"Exploiting Format String Vulnerabilities" [http://www.eecg.toronto.edu/~lie/downloads/formatstring-1.2.pdf] "Danger level rises for Perl app flaws" [http://news.com.com/Danger+level+rises+for+Perl+flaws/2100-1002_3-5975954.html] "Format string attack" [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Format_string_attack] "[What is the advantage of Tcl over Perl]" ---- [schlenk] The core may be safe against format string attacks, but each extension has to take care in using various of the C stdlib string functions to not become vulnerable. The Tcl library just makes the string handling much easier and safer then the basic C lib, so there are nearly no reasons to use many of those functions in a Tcl extension. This higher abstraction level can protect against those low level flaws, if used wisely. ---- [Category Security]