Version 11 of TclSVG

Updated 2010-05-28 04:07:33 by CMcC

CMcC: TclSVG -- an oo object hierarchy to parse, manipulate, and generate SVG.

Simple test: call it as a tcl file, with the arguments: file somefile.svg ... it should produce a near-copy of its input.

Take 2: Decided to cleave more closely to tdom rather than use Tcl as an intermediate form for collections and attributes. Resulted in cleaner, smaller code. Old version is in history.

A few notes for using this -- Rob Shinn (morgan_greywolf)

  • Ubuntu 9.xx users can install tdom by sudo apt-get install tdom.
  • At the time of this writing, you need to get the latest version of TclOO from CVS . The latest release package (0.6) currently lacks the info object namespace subcommand.
  • If you are compiling TclOO for Tcl 8.5, you need to copy the tclconfig subdirectory from the TclOO 0.6 release package.

# SVG.tcl -- an oo hierarchy to parse, mutate and generate SVG

package require TclOO
package require tdom
package provide SVG 2.0

oo::class create ::SVG::element {
    variable node doc

    # turn tdom's attributes into something resembling sanity
    method Attr {n} {
        # the list that [domNode attributes] returns
        # is {prefix localname namespaceURI}
        if {[llength $n] == 3} {
            lassign $n name ns uri
            if {$uri eq ""} continue
            set n $ns:$name
        return $n

    # get/set element attribute(s)
    method attr {args} {
        switch [llength $args] {
            0 {
                set result {}
                foreach n [$node attributes] {
                    set n [my Attr $n]
                    lappend result $n [$node getAttribute $n]
                return $result
            1 {
                return [$node getAttribute [lindex $args 0]]
            default {
                if {[dict exists $args id]} {
                    if {[$node hasAttribute id]} {
                        if {[dict get $args id] ne [$node getAttribute id]} {
                            catch {$doc del_id2obj [$node getAttribute id]}
                    $doc id2obj [dict get $args id] [self]
                $node setAttribute {*}$args

    # descend element subtree applying script
    method descend {script {n ""}} {
        if {$n eq ""} {
            set $n $node
        set r [::apply $script $n]
        set children [$n childNodes]
        if {[llength $children]} {
            foreach child $children {
                lappend result [my descend $script $n]
            return [list $r $result]
        } else {
            return $r

    # type - this node's 'tag'
    method type {} {
        return [$node nodeName]

    # nodeValue - as of Text nodes
    method value {args} {
        return [$node nodeValue {*}$args]

    # parent of this element
    method parent {} {
        return [$doc node2obj [$node parentNode]]

    # children of this element
    method children {} {
        set result {}
        foreach child [$node childNodes] {
            if {![catch {
                $doc node2obj $child
            } obj]} {
                lappend result $obj
        return $result

    # element as XML
    method xml {{indent 4}} {
        return [$node asXML -indent $indent]

    # element as a nested list
    method list {} {
        return [$node asList]

    # add children to this node from their XML representations
    method add {args} {
        foreach obj $args {
            set child [$node appendXML [$obj xml]]
            lappend children [$doc explore $child]
        return $children

    # delete children from this node
    method del {args} {
        set children [my children]
        foreach obj $args {
            if {$obj in $chilren} {
                $obj destroy

    destructor {
        foreach o [my children] {
            catch {$o destroy}        ;# if we have children, destroy them
        catch {
            # remove interp-wide node->object mapping
            $doc del_node2obj $node
        catch {
            # remove document-wide id->object mapping
            $doc del_id2obj [my attr id]

    constructor {n d} {
        set node $n        ;# we need to know our tdom node
        set doc $d        ;# we need to know our SVG document

oo::class create ::SVG {
    variable doc id2obj

    # we maintain an interp-wide map of node->object.
    # elements themselves maintain their corresponding node
    method node2obj {node} {
        return [dict get [set [info object namespace [info object class [self]]]::node2obj] $node]
    method del_node2obj {node} {
        dict unset [info object namespace [info object class [self]]]::node2obj $node

    # we maintain a document-wide map of id->object.
    # id is just an attribute of elements
    # id is guaranteed unique within documents by means of this map.
    method id2obj {id obj} {
        dict set id2obj $id $obj
    method del_id2obj {id} {
        dict unset id2obj $id
    method by_id {id} {
        return [dict get $id2obj $id]

    # traverse SVG tdom tree, generating Tcl SVG element object hierarchy
    method explore {node} {
        if {[$node nodeType] eq "ELEMENT_NODE"} {
            set obj [::SVG::element new $node [self]]
            dict set [info object namespace [info object class [self]]]::node2obj $node $obj

            if {![$node hasAttribute id]
                || [dict exists $id2obj [$node getAttribute id]]
            } {
                # no id or id collision - change id to something unique
                $obj attr id id[incr [info object namespace [info object class [self]]]::_unique_id]

            foreach child [$node childNodes] {
                my explore $child
            return $obj        ;# return element representation
        } else {
            return ""        ;# this has no element representation

    # generate XML form of document with appropriate verbiage
    method xml {{indent 4}} {
        append result "<?xml version='1.0' standalone='no'?>" \n
        append result "<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD SVG 20001102//EN' ''>" \n
        append result [next $indent] \n
        return $result

    superclass ::SVG::element        ;# the document is itself an element

    destructor {
        $doc del            ;# delete the tdom parsed doc
        next                ;# delete the corresponding doc element

    constructor {args} {
        set id2obj {}        ;# map id->object

        if {[dict exists $args file]} {
            # create document from xml text in named file
            package require fileutil
            set xml [::fileutil::cat [dict get $args file]]
            set doc [dom parse $xml]
        } elseif {[dict exists $args xml]} {
            # create a document from xml text
            set doc [dom parse [dict get $args xml]]
        } else {
            # create an empty document
            set doc [dom createDocument svg]

        # construct [self] as an element
        set root [$doc documentElement] 
        next [$doc documentElement] [self]
        my explore $root        ;# traverse tdom tree, creating svg elements

if {[info exists argv0] && $argv0 eq [info script]} {
    if {[lindex $argv 0] eq "examples"} {
        foreach file [glob /usr/share/inkscape/examples/*.svg] {
            puts $file
            set svg [SVG new file $file]
            puts [$svg xml]
            $svg destroy
    # test - plug in an SVG constructor (e.g. file FILE.svg) and watch it work
    set svg [SVG new {*}$argv]
    puts [$svg xml]