Version 3 of Tcl Space

Updated 2004-05-30 05:09:57 by CMCc

Analagous to an APL Workspace - a tclsh which is persistent between restarts ... checkpoints its entire contents to disk.

One such is Coldtcl

Coldtcl - tcl workspace

- Colin McCormack <coldstore at users dot sf dot net> 30/05/2004

Coldtcl makes tcl 8.5 (and earlier) checkpointable. Runs under Linux, YMMV. It's based on my work on ColdStore.

Run it using ./coldtcl and you'll get a tclsh in all respects identical to your usual.

It provides a single command - suspend which writes the complete running state of tclsh to disk in a file called containing all current state of the tclsh.

A subsequent invocation of coldtcl will load and restart with the entire tclsh state restored exactly as it was when suspend was called.

The only complication is open files. It is necessary to close all files which are open in any interpreter under {}, not doing so will cause unpredictable results ... I doubt you'll enjoy them. The exceptions are stdin, stdout and stderr, which are recreated anew on every invocation.

There's always the possibility that coldtcl leaks memory ... I can't be sure yet.

coldtcl depends upon mmalloc, which it GPL'd, it is therefore, perforce, also GPL'd.