Version 12 of Tcl examples

Updated 2013-03-01 19:49:14 by pooryorick


A list of examples for those Learning Tcl

See Also

a site dedicated to comparing programming languages. DKF has been tirelessly adding Tcl examples
[L1 ]
examples collected several years ago by CL


The Tcler's Wiki is full of Tcl examples, but here's a subjective selection of short scripts that illustrate a point, so may be helpful for learners. All these are for a pure tclsh - see also Tk examples for wish scripts.

Show me an example
"Hello world" from one-liner to MFClike GUI
Example scripts everybody should have
grep,find... in Tcl
An HTTP robot in Tcl
automated data mining, e.g. zipcodes
owh - a fileless tclsh
pass scriptlets on command line
A simple database
use an array and its powerful features