkit]s and [Starpack]s. This release differs from standard tclkits in that it is in fact a starpack with TkCon included as main.tcl - it may or may not be a good idea to leave this in, haven't figured that out yet. There are few differences in this first public release: * the startup logic is still not quite right probably, expect some quirks * tkm2 creates an in2.txt file during startup, ignore it, it's a workaround for now * only a few things have been tried, consider this alpha quality for now Having said that, I would ''very'' much like to hear about your experiences with this release, good and bad. I will be releasing the sources and tweaks at a later stage. Almost all changes have already been merged back into the corresponding original CVS repositories, the most complicated part of this port is really managing a good build toolchain and configuration. This Open Source project was made possible through the financial support of Eolas Technologies Inc. This port builds ''heavily'' upon Jeff Hobbs' tcl8.4ce and tk8.4ce sources, as well as the TEA 3.2 build system. Without these, and without Jeff's patient help, none of this would have been possible. -[jcw] ---- [RS] Great! I'm on an older [Windows/CE], so I may not be able to use this... but all, make sure to check [PocketPC] for all the ports that have been made to these little things :)