Version 16 of Task Timer

Updated 2007-01-03 17:24:09

EKB This is a simple task timer I built using clock.tcl (last updated 15 Dec. 2005). Here's what it looks like:

It's set to be always on top, at least on Windows. It combines a clock with a timer. The "copy to clipboard" feature pastes the date, start time, and time elapsed (in hours) to the clipboard, separated by tabs, then resets the timer:

 Tue, 13 Sep 2005        17:30        0.25

The reason for this is that it can then be pasted into a table (e.g., TkTable, Excel, Calc) for easy manipulation. It can also be pasted straight into a text file. I then type in the project & task information, and keep going.

I use this to keep track of my billed time. Here's a typical workflow:

  1. Click the "start/pause/stop" button when starting a task.
  2. Click the "start/pause/stop" to pause & restart when taking a break.
  3. When done with the task, click "paste to clipboard" and paste into log.

If there's an error, then click "reset" to reset the timer.

Here's the code:

 ## Always on top, no resize
 wm attributes . -topmost 1
 wm resizable . 0 0

 ## Buttons

 image create photo appclock16 -data {

  image create photo apppause16 -data {

 image create photo record16 -data {

 ## "Minimalist" balloon help from Tcler's Wiki
 ## With modest change so that there isn't much delay
 ## while browsing over buttons.

 namespace eval balloon {
    variable long_delay 750
    variable short_delay 50
    variable delay $long_delay
    variable family {}

 bind . <Enter> {
    if {$balloon::family != ""} {
        if {[lsearch -exact $balloon::family %W] == -1} {
            set balloon::family {}    
            set balloon::delay $balloon::long_delay

 proc set_balloon {w help} {
    bind $w <Enter> "+after \$balloon::delay [list balloon::show %W [list $help]]; set balloon::delay $balloon::short_delay; set balloon::family \[balloon::getwfamily %W\]"
    bind $w <Leave> "+destroy %W.balloon"

 # Add these to the namespace
 proc balloon::getwfamily {w} {
    return [winfo children [winfo parent $w]]

 proc balloon::show {w arg} {
    if {[eval winfo containing  [winfo pointerxy .]]!=$w} {return}
    set top $w.balloon
    catch {destroy $top}
    toplevel $top -bd 1 -bg black
    wm attributes $top -topmost 1
    wm overrideredirect $top 1
    if {$::tcl_platform(platform) == "macintosh"} {
        unsupported1 style $top floating sideTitlebar
    pack [message $top.txt -aspect 10000 -bg lightyellow -padx 1 -pady 0 \
            -text $arg]
    set wmx [expr [winfo rootx $w]+5]
    set wmy [expr [winfo rooty $w]+[winfo height $w]+7]
    wm geometry $top \
      [winfo reqwidth $top.txt]x[winfo reqheight $top.txt]+$wmx+$wmy
    raise $top

 ## Timer procs
 proc every {ms body} {
    eval $body
    after $ms [list every $ms $body]

 proc timeElapsed {sec} {
    set hours [expr {$sec / 3600}]
    set mins [expr {($sec / 60) % 60}]
    return [format "%02d:%02d" $hours $mins]

 # Are we timing, or not?
 set timer(state) 0
 # Has the timer been reset?
 set timer(reset) 1
 # Store previous time elapsed
 set timer(prev) 0
 proc toggleTimer {b} {
    if {$::timer(state)} {
        $b config -relief flat
        $b config -image appclock16
        set ::timer(state) 0
        set ::timer(prev) [expr {$::timer(prev) + [clock sec] - $::timer(init)}]
    } else {
        $b config -relief sunken
        $b config -image apppause16
        if {$::timer(reset)} {
            set ::timer(reset) 0
        set ::timer(init) [clock sec]
        set ::timer(state) 1
 proc resetTimer {b} {
    set ::timer(reset) 1
    set ::timer(elapsed) "00:00"
    set ::timer(init) [clock sec]
    set ::timer(prev) 0
 proc recordTime {b} {
    # Stop timing
    if {$::timer(state)} {
        toggleTimer $b
    # Save info
    set date [clock format [clock sec] -format "%a, %d %b %Y"]
    set start "--:--"
    if [info exists ::timer(init)] {
        set start [fmtTime $::timer(init)]
    set elapsed [unfmtTime $::timer(elapsed)]
    # Reset the timer
    resetTimer $b

    clipboard clear
    clipboard append -type STRING "$date\t$start\t$elapsed"
 proc fmtTime {sec} {
    return [clock format $sec -format %H:%M]

 # unfmtTime: Take H:M and return decimal hours
 proc unfmtTime {s} {
    set t [split $s ":"]
    set hr [string trimleft [lindex $t 0] "0"]
    if {$hr == ""} {set hr 0}
    set min [string trimleft [lindex $t 1] "0"]
    if {$min == ""} {set min 0}
    set hr [expr {0.01 * round(100 * ($hr + (1.0 * $min)/60))}]

    return [format "%.2f" $hr]
 proc updateTimer {} {
    set ::timer(now) [fmtTime [clock sec]]
    if {$::timer(state)} {
        set elapsed_sec [expr {$::timer(prev) + [clock sec] - $::timer(init)}]
        set ::timer(elapsed) [timeElapsed $elapsed_sec]

 ## -- Top frame
 pack [frame .top] -side top
 pack [label .top.l -textvar timer(now) -font {Tahoma 18}] -side left -padx 6

 # Buttons
 pack [frame .top.buttons] -side right -padx 6
 set clockbutton [button .top.buttons.t -image appclock16 -relief flat \
    -width 16]
 pack $clockbutton -side left
 set recordbutton [button .top.buttons.rec -image record16 -relief flat]
 pack $recordbutton -side left

 ## -- Bottom frame
 pack [frame .bottom] -side bottom
 pack [label .bottom.l -textvar timer(elapsed) -font {Tahoma 10}]

 $clockbutton config -command "toggleTimer $clockbutton"
 set_balloon $clockbutton "Start/stop timer"
 $recordbutton config -command "recordTime $clockbutton"
 set_balloon $recordbutton "Clear and save to clipboard"

 ## Start program!
 set timer(elapsed) "00:00"
 every 1000 updateTimer

EKB With the magic of Freewrap, this is now available to the world as a Windows executable: [L1 ]

Thanks for writing this app. I've found it really useful. It's just so cool how contributions feed on each other: some simple test code, someone expands it for usefulness, and then releases it to the world.

EKB That's great! Thanks for posting this.

see also multiple timers

Category Date and Time | Category Application