Purpose: to provide a page where people who plan to present papers, tutorials, classes, etc. on Tcl (or who learn of such talks) can provide pointers so that others who may have an interest can attend. These should be ''open to the public'' in the sense that they do not have a closed membership. Listing of college/university courses are welcome here, as are talks being presented at any type of professional conference. ---- ''Specific Events'' - '''be certain to specify a month, day and year in some [http://www.aerohose.com order] so we know when they are over.''' ---- Plan on attending the [Eleventh Annual Tcl/Tk Conference], October 11 - 15, '04, in New Orleans, Louisiana, see http://www.tcl.tk/community/tcl2004/ for details! ---- The Tcl comunity looks to have a decent presence at [FOSDEM 2004], February 21/22, in Bruxelles. ---- On Wednesday, 4 June 2003, 9.30 [Clif Flynt] will give a one-hour talk '''Introduction To Tcl/Tk''' at the Erasmus University Medical Center in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Generation R [http://www.generationr.nl] makes extensive use of Tcl/Tk. If you are interested in attending, please contact Pascal Scheffers [PS] at Pascal-at-scheffers-dot-net. ---- http://www.netcetera.ch/tekzone/programdetail.html?id=2002-02-25 is the information (in German) regarding my "TekZone" talk on Apache Tcl, the 25th of February, in Zurich, Switzerland - [David Welton]. Hosted by the folks at http://www.netcetera.ch/ I will be speaking about [Apache Tcl] at ApacheCon [http://www.apachecon.com] on Wednesday, November 20, 2002. I hope to see lots of Tcl'ers there! More info here: http://www.apachecon.com/2002/US/html/sessions.html - [David Welton] MacHack (http://www.machack.com/), the Advanced Developers Hands-On Conference, today announced one-day training sessions to be held on Wednesday, June 18, 2003. These intensive training sessions, designed to complement MacHack's three days of presentations and papers. Cocoa Software Development and Tcl/Tk training will be available. The Tcl/Tk training session will be led by [Clif Flynt]. The training covers Tcl syntax, commands, data types, Tk graphics widgets and describes using Tcl/Tk as scripting glue as well as an interpreter for standalone applications. It demonstrates Tcl's client/server socket support, namespaces, packages and more. This intense 8 hour session will enable someone previously unfamiliar with Tcl able to tackle any project. See the web site for fees and more details. ---- ''Generally Available Resources'' '''Script India''' provides on-site training classes for aspirants of the TCL/TK within India. Please contact [script_india@rediffmail.com] for further details. Script India is maintained by software geeks at Bangalore, India. Avia Training and Consulting provides various public training classes covering Tcl related topics. For more information on the various classes offered, the locations for the classes, etc. see http://www.avia-training.com/ . Avia also offers onsite private training. Prior to founding Avia, [Ken Jones] was lead instructor at Ajuba Solutions. Noumena Corporation offers Tcl/Tk training sessions for beginning and advanced users. These sessions are delivered by [Clif Flynt], author of ''Tcl/Tk for Real Programmers''. Visit the Noumena home page at http://www.noucorp.com/ for more details about the training courses, source code from Clif's '';login:'' articles and other Tcl/Tk resources. See http://www.procplace.com/ for details on training from Karl Lehenbauer, one of the co-creators of one of the Tcl/Unix user's favorite extensions - Extended Tcl (TclX)! See http://www.tcltk.com/training/ for details of several Tcl related classes being conducted by Cadence Design Systems. Saw this one in the google (!) sidebar: http://www.wellho.net/overview/tallall.html -jcw ---- See the wiki page about [Tcl conferences] to learn about the current and upcoming Tcl conferences and workshops that are frequently held.