Version 6 of TclHttpd change + div tag css style

Updated 2007-02-20 01:32:45

This page deals with a small modification of mypage.tcl and .tml file from TclHttpd.

I've modified it (2007/02) to fit my need as I wish to have my home page, css styled, looks like Sveinbjorn home page 1.

Here is the diff output on custom/mypage.tcl

 G3:~/tclhttpd3.5.1/custom G3$ diff mypage.tcl-original mypage.tcl
 >     append html [html::openTag "div" "class=\"content\""]
 >     append html [::html::closeTag]

And the diff output on htdocs/.tml

 G3:~/tclhttpd3.5.1/htdocs G3$ diff tml-original .tml
 > html::headTag "link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"/styles/dynamic.css\" "

The resulting home page is here :

RLH 2007-02-19: I was actually working on a total "re-write" to the look and feel myself. Something that made TclHttpd look more "modern" out of the box. Maybe I should start that again.