Version 10 of TclDOM

Updated 2003-01-07 09:12:22

TclDOM, maintained at , is the DOM part of Zveno's TclXML project.

TclDOM has partial pure-Tcl-coded XPath support, as of September 2001.

Version 2.5 of TclDOM adds a couple of new example scripts that may be useful:

    domtext: displays a DOM document in a Tk Text widget
    domtree: displays a DOM document's tree structure in a
        BWidget Tree widget.

Andreas Kupries provides a daily snapshot of the SourceForge CVS depot at .

AK: Note: There are more places to find Tcl binaries and sources than my site.

ActiveState Corporation's ActiveTcl also includes a TclDOM version.

Documentation appears (also?) at .

If you are trying to load TclDOM into a safe slave interpreter see the notes under TclXML. - PT

Steve Ball: "The only software in the TclXML stable that will validate a document is TclDOM+libxml2.". This package is also known as Tcldomxml. It wraps a TclDOM-API around GNOME's libxml [L1 ] and provides the basis for TclXSLT.